Chapter 19
~~ Fight To Finish ~~Night had fallen completely and the blue crescent moon shone at its peak. An ambience of calmness and serenity was dispelled from the moonlit sky, showering on Huntsville like the morning dew.A green dirt bike rode fast through the woods, maneuvering through trees and stomps. Kira cuddled firmly to Ian’s waist as they sped through the woods. Ian didn’t slow down, he rode as fast as he could. If in any situation they were to crash, their worn helmets were there to safeguard them. All he had on his mind was saving his little sister, Avery.Mia’s car couldn’t go fast due to its size, and had to take cleared routes, sometimes turning and turning before heading in the right direction. So, she and Chase were a little far behind.Then, they heard a loud shout from nearby. Its pitch was as that of a male with deep voice. Ian instantly recognized the voice.“Peter,” he muttered before turning in the direction of the scream.He spotted the Mystic wolf towering over the kneeling Peter, its claws drenched in blood.He stopped his bike and jumped down, immediately taking off his helmet and running towards the scene. Kira jumped down, took off her helmet and ran after him.“Hey! Hey! I’m here! Leave him alone!!” Ian yelled at the top of his voice as he got closer to the Wolf.A mischievous smile formed on the Wolf’s face as it heard Ian’s voice. Still staring down at Peter, it said, ““Whelcome. Dhon’t whorry, ii whasn’t plhanning tto khill hhim anhyways. Hhe whas tto bbe mhy bhait…”” it scoffed. ““Bhut ii gueess thhat whon’t be nhecessary aghain.””Ian stopped some feet behind it and exhaled, “Just don’t kill him. I’m the one you need.”At that moment, the Mystic Wolf’s crimson eyes glowed bright, its fangs coming out as it smiled, and it vanished with the wind. Peter passed out right after.“Ian, watch out!” Kira yelled and stepped in front of him, her sword cutting the air diagonally from right to left…Clang!Metal met bone, the sword blocking the Wolf’s lunged claw just in time.If not for Kira’s heightened hunter perceptions, Ian’s head would have been cleared off his neck.““Ah…. Ahnother hhunter…”” the Wolf smiled, pressing its claws harder against Kira’s katana blade.Kira held the pink hilt firmly as the huge beast pressured on her. But it was too much, just too much. Her legs started shaking, the bones in her arms tweaking, and she dropped on one knee. Still, the Wolf pressured on, while her body quivered with heaviness.“Ah!” Ian leapt and punched the Mystic Wolf in the cheek.But, his hands bounced back instead and he almost lost balance. His face contorted in pain.The Wolf just looked at him with a raised brow, ““Dhid yhou tapp mhe?””Ian frowned, “No… I… Never mind.”‘God, I’m so useless!’, he palmed his face.The subdued Kira capitalized on the split second that the Mystic Wolf lost its focus when it faced Ian. She pushed forward with all her might, before springing back and landed on her butt. The Wolf didn’t seem worried about it. It was just staring at Ian.““Soo, ahre yhou ghoing tto layy yhour hhead whillingly or ii khill hher fhirst fhor yhou to ahccept?”” it asked pointing at Kira, who had taken a fight stance.“I will. Don’t hurt her or anyone else, just bring Avery to me,” Ian tried to negotiate, walking round to stand beside Kira.“She is perfectly fine. I’d never hurt my student,” the Wolf’s voice, for the first time, sounded normal and feminine. “Just lay down your life and she’d be returned home safely.”‘Damn! Either way, I die…’ Ian felt disappointed.“I still can’t believe you’re the same Ms. Selene that looked so beautiful and kind,” he scoffed.The Wolf growled, ““Bheauty liies iin thhe hheart. Nhever ghet attraacted jhust bhecase shomething’s ghood lhooking onn thhe outsside,” It’s voice returned to normalcy; an undulating pitch and escorting whispers.“Who are you to preach such morality?” Kira shouted with a frown. “You’re nothing but an apathetic killing machine!” she pointed her sword at it.Ian looked at her in surprise, ‘Wow. She looks so confident and speaks loud. Does she have a dual personality?’Not giving it that much thought, he turned his head straight to look at the Mystic Wolf.‘If I’m to die either way, then fighting back would be the better option. Well… Would have been if I actually knew how to do that. Heh…‘Kira’s the one standing between me and death right now. But who knows, maybe my supposed Aeonic status could help.’“Okay, Ms. Selene, it seems I have no option than to make you show me where my sister is. And to do that, I’d have to take you down first,” Ian hollered, cracking his knuckles – that didn’t crack or make a single sound.The Mystic Wolf scoffed, ““Ffine bhy me.””Kira brandished her sword, taking a classic fight stance. The Mystic Wolf growled.~Slam!The doors to a black car, slammed shut as Mia and Chase alighted from it.Mia was holding onto a baseball bat and a flashlight, while Chase held a Taser gun and also a flashlight.“Hey, wait up!” Chase half-shouted, walking briskly to catch up with Mia, who had sauntered off into the dimly illuminated woods.“Move fast, sloth-y feet,” Mia replied in her usual mood, not stopping for Chase.Chase rolled his eyes and ran, before finally catching up to her. Even at that, he still walked briskly like a toddler, behind her. She had shorter legs, yet faster than him. He had always been lazy, never wanted to do anything stressful.They had discussed with Ian and Kira, prior before now, to split into two groups. Ian and Kira would distract the Wolf, while they looked for Avery. Ian had directed them to where he perceived Avery from.Their flashlights beamed white light, brightening the path before them as they searched for the little girl.“You sure this is the right place?” Chase asked, fear slowly seeping into his bones.“How should I know. Am I Ian?” she replied with an indifferent expression, trudging on between trees.“Hehe…”Chase chuckled sheepishly. “Maybe I should call him to ask.”He then stopped, bringing out his phone.With an exasperated grunt, Mia stopped too and turned to look at him, “Oh yeah! Call him to ask and then the Wolf knows we’re here and rushes here to kill us, then proceeds to kill Ian, then Kira, because our plan failed. Why didn’t I think of that!?”Chase’s hand was left hanging in the air, his phone held in it. Heh… And he thought he was the most sarcastic one, but she beats him by far. He dipped the phone back in his pocket and sighed.“Fair point.”Mia exhaled and drew close to him. She rubbed his left cheek with her hand, her deep sea blue eyes gazing into his brown eyes, “Of course. That’s why you’re the smart one and I’m the cute dumb one.”She patted his cheek and turned, gradually walking away.Chase was dazed for a second, before smiling like a baby that had just gotten candy. His smile soon faded when he realized something.“I’d take it you were ironically speaking!” he half-shouted, walking up to her.She laughed, “Took you long enough. You really are dumb.”Chase rolled his eyes, “You don’t have to rub it in, you know?”She smiled and tilted her head to look at him, before returning her gaze to the path before her, “And cute too,” she shrugged.They had walked for some minutes, when they heard ruffling noises, that sounded very close by.Chase tensed up, “It’s here!”“No, silly. That’s…” she pointed her flashlight at the spot she heard the sound. “… Avery!” her eyes dilated in shock and joy.Chase gasped and was left speechless.“We found her! Come on!” Mia dragged him by the wrist and rushed towards Avery, who was trapped in a make-shift cage made of vines. She was gagged with a piece of cloth, torn from her plain blue gown. She held the vines once she saw some people approaching, trying to scream for help through the gag.“Hey, Avery, it’s me. Sorry it took us so long,” Chase feigned a comforting smile as he crouched in front of the cage. But on the inside, he was hurting. She was only eight years old and had to go through such trauma.Mia also felt the same, but it didn’t show on her face. Her stoic expression hid her feelings perfectly.“Okay… Uncle Chase will get you out any moment now,” Chase stood up and turned to Mia. “Got anything sharp?”Mia just scoffed and brought out a pocket knife from her pocket. She reached the cage and began to cut the vines. They were thick and big, so it took her some minutes to caught a part big enough for Avery to crawl out.As Avery got out, she hugged Mia tightly. Mia wasn’t that surprised, they had known each other so much that Avery started calling her Ian’s girlfriend. She rubbed her scattered brown hair, before disengaging from the warm embrace. She loosed the gag around the little girl’s mouth and the latter let out a long and relieved exhale.One thing that shocked Chase was that there wasn’t a sign on Avery’s face that she cried.‘Wasn’t she scared? Of Ms. Selene? Of the dark? Meh… If she found out that uncle Chase is scared of these things, I’d probably loose my respect. Heh…’She hugged him too and he carried her in his arms. Though she didn’t cry, she was weak and sad.“Come on, let’s get you home,” he said as he and Mia walked side by side towards the car..~Swish! Swish!Kira swung her sword to slash the Mystic Wolf. But it wasn’t as fast and accurate like that of her parents, so the Wolf dodged with ease. It was only toying with her before slowly killing her, to spite Ian.Frustrated with no successful hits, Kira lunged her sword straight to stab the Wolf in the chest. The Wolf parried the sword aside with its claws. But the quick-witted Kira, sharply threw her leg forward, kicking it in the lower torso. It didn’t have any effect on it, and now she was left open.The Mystic wolf raised its claws and was about to slash her chest, when…TinkA small stone touched its head and dropped to the floor. It turned its head to the side in confusion. The almost-dead Kira took some steps back and also turned to see where the stone came from.Ian was standing there with loads of stones packed in his joined arms.“What?” he asked, noticing their perplexed expression. “I’m trying to contribute as much as I can.”““Yhou ahre jhust tooo obthuse tto bhe aan Aeon. I willl ghet bhack tto yhou,”” the Wolf snared and turned to face Kira. ““She’d be fhasteer to khill.””‘Blazing Radiance!’ Kira said inwardly and concentrated. Slowly, the Japanese texts, triangle and circle insignia on her Katana’s blade, transformed into the shape of a flame.The Wolf bounced off the ground and descended towards her, its arms stretched out to claw her when it gets close.“No!” was all Ian could say, he couldn’t do anything.As the Wolf inched closer in a projectile, pink crackling flames erupted over Kira’s blade and she swiped horizontally at its opened torso and stepped back.Slash!A cut was made on the Wolf’s skin as it landed, smoke exuding from it. It roared from the burning feeling around the wound.Kira rushed at it again, now certain that her attacks would hit…Bam!The Wolf swatted her aside with the back of its hand. Kira was sent flying some feet back, before crashing to the floor. The Wolf was now vexed. Its lenient attitude towards her almost got it killed.Ian ran up to Kira and knelt beside her head.“Kira… Kira! Are you okay?” he asked, patting her cheeks.“I’ll be fine. But I think I broke my arm,” she grunted in pain and tried to smile.Ian looker at her, mad at himself for being so useless. He just pushed her to fight a mystical beast from another world without thinking twice. How stupid was he.“Stay with me, okay?” he stood up and turned to the beast. “It’s just me and you now, lunatic! Isn’t that why you wanted!?”The Wolf smiled, ““Ehxactly.””With that, it dashed at Ian, who was prepared for the worst.Thoom!An invisible force field around Ian repelled the Wolf back as soon as its fist came close. It landed on its feet.‘I see… It no longer works against my claws only, but every part of me. Doesn’t matter, I’ll get what I want!’Many Runic circles appeared around it and joined to form an armor around its body, shining red and starry. It cracked its neck and bolted at Ian once more.In proximity, and before Ian could even figure that it was close, it rained multiple punches and slashes with its claws and fists, shockwaves upon shockwaves erupting from the impacts with the force field bubble surrounding Ian.In contrast to the loud bangs outside, inside the bubble was rather quite, if not too quite. But all the same, Ian was squatted, his arms over his face for protection even though he was protected already. He was only acting on instincts. He then summoned courage and took a peak through his fingers. He saw the Wolf’s fist moving towards him. He winced, extending his arm up to block it out of instincts again.Thoom!A repulsive wave was produced, lashing against the Wolf and shooting it back, through two trees, decimating them completely. It collided with the ground with prudent force, a force strong enough to kill over a dozen men if they went through the same process simultaneously.As it laid on the ground, the armor of runes around it glitches with flickering sparks, before fading off completely. It took it no time to bounce up to its feet again, though it felt a little drained this time. It felt as though, Ian’s bubble had been absorbing its energy while it attacked, then used it launch the attack. Normally, the Wolf wasn’t at full strength. Since when it arrived in Huntsville, to sharing its essence with a Wolf for decoy.‘Wow! It happened again, just like last time… Does that mean…? I guess I do have powers to fight now,’ Ian pondered, staying rooted to a spot in fear that moving could dispel his shield. ‘Or is it the pendant?’His mind suddenly spun to what happened early this morning before he left for school. Today was his birthday and his mum was the first to congratulate him, on his bed. His mum had come into his room and sat with him, telling him how proud a mother she was, to see him become a man. Especially his late father. Then she opened a small box in her hand and brought out a pendant of many colors. She gave it to him, saying it was a request made by his father and that he should make a wish before the next day. She also apologized that his father had died so early in his life. Even she herself couldn’t really remember him; it was like a part of her memory died with him. Or maybe all the therapy sessions she did to ease her trauma at the time, eventually made her develop temporary amnesia about her late husband.He was currently wearing the pendant around his neck; the many colors entwined with each other.Thud! Thud!Ian could hear the quick and heavy footsteps of the beast, rushing towards him. He stood bold, prepping to launch an attack with his own will this time.‘I can do this. I just have to imagine me doing it, and have faith…’Just then, he saw Kira jump in front of him, holding her sword with her left hand, since her right arm was broken.‘What the hell! Is she crazy!?’“Kira, stop! I have this--”Before he could talk her out of it, she ran towards the Wolf and slashed…Bam!The Wolf bashed her out of the way with the back of its hand and she was sent hurling through the air, spinning like a ragdoll before crashing to the ground, bleeding from her head, and knocked out cold.“No!!!” Ian screamed at the top of his voice, devastated by the gruesome sight of the one he loved.The Wolf had neared him and was about to attack, when Ian turned straight with bloodshot eyes and pushed his hand forward whilst yelling. The multicolored pendant on his chest glowed in a beautiful radiance.Boom!A transparent energetic wave exploded out of Ian as he levitated, and it traveled omnidirectionally throughout the woods. Although, the violent effect of the wave was only focused on one side — on the Mystic wolf. The rest of the wave brimmed with pious auras. It whipped at it violently, ridding it off its energy as it was shot far back, scaling through trees upon trees, breaking them like twigs.It finally crashed meters away, now as a battered Ms. Selene. She grunted as she squirmed on the ground like a worm in salt. Almost all her mystical energy had been expended.‘This is bad. He’s already unlocked it. They… Have to know…’ she thought while staggering to her feet.‘But… They hate… No! Lord Dhamon will be very pleased with this information.’A wry smile formed on her lips. She managed to raise her left arm straight, opening her palm as a faint runic circle formed before it.“A’stra Tra’vele!” she muttered in an unknown tongue. Something she hadn’t had to do since she got here, but she was too exhausted to use a mind spell.Space warped before her, convulsing like a person’s heartbeat, before bursting open into a portal that led to only God-knows-where.“Dhemistaria awaits you, Aeon,” were her last words before she jumped into the portal and it closed up immediately.The glowing pendant dimmed. Ian’s feet slowly touched the ground as he saw and heard her leave. Her last words replayed in his head over and over like a loop. It freaked him.“Dhemistaria awaits you, Aeon.”Related Chapters
Whitefield: Shattered Realms Serenity
Chapter 20 ~~ Serenity ~~ Everyone – The hunters, Peter, Marc, Kira. They were all resuscitated by the wave dispelled by Ian earlier. The Hashimotos were the first to regain consciousness and they met with Ian. They thanked him for saving their lives, but as usual, he was modest and told them it was nothing. Though, he was shocked as to how they knew he was the one that did it, since they were unconscious at the time. “Err… H-How did you guys know I was the one that did it?” he asked humbly whilst rubbing the back of his neck. “Well, firstly, you were the only one standing,” Tadashi shrugged. ‘Of course. So obvious!’ Ian face palmed. “And… We know who you truly are,” Tadashi added. “Huh? You do?” Ian wasn’t shocked, but rather, curious. “Can you tell me more about me? Even I don’t get what an Aeon is,” he smiled, scratching the back of his neck in embarrassment. “Yes. Of course. But… Not here…” Asuma nodded while looking around to see Peter slowly waking up. She nodded at Tada
Whitefield: Shattered Realms Welcome
Chapter 21 ~~ Welcome ~~ Ian yelled with bulged eyes as he moved at light speed through a tunnel of many colors. His body was curved forward from the inundating inertia. His deep grey eyes reflected the bright multicolor. Just then, the walls of the multicolored tunnel, cracked. They cracked again till they exploded to shards of colorful glasses and a very bright beam of light gushed in, causing the freaked out Ian to close his eyes shut. Darkness, took over… ~ With soft moans, Ian slowly opened his eyes and was met with a blurry vision. He had to blink a few times, before getting a much clearer view. He felt peace and serenity rule his entire being. It was as though he had passed through a rejuvenation chamber — if there was anything like that. He sniffed in and exhaled. Then he began to move his limbs; his fingers and toes. He raised his arms over his face and took a glance at his hands, before dropping them. He did not know what prompted him to do so, but he just did it. He k
Whitefield: Shattered Realms Real or Surreal
Chapter 22 ~~ Real or Surreal ~~ At that moment, he heard a voice. A deep voice so bold and authentic. A voice resounding with joy and authority. A voice that said… “Welcome, to Dhemistaria!” “What the hell!?” Ian’s eyes narrowed at first, then a certain realization dawned on him and his eyes went wide, his mouth letting out a gasp. “Dhemistaria? No way! That’s… That’s…” He instantly recalled what Ms. Selene, the Mystic Wolf him told him. Dhemistaria was the other realm she came from, and also called it Ian’s homeland. He also remembered her last words to him… “Dhemistaria awaits you, Aeon.” But how was it possible that he was here? What brought him to this other realm? Is this real or not? Normally, he’d have passed it off as a dream, but no, this felt too real. It was as though he had been here his whole life. He felt attached and familiar with this Dhemistaria. What about those memories he had… “Khelian?” A feminine voice that was cracked and worried, pierced his ears. It
Whitefield: Shattered Realms Survey
Chapter 23 ~~ Survey ~~ Ian made up his mind to be Khelian Harlow and live like him till he figured a way out of Dhemistaria and back to Earth. He went to the living room and engaged in a casual conversation with his family. His father was no more. He was part of the King’s elite warriors and died on the battlefield. Ian was just glad that his mum in this realm, didn’t bother to get married again. Unlike his mum on Earth, who brought Peter to his life. It wasn’t all bad too; he got to have Avery, a sister he loved and cherished. Though, Annabelle was his blood sister here, and Avery was his stepsister on Earth, he loved Avery more. They had breakfast, which was bread and mayonnaise with tea. The tea was only hot water and green leaf, causing Ian to almost spit it out. But he managed to swallow the bitter liquid so as not to raise any suspicion. Other than that and the absence of electricity, he found this realm to be quite similar to Earth. In terms of language and food. It was j
Whitefield: Shattered Realms School and Surprises
Chapter 24 ~~ School and Surprises ~~ Ian shook off his shock and boarded another carriage home, he had spent too much time in the city. He was chanced to buy some sweets from a woman that boarded the same carriage as him. He just felt he should get something for Annabelle before he got home. The former Khelian used to do it, and now, it’s in his reflex mind. After over half an hour of treading the interlocked roads, the carriage came to stop in front of his wooden house. He paid the rider and hopped down. He also stole a chance to thank the woman he bought the sweets from. As the carriage rode off, he turned towards his house. Though it was completely made of wood, it was actually eye catching. The smoothened walls looked polished and they glistered from the rays of the two suns. He walked up the short flight of stairs and entered the house, stepping into the living immediately. ‘Oh… Just like… Home,’ he thought as he stared at the living room. It had the same setting as the one
Whitefield: Shattered Realms Blessings and Curses
Chapter 25 ~~ Blessings and Curses ~~ Ms. Selene was beaming with smiles as she entered the class. “Good morning, everyone.” “Good morning, ma,” most of the students greeted back, while the rest either ignored or were busy doing something else. Ian was part of the latter group. His crystal eyes were wide open in astonishment, his mouth slightly opened. He couldn’t believe what he saw. He was staring right at the same woman that had almost killed him and his sister. The same woman that could transform into a magical werewolf. The same woman that told him they’d meet again, in this world. Ian closed his mouth and gulped. ‘How? How was she so sure I’ll be brought here?’ ‘This is insane! I have to get out of here!’ Ian tensed up once he locked eyes with Ms. Selene. She didn’t take her eyes off him afterwards. She kept staring at him with narrowed eyes, like he had done something wrong. Goose bumps dotted Ian’s skin from being gazed upon by the woman’s tenacious crimson eyes. The
Whitefield: Shattered Realms Feelings
Chapter 26 ~~ Feelings ~~ Spatial blessing enabled Ian to manipulate space to some extent. While on earth, he was only able to form a barrier around him; it was more of a reflex action though. It usually happened on impulse. But after grasping how it worked, he was able to push space around him — how he repelled the Mystic Wolf. But compared to what he now had in his memory, that was only on a minutissimic scale. He now had better understanding of how the blessing worked. He could push, pull and bend space to the extent of his imagination. Though, Khelian wasn't at an advanced stage yet, due to his nonchalant attitude, he was still a lot more powerful than Ian was on Earth, and could have taken the Mystic Wolf out without stress. He heard a short squeak behind him, he figured it was Amelia taking her seat. He was too intimidated by her presence. Aside her beauty, the way she carried herself and talked, exuded royalty. He turned to look at Karen beside him. She had her jaw rested o
Whitefield: Shattered Realms Flowers and Roses
Chapter 27 ~~ Flowers and Roses ~~ Students trooped out of the school in their many numbers. They mostly walked in pairs and groups, chatting and laughing casually as they strolled. The atmosphere was no different from that of Earth — students were always happy and relieved that learning was over for the day and that they were going back home. Karen walked alone. Her face was moody as she strolled idly out of the building. She kept walking straight like a programmed robot till she got out of the premises. Ian just rolled his eyes after watching her leave like someone that got stabbed in the back. ‘I was wrong to think she's like Mia. Mia is way more feisty and never has she broken down emotionally. Pfft.’ He stroked the leather strap of his bag around his chest and finally walked out of the school building. He didn't head for the gate-less exit, instead he took some steps to the right, then to the left whilst his eyes scanning for something. He stopped after a minute or two and
Latest Chapter
Epilogue… His lush golden hair swayed gently to the whispering wind as he enjoyed a hot cup of tea. He had his legs crossed, seated on a boulder by the crackling fire place. He picked the cup from its saucer and was about to take a sip when the entirety of “that” metaphysical plane shook to its cognitive foundations. The wind howled to the furious distortion in space. The cup in his hand cracked and shattered to pieces, the liquid drying up instantly. As though the space before him was an invisible wall, it rippled as a hand punctured it. A second hand came through and simultaneously, they pulled space apart like a soft piece of fabric. It was the silver-white haired, crystal-blue eyed Ian Whitefield, that walked out of the rip in space. It mended itself as he completely walked through. His crystal-blue eyes were a bit pale under the umbrella of his arched eyelashes. His face was stern as he stood on a spot, glaring at his father, Ghordon. Ghordon dusted off the ceramic crumbs on
Chapter 125 ~ Wistfulness ~ Ian, Amelia and Raymond, along with their two captives, entered the realm of Knyghts. They met the realm in ruins. Most of the realm had been decimated and leveled to ash and soot. The atmosphere was damp; the clouds were dark grey and ash dripped down the sky like a snow shower. Though, at the moment of their entry, the realm was quite serene, it was pretty much obvious that a war had broken out — a fierce one. The soaring Saphira spotted Rhegalius Claive and landed beside him. The trio alighted the saddle and they had a long talk. The Knyght told them how Dhamon instigated an invasion to the Upper realm but Knyghtstead refused to join, hence putting a big bull’s eye on the realm’s back. He told them how Oregon and the realm of giants breached Knyghtstead and wrecked havoc. Well… the Knyghts were actually faring well, but couldn’t fight at their peak because of the civilians; to avoid casualties. So they tried their best to corner the opposition and push
Chapter 124 ~~ Aftermath ~~ Ian watched King Dhamon fade to oblivion like he never existed. He had his eyes fixated on that spot for about two minutes before raising his head to the turbulent sky and exhaled. He dropped his head and sat on the edge of the slanted building. He kept staring at his dangling legs, sighing at intervals. ‘Is it really over? The all powerful King Dhamon is gone… Well, not all powerful… Mother Knox said he was on par with some demi-gods and yet… I-I just defeated him?’ He held his head and rested his elbows on his thighs, ‘It feels so unreal. I was wielding only a fragment of Ghordon’s essence and it was more than enough to kill him. Wait… Did I just kill someone?’ his eyes dilated for a moment, then he sighed. ‘Tch. He was no longer human.’ “How are you faring, little god?” Mother Knox appeared out of thin air and sat next to Ian. Normally, he’d have been startled but he wasn’t. He tilted his head to take a glance at her, then retracted his eyes to his
Chapter 123 ~ Space-Time ~ ‘This feels… Incredible. It’s like my mind has been opened to several possibilities, several ways I can use my blessing. Ways I could never think of.’ Ian floated around the shattered spaces rocks, mesmerized by the thoughts running through his head. Various attacks and counter measures skimmed through his mind; attacks that made him sure he'd win even with his spatial blessing alone. He raised his right hand and fixated it on Dhamon. The latter had just obliterated the asteroids surrounding him out of frustration. With the King locked in his bull’s eye, he fisted his palm and drew it back. Space warped around Dhamon and pulled him towards Ian in an Instant. However, Dhamon had readied a fist blazing with nether whilst in motion. As he got in proximity with Ian, he lunged his fist at his face. But then, space distorted to Ian's call and the young man vanished while a large asteroid simultaneously took his place. Dhamon ended up punching the asteroids to
Fifteen Percent?
Chapter 122 ~~ Fifteen percent? ~~ Specks of blue essence dissociated gradually from Ghordon’s body and seeped into Ian's chest. By now, Ghordon’s right arm and a part of his shoulder had dissociated completely. Ian's brows kept twitching as he tried to maintain an undeterred focus on the process. His hand would quiver in intervals as he resisted the urge to let go of Ghordon’s hand. “Stay calm, Ian. The calmer you are, the faster the merge,” Ghordon said with a soothing voice. With his eyes still closed, Ian grunted, “This is taking too long. Everyone is in danger. I can feel it.” Ghordon sighed, “That’s why I need you to clear your mind. The faster we do this, the better we have a chance of saving everyone.” Rumble! A tremor shook the metaphysical plane, almost swiping Ghordon and Ian off their feet. They staggered from side to side, still holding onto each other. “What was that?” Ian asked. Ghordon’s eyes narrowed, “It’s too soon.” Ian raised a brow, “It feels like somet
Domain of Darkness
Chapter 121~ Domain of Darkness ~“Athena, the goddess of storms and Metallurgy,” Dhamon said, coming to a stop a few meters away from her. Then he bowed slightly, “My apologies. It's Mother Knox, isn’t it?”Mother Knox stared at the Dhemistarian in disdain. She could tell from their proximity and the malevolent aura exuding him, that he had risen to the level of a demigod. She creased her brows as she felt him getting stronger even as he spoke. His contact with the Upper dimension where primordial cosmic energies flowed freely might be acting as a catalyst to his godhood affinity.“It burdens me how everyone adores and worships you, calling you the goddess of this, the goddess of that. When in truth you’re nothing but a copied waste product of the true gods themselves,” Dhamon spoke like he was on his throne. His boldness before the demigoddess was unmatched. “You should tell everyone the truth that you’re a false god.”“And you think you can become a true god yourself?” Mother Knox
Chapter 120~~ Rumble ~~The Upper Dimension, Mother Knox's realm…Mabel's long brown hair was in a fluttering frenzy as she dashed forward in zigzags, dodging the lashing tentacles from the gigantic octopus. Amelia stood on its head, doing nothing but watching her animals take care of the enemy.Mabel had taken down only two of the large wild animals that were made of rocks and plants. Her anger and frustration was clearly visible on her face. They weren’t made of flesh and blood, so killing them was kind of pointless and underwhelming. All she wanted was a simple bloodbath, and could only get that from a living creature. That’s why she was still moving forward — to maul Amelia. The thought of taking her back alive had eloped her. She had been overwhelmed by her beastly side.A long shadow suddenly loomed over her and she raised her head to see two tentacles descending towards her. Her glowing blue eyes brightened under her arched brows.Roar!She let out a concentrated a sonic roar,
The Siege
Chapter 119~ The Siege ~Knyghtstead…Conner jolted forward on his chair as the bell rang loudly, reverberating around the tall tower. He swayed his brown hair back and stood up, leaning towards the window frame of the tower’s peak. He could see the rift — that was over a kilometer away from them, ripple continuously.“He’s back…” he whispered to himself and scurried around the small open room. At the bottom edge of each window frames were protruded circular bricks with foreign carvings engraved on them. Setting his mind and body at peace, he touched each one with his palm, imbuing them with his qi before pushing them into the wall.Clang!As he pushed the last one in, the rift went to a standstill. A few seconds later, the shape of a door appeared beneath the rift. One could see Dhemistaria at the other side and the silhouette of a tall man. The man walked through from Dhemistaria to Knyghtstead in matter of seconds, as though he was moving from one room to the other. The door dissi
Spawning the Siege
Chapter 118~~ Spawning the Siege ~~Huntsville, Earth…|Department of Defense and Technology — D.O.D.T|Inside the 50th floor of the sky high building….The pulsing yellow portal shone brightly before closing up.Mr. Patterson straightened the few wrinkles on his black suit by pulling the fringes. He sighed as the portal closed and plopped to his swiveling black chair.He remained seated for minutes, swiveling from side to side, deep in thoughts.‘Hmmm. I never thought he’d initiate it so soon, something must have gone wrong. I still have a lot of preparation to do, more men and more power,’ he stopped his chair from turning and leaned forth, placing his hands on the table. ‘Luckily, I’ve been preparing twice as hard. I should have enough for Huntsville. That’s a start. The fear and death should full him enough.’His lips curved up to a smirk, his black eyes exuding this… malicious intent.He rose to his feet and walked out of his office. Taking the elevator, he descended to the last