Chapter 13
~~ Second Confrontation ~~“Ian!“Ian!“What the hell happened!?“Answer me!... Oh shit!”Chase’s loud and panicking voice blared from the cracked phone that lay dormant of the asphalt road. He yelled and yelled as much as he could, but nothing other than silence replied him.“Ian--”Before his voice could blare out again, the large feet of a humanoid bipedal beast, trampled the phone to shreds. It continued its slow paced stride, giving it a more ominous feeling, its fangs and claws gleaming under the radiating moon from the sky, its crimson eyes beaming bloodlust.The smoke exuding the dirt bike that had crashed into a tree, wafted onto the road and the Mystic Wolf walked through it, its growls getting louder to Ian, who was just a few feet away.Ian grunted in pain, his body squirming like the ground was a pool he could swim in. The pain was just too much. And just as fast as it came, the gnawing pain faded. Ian laid still as calmness permeated his systems, causing him to let out a relieved sigh.At that moment, the calm feeling aggravated to an icy one, sending recurrent chills down his spine. His body tensed, likewise his heart beating slower. This wasn’t his body healing himself, this was something totally different. He could sense rage and bloodlust surround him. He was afraid, but his body was reacting differently. Instead of the casual increased heart beats and heated systems, he felt the complete opposite.His fear had increased so much he felt cold and frozen. Whatever was coming sure meant to end him!‘This is bad!’Ian felt something grab his bicep and his body turned unwillingly to face the lit moonlight sky. Then, a large hand held his neck, lifting him off the ground completely. Even as he was 6ft tall, his leg still dangled from the ground with a height of almost 3ft.He reflexively raised his hands and latched them on the hand holding his neck, in an attempt to yank it off and save himself. But all to no avail.Whilst choking and struggling, he opened his right eye to have a peek at his assailant. He already had a good guess at who it was… Or what it was rather. But the extreme ominous feeling made him have some doubts. Opening his eye, he saw his assailant to be the red furred Mystic Wolf that almost killed him and Chase the week before.But why the sudden change in intent? Was it mad at him for escaping or what?““Yhoou,”” the beast said with longevity. ““I shee yhou’ve uhnlockeed shome ohf yhour ghifffts ahlrready… Thhat whaas hhow yhou fhledd thhe ohther thime.””Ian kept struggling, kicking forward in the air, over and over, hoping to hit its chest, so it’d let him go.““Whell, yhou whon’t bhe sho lhucky thhis thime,”” it grinned, raising the choking Ian higher. It pulled its arm back to some extent before yanking it forward, flinging Ian across the road with immense force.Ian summersaulted roughly in the air, before colliding brutally with the ground. He landed with his right collar bone, before rolling down the road.Crack… Snap!He heard his own bones crack and break within his body. He yelled like a child, the pain overwhelming. He couldn’t even move afterwards.““Yhou, ahccursed Aeon, aare mhy wiinning thrroophy. Yhou… Arre… Mhyy… Rhedemption!”” the Mystic Wolf soliloquized as it strolled menacingly towards Ian, who had began to move his limbs.Tweak… Tweak…Ian could hear his damaged bones tweaking and repairing themselves. The sound alone disgusted him, and the bizarre recuperation freaked him. He had always healed fast ever since he was born, but only to minor injuries, and he also never fell sick. That was why he wasn’t too surprised when he healed quick from last week’s encounter with the beast. But his broken bones resetting themselves, in seconds, on a spot? That was beyond weird.Hearing the footsteps get closer, he rolled to his side, then on his face. The rough asphalt stung his palms as he pressed them against it, pushing himself up. He managed to raise himself to his knees, panting and perspiring.“Wha-What do you want from me?... What are you exactly?” Ian summoned courage to ask, still on his knees and regulating his breathing.The Werewolf smirked, ““Yhour hhead iis ahll I nheed, Aeon. Anhd I ahm nnot fhrom thhis rhealm, yhou channot chompremend whho ii ahm.””“You mean, what you are?” Ian asked. “Don’t tell me you’re human?”““Lhike I pretoldd, ii amm inncromprehensible. I amm nhot ann annimal, nneither am ii Huuman,”” it stopped, towering over Ian.‘Dude, you’re a wolf. Of course you’re an animal!’ Ian retorted inwardly.““Nhow…”” it raised its hand to grab Ian, but the latter quickly interjected.“Wait, wait…” he panted. “Where is this other realm that you come from? Does it have a name?”With its hand still raised, it answered, ““Dhemistaria, yhour hhomeland.””The Mystic Wolf’s claws extended as it cleaved down at him.Ian’s eyes dilated when it called Dhemistaria his homeland and was about to beg for more time to explain, when his eyes caught a glimpse of the reflecting, silver, two inched claws coming down at him.Gasp!His body reacted even before he could even think of anything. His forearms extended immediately to cross over his face and…Thoom!A dense collision occurred, sending Ian skidding over a meter back. He stopped on his back and grunted. But then, he realized he could still move. Though he felt pain from the forceful roll, he didn’t feel the impact of the claws impaling him. This prompted him to raise his arms and check. They looked normal and uninjured.‘What the hell!’ he was shocked and began to feel weird about himself. Why didn’t he get stabbed by the Mystic Wolf’s claws? Was his skin impenetrable now? Or did the beast pull a fast one on him?Nah… The latter didn’t make sense; it was bent on ending him as a redemption prize or something.If it was the former, does that mean he had enhanced abilities now?This baffled him. Though, he knew Chase would be thrilled.The Mystic Wolf furrowed its brows, taking a glance at its claws; no drop of blood on them. He knew he targeted the lad’s neck, but it felt like striking an invisible wall around him. This happened the first time they met.It debunked the idea of Ian being impenetrable, because the latter got injured earlier from throwing him across the road; it heard his bones snap. Or was he only untouchable from the outside and his insides were normal? No. That didn’t sound right.Getting overwhelmed by these theories, the Mystic Wolf roared in anger and shot at Ian instaright‘Uh oh!’ Ian just knew he was done for.As the Mystic Wolf got in proximity, it spread out its arms and pulled them close again, Ian in the middle, aiming to slash him simultaneously.Thoom!Again, a collision occurred and Ian was thrown aback, but unaffected by the claws. It happened so fast, Ian didn’t see the impending slashes coming, only feeling himself getting blown away.It was a different case for the Mystic Wolf, that had paid keen attention to all that occurred with its beaming crimson eyes. The impact happened in less than a second, but its perception was far greater.It saw an almost transparent bubble envelope Ian just as its claws were about touching him. That was what had been protecting the white haired lad, and he thought he had superpowers. Heh…This discernment formed a sinister smile on the beast’s face.““Hhis Aeonic gene hhas beeen paartly awakkened and iss protectiing hhim ffrom annyone frrom Dhemistaria. Cuurrse yyou, Ghordon.””““Bhut…,”” its smile widened to a menacing grin. ““Hhow ddoes itt fhair agaainst Magick?””Its right pointed claws quivered a little as their tips began to get redder. Soon enough, the red spot sparked and sparked, the tiny flickers coagulating for form a circle. Within the red circles were red pentagrams.Its crimson eyes lit up, having only one target in sight, Ian Whitefield.Whoosh!It blurred out, zooming towards it’s target.Ian had just wobbled to his feet, staggering to gain balance, when the Mystic Wolf’s circled claws descended upon him.Thoom! Ripple!To the beast’s perspective, it saw the pentagrams sizzle, sinking into the wall like they were dissolving it, as though a hot bar of metal was melting plastic. Its claws entered the bubble completely and were about to touch Ian’s neck…““Yesshh!”” it jubilated with a wide grin.At that very moment…Thoom!The invisible wall exploded towards the Mystic Wolf, whipping it meters back and it collided with the tarred road truculently. Even with that, it got on its feet immediately.Ian was somehow unaffected, just standing there, oblivious to what had just transpired. His humane perception only allowed him to see a blur in front of him, then being thrown far back.As soon as this happened, he turned the other way and ran for his dear life.Growl!The Mystic Wolf gritted its fangs in exasperation and rage. It now dawned on it that such kind of attacks won’t work.It looked ahead at the running Ian with a scowl, ““Thhen ii shhall beeat thhe liife ouut ohf hhim!””It vanished with an upthrust of air, appearing in front of Ian instantaneously. And without the interval of a second, it had grabbed Ian’s neck and began to lash him against the ground with brute force.Bam! Bam! Bam!It struck the lad’s body again and again like a basketball.Snap!Ian’s bones shattered, repaired and shattered again. The pain was inundating. He coughed blood at some point, his head started getting light, his senses going numb.‘Is this it? Is this what death feels like?... It’s terrifying…’Bam! Bam! Bam!The Mystic Wolf did one last slam and raised Ian up. Before the latter could even heal, the beast flung him across the road, and he made collision with a tree, and fell on his face, battered, bruised and shattered. Splinters from the tree’s bark had impaled him.While he was being tossed, Ian saw moments of his childhood play in his head. He saw his whole life flash before his eyes.‘Is… This… It?’With a loud roar, the Mystic Wolf leapt into the air and descended towards Ian.Just then, at that very moment…Bang! Bang! Bang!Multiple bullets were shot sporadically at the airborne beast, shifting its trajectory and it landed close to Ian, its fist tearing a part of the ground that was very close to his head. The bullets couldn’t pierce it, but their numbers made it loose a little focus. It turned around in anger, immediately shielding its face from the meaning headlights of several vehicles.Police cruisers and jeeps lined the other side of the road, the police and D.O.D.T agents standing in front, armed and ready. Peter wasn’t left out. Beside one of the jeeps was Jocelyn, little Avery and Chase. He had informed them as fast as he could and he was relieved to have gotten here in time.Roar!The beast roared and stormed towards them. The men opened fire incessantly, but it trudged on, unaffected, but was slowed down. As it inched closer, the men took cautious steps back.Swish!Out of shadows, a sheen blade slashed the Mystic Wolf chest, leaving a mark and it stumbled back.Thud!A figure landed in front of the vehicles, clad in black leather clothing and shoes. They had a sword in their grasps. There was a symbol etched unto the blade; a triangle with Japanese texts, inside a circle.Due to the hood worn by the figure, no one could discern who the person was, but because of the evident curves on the hips, they figured the person to be a female.““Yhou…”” the Mystuc Wolf looked angry and stunned at the same time. It had a cut on its chest, the same body that couldn’t be affected by bullets. But a sword was able to lay a cut.Its brows arched down as it roared and turned, dashing towards Ian, but the latter had been rescued by the cops when it was distracted. It roared again and bounced into the darkness, disappearing completely. Like on cue, the sword wielding figure also vanished without a trace.A few cops and D.O.D.T agents sauntered forward to make sure it was completely out of proximity. The rest stayed behind, incase it just showed up out of the blues.The unconscious Ian was placed at the back seat of a jeep, Chase seating by his head with a worried face. Jocelyn, with tears held in her eye ducts, managed to hop into the front passenger seat before finally bursting into uncontrollable tears.Peter stayed behind with Avery, who wanted to go with her brother, but Peter didn’t want her to be traumatized than she already was.An assistant to Peter drove the jeep conveying Ian, Chase and Jocelyn, straight to the hospital.“Don’t die on me, bro,” Chase sniffed in.~A lady dressed in leather clothing and hood, pulled up the window to a room and stealthily made her way in.Flick!The lights came on immediately she stepped foot into the room. She flinched back in shock.Seated on the bed was a man and woman; they both looked Asian. The sat like they’d been expecting her.“You went after it? Alone?” the woman asked with a straight face.“I-I didn’t mean to, but it was going to kill him?” the lady answered.The man shook his head, “You know you’re not ready for something like this. It’s too strong.”“I know. I’m sorry mum and dad. But I couldn’t let him die. I… Like him,” her voice went low.The parents smiled and stood up, “We know…”They walked towards the door and opened it, walking out.“Make sure to invite him for dinner again,” her mum said before closing the door.“If I’m bold enough to,” she whispered to herself, taking off her hood as she faced the mirror.Looking at her reflection, she sighed depressingly,“Thank God I got there in time.”Related Chapters
Whitefield: Shattered Realms Love And Loss
Chapter 14 ~~ Love And Loss ~~ Ian was rushed to the hospital and immediately taken to a ward, where he was treated and his wounds were tended to. The doctor and nurses were a bit stunned by the rate at which he recovered. While he was rolled into the hospital on a stretcher, he had deep wounds from big splinters. But just after cleaning them and giving him pain killers, the wounds had almost closed up. It mesmerized them. The white haired lad soon sprung into consciousness, gasping and gasping for air as though he was being choked. But thanks to his mum, Chase and Chase's mum — who's a nurse, he was able to calm down and recollect his proper senses. Chase's mum helped replace his drips and urged him to lie down. But the lad felt completely fine, he only obliged not to gainer any suspicion. His mum tried her best to hold her tears but they kept flowing like subtle waterfalls. She felt really bitter for her son. This would be the second time he'd be attacked by the same assailant.
Whitefield: Shattered Realms Miss Selene
Chapter 15 ~~ Miss Selene ~~ Unknown location. Unknown time…. “You let them escape!!??” a voice boomed across the dimly lit hall, that contained nothing but two silhouettes, standing many feet apart. The silhouette by the door, knelt down on a knee with their head bowed, “My apologies…”, the voice was feminine, “They were too strong--” The other cut in with a deep male voice, “Too strong? Too strong!? You’re a mystic of the Elites, and you dare call a degenerate blessing user, strong?” The female shuddered in fright at the sound of his voice. “How far you have fallen, Selene. You used to own a pack, but here you are, frail as a child’s limbs,” the man smacked his tongue, shaking his head. “Please, Lord. I request for one more opportunity. I promise not to be a disappointment this time,” Selene begged with a cracked voice. She was at the brink of tears. “Hehe…” he laughed with a deep voice. “Your luck has run out. No more chances for you.” Her lips quivered, “Please, my Lord--
Whitefield: Shattered Realms Search Party
Chapter 16 ~~ Search Party ~~ Ian helped his mum get on her feet and walked her to the dining, where she sat on a chair, resting her back with a sniff. He removed another chair from the table and sat in front of her, passing her a napkin from the table. “Mum, please, I need you to calm down and tell me everything,” Ian requested with a serious face and gentle tone. He wanted to know which ‘Selene’ she was referring to. If it was the ‘Selene’ he had in mind, then his missing sister, Avery, was right all along. Jocelyn cleaned the tears from her eyes, wiped her nose and then sniffed, trying her best to hold another round of tears in. Ian tapped his feet on the ground, time was going and they shouldn’t linger any longer. But he couldn’t complain, he knew the trauma his mom was going through and she needed time to recollect herself. Not like he wasn’t scared or saddened, he had just gone through some recent encounters that has made him to act rather calmly. No doubt the Mystic Wolf ha
Whitefield: Shattered Realms Finding Avery
Chapter 17 ~~ Finding Avery ~~ Peter and his men moved out of the house with only one goal in mind — To rescue Avery. They had boarded their jeeps and were about to vacate the premises, when Ian and Chase ran out of the house, shouting for them to stop. Peter poked his head out of the driver’s window, “What is it?” “Where coming too,” Ian said amid pants. Peter frowned, “No, you’re not. I can’t risk loosing you too.” Ian just raised a brow with a slightly opened mouth. Did Peter really care that much about him? “Aww. Such fatherly love,” Chase’s whisper taunted his ears and he pushed the former aside. “We done?” Peter asked, when Ian didn’t reply him. “No! How are you gonna find her without him! He’s the only one that knows where she is!” Chase raised his voice, pointing at Ian. Peter smacked his tongue and gave an air quote while he spoke, “You know I don’t still buy the whole ‘she called you and told you where she is’ thing.” “But it’s true,” Ian defended the lie. “Yeah,
Whitefield: Shattered Realms Hunters. Agents. Lycan.
Chapter 18~~ Hunters. Agents. Lycan. ~~“What the h*ll!?”Peter, Marc and the rest of Agents were utterly stunned. Their eyes were opened wide in bewilderment. They were more of confused than surprised though.They had caught a full glimpse of the Mystic Wolf the other night when Ian was attacked. So, there wasn't much surprise there. But for the fact that some people actually had the guts to face it head on with just swords, didn't make sense to them. They felt left out; there were things surrounding this 'killings and attacks' that were left in the dark.And weren't they supposed to meet Ms.Selene at this location? Or maybe they took the wrong route.Peter moved his neck left and right like a camera, scanning the terrain for his daughter. He knew they've come to the right place. This ongoing battle before them couldn't just be a mere coincidence. Maybe Ms.Selene could somehow manipulate the Mystic Wolf or something. He wasn't sure, but knew she and Avery were close by.~Over ten
Whitefield: Shattered Realms Fight To Finish
Chapter 19 ~~ Fight To Finish ~~ Night had fallen completely and the blue crescent moon shone at its peak. An ambience of calmness and serenity was dispelled from the moonlit sky, showering on Huntsville like the morning dew. A green dirt bike rode fast through the woods, maneuvering through trees and stomps. Kira cuddled firmly to Ian’s waist as they sped through the woods. Ian didn’t slow down, he rode as fast as he could. If in any situation they were to crash, their worn helmets were there to safeguard them. All he had on his mind was saving his little sister, Avery. Mia’s car couldn’t go fast due to its size, and had to take cleared routes, sometimes turning and turning before heading in the right direction. So, she and Chase were a little far behind. Then, they heard a loud shout from nearby. Its pitch was as that of a male with deep voice. Ian instantly recognized the voice. “Peter,” he muttered before turning in the direction of the scream. He spotted the Mystic wolf tow
Whitefield: Shattered Realms Serenity
Chapter 20 ~~ Serenity ~~ Everyone – The hunters, Peter, Marc, Kira. They were all resuscitated by the wave dispelled by Ian earlier. The Hashimotos were the first to regain consciousness and they met with Ian. They thanked him for saving their lives, but as usual, he was modest and told them it was nothing. Though, he was shocked as to how they knew he was the one that did it, since they were unconscious at the time. “Err… H-How did you guys know I was the one that did it?” he asked humbly whilst rubbing the back of his neck. “Well, firstly, you were the only one standing,” Tadashi shrugged. ‘Of course. So obvious!’ Ian face palmed. “And… We know who you truly are,” Tadashi added. “Huh? You do?” Ian wasn’t shocked, but rather, curious. “Can you tell me more about me? Even I don’t get what an Aeon is,” he smiled, scratching the back of his neck in embarrassment. “Yes. Of course. But… Not here…” Asuma nodded while looking around to see Peter slowly waking up. She nodded at Tada
Whitefield: Shattered Realms Welcome
Chapter 21 ~~ Welcome ~~ Ian yelled with bulged eyes as he moved at light speed through a tunnel of many colors. His body was curved forward from the inundating inertia. His deep grey eyes reflected the bright multicolor. Just then, the walls of the multicolored tunnel, cracked. They cracked again till they exploded to shards of colorful glasses and a very bright beam of light gushed in, causing the freaked out Ian to close his eyes shut. Darkness, took over… ~ With soft moans, Ian slowly opened his eyes and was met with a blurry vision. He had to blink a few times, before getting a much clearer view. He felt peace and serenity rule his entire being. It was as though he had passed through a rejuvenation chamber — if there was anything like that. He sniffed in and exhaled. Then he began to move his limbs; his fingers and toes. He raised his arms over his face and took a glance at his hands, before dropping them. He did not know what prompted him to do so, but he just did it. He k
Latest Chapter
Epilogue… His lush golden hair swayed gently to the whispering wind as he enjoyed a hot cup of tea. He had his legs crossed, seated on a boulder by the crackling fire place. He picked the cup from its saucer and was about to take a sip when the entirety of “that” metaphysical plane shook to its cognitive foundations. The wind howled to the furious distortion in space. The cup in his hand cracked and shattered to pieces, the liquid drying up instantly. As though the space before him was an invisible wall, it rippled as a hand punctured it. A second hand came through and simultaneously, they pulled space apart like a soft piece of fabric. It was the silver-white haired, crystal-blue eyed Ian Whitefield, that walked out of the rip in space. It mended itself as he completely walked through. His crystal-blue eyes were a bit pale under the umbrella of his arched eyelashes. His face was stern as he stood on a spot, glaring at his father, Ghordon. Ghordon dusted off the ceramic crumbs on
Chapter 125 ~ Wistfulness ~ Ian, Amelia and Raymond, along with their two captives, entered the realm of Knyghts. They met the realm in ruins. Most of the realm had been decimated and leveled to ash and soot. The atmosphere was damp; the clouds were dark grey and ash dripped down the sky like a snow shower. Though, at the moment of their entry, the realm was quite serene, it was pretty much obvious that a war had broken out — a fierce one. The soaring Saphira spotted Rhegalius Claive and landed beside him. The trio alighted the saddle and they had a long talk. The Knyght told them how Dhamon instigated an invasion to the Upper realm but Knyghtstead refused to join, hence putting a big bull’s eye on the realm’s back. He told them how Oregon and the realm of giants breached Knyghtstead and wrecked havoc. Well… the Knyghts were actually faring well, but couldn’t fight at their peak because of the civilians; to avoid casualties. So they tried their best to corner the opposition and push
Chapter 124 ~~ Aftermath ~~ Ian watched King Dhamon fade to oblivion like he never existed. He had his eyes fixated on that spot for about two minutes before raising his head to the turbulent sky and exhaled. He dropped his head and sat on the edge of the slanted building. He kept staring at his dangling legs, sighing at intervals. ‘Is it really over? The all powerful King Dhamon is gone… Well, not all powerful… Mother Knox said he was on par with some demi-gods and yet… I-I just defeated him?’ He held his head and rested his elbows on his thighs, ‘It feels so unreal. I was wielding only a fragment of Ghordon’s essence and it was more than enough to kill him. Wait… Did I just kill someone?’ his eyes dilated for a moment, then he sighed. ‘Tch. He was no longer human.’ “How are you faring, little god?” Mother Knox appeared out of thin air and sat next to Ian. Normally, he’d have been startled but he wasn’t. He tilted his head to take a glance at her, then retracted his eyes to his
Chapter 123 ~ Space-Time ~ ‘This feels… Incredible. It’s like my mind has been opened to several possibilities, several ways I can use my blessing. Ways I could never think of.’ Ian floated around the shattered spaces rocks, mesmerized by the thoughts running through his head. Various attacks and counter measures skimmed through his mind; attacks that made him sure he'd win even with his spatial blessing alone. He raised his right hand and fixated it on Dhamon. The latter had just obliterated the asteroids surrounding him out of frustration. With the King locked in his bull’s eye, he fisted his palm and drew it back. Space warped around Dhamon and pulled him towards Ian in an Instant. However, Dhamon had readied a fist blazing with nether whilst in motion. As he got in proximity with Ian, he lunged his fist at his face. But then, space distorted to Ian's call and the young man vanished while a large asteroid simultaneously took his place. Dhamon ended up punching the asteroids to
Fifteen Percent?
Chapter 122 ~~ Fifteen percent? ~~ Specks of blue essence dissociated gradually from Ghordon’s body and seeped into Ian's chest. By now, Ghordon’s right arm and a part of his shoulder had dissociated completely. Ian's brows kept twitching as he tried to maintain an undeterred focus on the process. His hand would quiver in intervals as he resisted the urge to let go of Ghordon’s hand. “Stay calm, Ian. The calmer you are, the faster the merge,” Ghordon said with a soothing voice. With his eyes still closed, Ian grunted, “This is taking too long. Everyone is in danger. I can feel it.” Ghordon sighed, “That’s why I need you to clear your mind. The faster we do this, the better we have a chance of saving everyone.” Rumble! A tremor shook the metaphysical plane, almost swiping Ghordon and Ian off their feet. They staggered from side to side, still holding onto each other. “What was that?” Ian asked. Ghordon’s eyes narrowed, “It’s too soon.” Ian raised a brow, “It feels like somet
Domain of Darkness
Chapter 121~ Domain of Darkness ~“Athena, the goddess of storms and Metallurgy,” Dhamon said, coming to a stop a few meters away from her. Then he bowed slightly, “My apologies. It's Mother Knox, isn’t it?”Mother Knox stared at the Dhemistarian in disdain. She could tell from their proximity and the malevolent aura exuding him, that he had risen to the level of a demigod. She creased her brows as she felt him getting stronger even as he spoke. His contact with the Upper dimension where primordial cosmic energies flowed freely might be acting as a catalyst to his godhood affinity.“It burdens me how everyone adores and worships you, calling you the goddess of this, the goddess of that. When in truth you’re nothing but a copied waste product of the true gods themselves,” Dhamon spoke like he was on his throne. His boldness before the demigoddess was unmatched. “You should tell everyone the truth that you’re a false god.”“And you think you can become a true god yourself?” Mother Knox
Chapter 120~~ Rumble ~~The Upper Dimension, Mother Knox's realm…Mabel's long brown hair was in a fluttering frenzy as she dashed forward in zigzags, dodging the lashing tentacles from the gigantic octopus. Amelia stood on its head, doing nothing but watching her animals take care of the enemy.Mabel had taken down only two of the large wild animals that were made of rocks and plants. Her anger and frustration was clearly visible on her face. They weren’t made of flesh and blood, so killing them was kind of pointless and underwhelming. All she wanted was a simple bloodbath, and could only get that from a living creature. That’s why she was still moving forward — to maul Amelia. The thought of taking her back alive had eloped her. She had been overwhelmed by her beastly side.A long shadow suddenly loomed over her and she raised her head to see two tentacles descending towards her. Her glowing blue eyes brightened under her arched brows.Roar!She let out a concentrated a sonic roar,
The Siege
Chapter 119~ The Siege ~Knyghtstead…Conner jolted forward on his chair as the bell rang loudly, reverberating around the tall tower. He swayed his brown hair back and stood up, leaning towards the window frame of the tower’s peak. He could see the rift — that was over a kilometer away from them, ripple continuously.“He’s back…” he whispered to himself and scurried around the small open room. At the bottom edge of each window frames were protruded circular bricks with foreign carvings engraved on them. Setting his mind and body at peace, he touched each one with his palm, imbuing them with his qi before pushing them into the wall.Clang!As he pushed the last one in, the rift went to a standstill. A few seconds later, the shape of a door appeared beneath the rift. One could see Dhemistaria at the other side and the silhouette of a tall man. The man walked through from Dhemistaria to Knyghtstead in matter of seconds, as though he was moving from one room to the other. The door dissi
Spawning the Siege
Chapter 118~~ Spawning the Siege ~~Huntsville, Earth…|Department of Defense and Technology — D.O.D.T|Inside the 50th floor of the sky high building….The pulsing yellow portal shone brightly before closing up.Mr. Patterson straightened the few wrinkles on his black suit by pulling the fringes. He sighed as the portal closed and plopped to his swiveling black chair.He remained seated for minutes, swiveling from side to side, deep in thoughts.‘Hmmm. I never thought he’d initiate it so soon, something must have gone wrong. I still have a lot of preparation to do, more men and more power,’ he stopped his chair from turning and leaned forth, placing his hands on the table. ‘Luckily, I’ve been preparing twice as hard. I should have enough for Huntsville. That’s a start. The fear and death should full him enough.’His lips curved up to a smirk, his black eyes exuding this… malicious intent.He rose to his feet and walked out of his office. Taking the elevator, he descended to the last