Max | Before
It doesn't take long for me to stop thinking of her as Grace and start thinking of her as Grace's body.
Grace's body is laid out on a long table in the Assembly Hall, flat on her back. She looks exactly as she had on the beach when we had found her about four hours ago. Back when she was Grace and not Grace's body.
She had been lying half in the sea and half out. Her hair was swaying in the water as the waves lapped around her. Sand clung to her damp legs, something she would never have allowed. She was always the image of perfection, like a model in a glossy magazine. She was on her front but her head was tilted to one side, her lips tinged an unnatural blue.
It had taken me only a second to realise what had happened. She had drowned. Grace, the star swimmer who had taught me to swim when we were five, had drowned.
Everyone else who had been there is asleep now. Only I had refused to go to sleep, not wanting the image of Grace's tangled hair and pale skin and blue lips and twisted limbs haunting my nightmares, burning an unforgettable picture into my mind.
So I sit here, on the table with Grace's body with my head bowed. Maybe someone else would hold her hand. Carlos would. So would the twins. They would say some sort of prayer so her journey to the next life or whatever is peaceful. But having her soaked, slender body in my arms as her heart finally beat for one last time was the last time I will ever touch her.
"Oh, Grace," I whisper. "What have we done?"
Her body is drier now, but the police hadn't wanted anyone to dry her with a towel properly. Around her was a Grace sized outline of salty water from the wild sea of Cornwall. At first, I had compared her to a saint in one of those paintings. Now I see how wrong I was.
Those saints have torn up bodies, but perfect faces. Peaceful faces. Grace doesn't look peaceful. She looks like she's scared.
Those saints have calm eyes. Before Kaci closed her eyes, Grace's had been wide and blue and terrified.
Those saints weren't fifteen year old girls who died far too soon.
I lift my head to see Grace's parents walking into the hall.
"Max," Mr Covey breathes, walking quickly towards me.
Mr Covey's raven black hair- so different to Grace's- is tousled like he's come straight from bed. I can see the pyjama top collar peeking out from above his black trench coat and how his trousers are pinstriped navy- abad match. The phone call must've startled him. Mrs Covey is right behind him, face already streaked with tears and her eyes bloodshot.
"She's really gone?" Mrs Covey hiccups. "Really?"
She sounds like a small child asking their mother if the toys were really sold out at the shop. Holding onto a small shred of hope.
"Carlos did CPR," I mumbles. "Guy passed every Red Cross course there is. But she was already nearly gone when we found her."
I stumble towards the woman and pull her into an uneasy hug. I have known her since I was a baby, but physical contact has never been a strength of mine. Or Grace's, for that matter. Mrs Covey clings to me, sobbing uncontrollably.
Mr Covey is worse. He sits on the table just like I had, touching Grace's cold hand.
"Gracie?" Mr Covey's voice is hollow. "Gracie, it's Daddy. I wanted you to hang on, Gracie. Hang on until we get here and you fo up to the angels. You're my angel, Grace. My gorgeous, graceful angel."
"Mr Covey-" I begun.
His voice cracks. "My Gracie didn't even make it to sixteen. So much ahead of her."
"What's that?" Mrs Covey asks suddenly, pushing Grace's damp hair back.
Creeping over her shoulder, onto her collarbone, is a black stroke of ink. I feel my throat tighten as Mrs Covey gently turns her daughter over and pushes her shirt up. She makes a sound like a kicked puppy while Mr Covey draws in a sharp breath. I close my eyes for a second, trying to block out the memory of seeing it for the first time.
On Grace's back is an elaborate inking of a raven, pitch black against her pale skin. The symbol of death at Rosewood Hall.
Violet | After
I might be able to drown in all this rain.
It taps relentlessly on the windows and the sound makes me cringe though nobody else seems to be bothered. Nobody else in this hall seems to be bothered by the thundering rain or the fact that everyone is tracking water and mud into the hall. They're used to it. But I see rain so rarely that it's shocking to see so much so fast.
I've been sat here for about half an hour where the teacher told me to, ignored by everyone else. Younger kids are brought in by exhausted looking teachers and older kids, older students stroll in and yell to their friends. Even the youngest class have already made alliances— the girls with the shiniest shoes and the most innocent looks are trailed by several wannabes. It's the same with the boys, except they value different things in their role model.
"Hi," a voice says suddenly to my left. "So sorry for leaving you here for so long. Vivienne just happened to lose the goddamn list."
The voice belongs to a boy with spiky black hair and dark skin. His eyes are a warm, friendly brown and his mouth is curved up in a smile. A striped yellow and black pencil is tucked behind his ear. He has that warm-hearted vibe to him— beautiful.
"It's okay," I reply. "So you found the list?"
"Yeah we did," he says. "Come with me. Sorry about the rain. We usually have decent weather compared to most of England. Where are you from? I'm getting Cali vibes from you so I'm going to take a wild guess and say San Francisco."
"Close," I laugh. "San Diego."
"This is the Year Eleven table. You're in Year Eleven, right?" Zeph asks. "That's sophomore year in the US."
"Yeah, I'm a sophomore," I agree.
"Nice. I'm Zeph, by the way. Zeph Kebran. I'm in Year Eleven, I chose Spanish over French, I have a twin sister called Kaci and two best friends called Max and Carlos." Zeph's voice is fast and energetic.
"He also has a complete collection of Mr Men books and an umbrella permanently in his bag," a voice drawls from the Year Eleven table. "What? You were telling her such random facts and I wanted to give my wise, distinguished input."
He has his feet up on the table and is leaning back in his chair with a lazy smile on his face. I'm suddenly reminded of those extremely unrealistic love interests in teen fiction novels, but more plausible I guess? Good looking, but not so good looking that it's impossible. Golden brown hair and dark eyes fringed with lashes a girl would kill for.
"This is Carlos Salvatore," Zeph tells me.
"Not related to the Salvatore brothers," Carlos adds. "People ask, you know. Kind of stupid considering that they are a figment of someone's imagination projected onto television screens across the world for teenage girls to obsess over."
"Carlos!" Zeph hisses. "Just give her the dorm assignment. Her name is.... what's your name? God, I feel so rude."
"It's okay. I'm Violet Radford."
Carlos lifts a sheet of paper to his eyes and scans it for my name. "That can't be right," he mutters.
"What? Give it here." Zeph takes the paper. "But she said...."
"She lied," he says angrily. "She fucking lied to us. Nobody can sleep in Room Thirteen except Kace. It was her—" He breaks off suddenly when he remembers that I'm there.
"Just so you know, I don't have a problem with the number thirteen," I blurt out. "I don't believe in all that bad luck stuff or those superstitions. The world's not going to end just 'cause I look into a cracked mirror."
It's lies. All lies. I was born on Friday the thirteenth which— obviously— makes me weird. I can see things that others can't. Hear things nobody else can. And I can feel death. Like now. This school reeks of death, violent death of people taken far too soon by unspeakable means.
"We can't make her sleep in the hall!" Zeph protests.
"Who's sleeping in the hall?" someone asks behind us. "Can't be very comfortable."
She's the spitting image of Zeph with the same dark skin and soft brown eyes. Like her brother, she has a ready smile but it's hesitant as of now.
"No one," Zeph says hurriedly. "This is Violet. They've put her in Thirteen with you, Kaci."
"They did what now?" Kaci almost shrieks. She turns to me. "No offence. I'm sure you're great. It's just that I was promised no roommate this term."
"It's fine," I tell her. "If someone promised you, they shouldn't just bail on it."
"Mr G!" Carlos calls, taking his feet off the table and straightening his tie.
"Salvatore!" a man with honey gold hair calls back, making his way over. "Everything alright over here?"
"They've put Violet in Room Thirteen with Kaci," Zeph explains. "But we aren't sure what—"
"She goes to the room she was assigned to," the teacher replies quickly. "It's the only place to put her. End of discussion."
He walks off before Carlos, Zeph and Kaci even have a chance to protest. Zeph and Kaci stare at each other, eyes wide and mouths gaping while Carlos begins to furiously mutter in what I think is Italian.
"We should shun him," Zeph mumbles. "He deserves to be shunned."
"You know what? No," Kaci answers. "We're gonna do what The Man wants and light the school on fire when a Benefactor visits."
"We've resorted to arson," Carlos says slowly, amused. "I like it."
I freeze upon hearing the word. It's an ugly word— easy enough to spell, but poison to my ears. That word reminds me of whispered conversations behind closed doors. Of doctors and white corridors. Of Sandwell House.
But they can't know. They can't know about Sandwell. Nobody back home knows. So how could they know? But the way their gazes flit to me and then each other is making my skin crawl.
"I'll take you to our room," Kaci says. "Come on."
She leads me from the rabble of the hall to where the dorms are. I haven't seen much of the school yet, but the parts I have seen have been beautiful. Modern glass entwined with ancient painting and stone walls make it perfectly aesthetic. Aesthetic and cold. It's even colder outside and pouring with rain too as Kaci takes me to a building behind the main school.
"The Girl Wing is the upstairs of House and it's not really a ring," Kaci explains as we walk. "There's a door connecting to it at the top of the stairs that you have to punch a code into to get in as well as the code to the front door. Don't let any boys or strangers in, okay?" She smirks as she says the last sentence.
"Let me guess, scandalous hookups are common in dorms," I say drily. "What are the codes?"
""Course they are," she chuckles. "We don't obey these rules when teachers aren't around all the time." She pauses for breath. Eighteen ninety-nine for the front door one and nineteen thirty-seven for the girls' wing one," she replies. "They're dates. One for when Mr Rosewood- the founder- was born and the second for when the school was created. And you can let the boys in on the last day of term to get their suitcases from the attics."
"Very patriotic."
Her chatter is basically meaningless and I drag my suitcase into the Girls' Wing. Telling me who was dating who, what to eat at breakfast, what teachers would give you detention for talking and which won't. But considering that the last person who talked to me for this long was my therapist, I'm looking at this as a win.
"What's so wrong with Room Thirteen?" I ask timidly as we arrive in front of the room. "Is it haunted or something?"
Kaci pales. "Sometimes I forget that not everyone knows what happened. Hell, we don't even know what happened. Not really."
Her head is bowed and through the gaps of her thick hair, I can see her lips moving quickly.
"Kaci, you okay?" I touch her arm lightly.
Kaci pulls away from me immediately, almost shuddering from my touch. She lifts her head, fighting back tears. "The last girl who shared this room with me, the last girl who slept in the bed that's going to be yours? She died. She drowned."
Related Chapters
Who Killed Grace Chapter 2
Max | AfterExactly six weeks and one day ago, Grace Allison Covey died. Exactly six weeks and one day ago, my life fell to pieces. Exactly six weeks and one day ago, Max Enright officially went mad.But thank God (and science) for letting me keep my good looks. For not having me look like the spiralling madman I am. Or— as Carlos would say— mad teenager because I'm not eighteen yet. For now, I still look like Max. Perfect hair, not too perfect uniform, perfectly blank expression. I stand in front of the mirror in our bathroom, examining myself.Outside, rosy streaks have coloured the skies and a pale, watery sun shines through the glass of the window in a traditional English fashion. It's way too early for hardly anyone else to be up. At Rosewood Hall, you learn to cherish every minute of sleep you get. We're not like most boarding schools which keep you so busy you can't get a free minute to be
Who Killed Grace Chapter 3
Max | AfterWe sit in Room Seven, an empty classroom. It's not a room I particularly like to be in. It was our Year Seven and Eight Maths classroom, so immediately associated with bad memories. Usually, I strangely love Maths. But the teacher I had those two years made me want to drive a knife through the subject. I have similar feelings towards Shakespeare. Only, I want to resurrect him with Grace's coven of witchcraft practicing highlighters just to kill him all over again."How did you become friends?" he asks. "If you remember.""Dad thought I was lonely. Her mum thought she was lonely. They brought us together for a play date and we were stuck with each other, I guess.""Just best friends?" Davidson raises an eyebrow."Boys and girls can be friends, you know," I snap. "It's the twenty-first century.""Did she have a boyfrien
Who Killed Grace Chapter 4
Violet | After"What do you think of... Tristan?" Kaci asks as we move through the dining hall in House."Which one's he?" I ask."The dark one with the Edgar Allen Poe." She jerks her head to a boy reading while systematically putting forkfuls of pasta into his mouth."He's cute," I giggle. "Let me guess, he's claimed by some crazy boarding school girl.""Naw, we don't do that," she laughs. "But he is sorta off limits. Anyway, you get to meet Max tonight. He's the one with Fall Out Boy."Sitting at the table I've eaten breakfast and lunch at today is a boy with dark hair and headphones. He's one of the guys who was sitting on the stage with the rest of the important people in assembly this morning. If my memory serves right, he's the youngest prefect in history."How come he wasn't at breakfast or lunch?"
Who Killed Grace Chapter 5
Max | BeforeThey look like us. Mr Kebran, Mr Covey, Mr Fell and Mr Salvatore all sit together and they look like us. I don't know where the women are, Kaci took them off about an hour ago and they are a no-show for lunch. My father is still in Paris, arriving in two days. It's the earliest he could arrange the trip for. I try not to resent the fact that the parents of all my friends got here within twenty-four hours of her death and mine couldn't. His absence is abundantly obvious to me, a gap between Nick Covey and Matteo Salvatore."This is creepy," Tristan says, also staring at the table of fathers. "Is he still carving that headstone?"Matteo Salvatore arrived while carving Grace's details into a slab of stone with a marble angle on the top. Carlos gets the talent with woodwork from him. Mr and Mrs Covey insisted he didn't have to, but he insisted that he did."If I could do this whe
Who Killed Grace Chapter 6
Violet | AfterThe days begin to become more bearable. A routine is established and I follow it like everyone else. Wake up, get ready for school, eat breakfast, go to school, eat lunch, finish school, do homework, do some kind of activity, go to bed, do it all again.So it's a shock when Saturday comes and the alarm stays silent. Kaci is awake too, on her phone in bed. Her dark hair is fanned out across the pillow, black against the white and pink of the pillowcase."Cool," I answer. "Um, I kind of wanted to ask you something.""Shoot." She shuts up and runs a hand through her hair like a comb."Remember that girl you told me about? Your old roommate? Was her name Grace?" The words tumble out quickly."Yeah," she says. "Her name was Grace. Why?""Just wondering. She's very popular online." 
Who Killed Grace Chapter 7
Max | AfterIf I had a pound every single damn time someone's told me to smile over this past week, I would be a goddamn millionaire. Everyone has been saying it. Mr Gilbert, my other teachers, Carlos, Zeph, Kaci, even Margie, one of the the cooks at school. Grief counselling isn't exactly how I'd love to spend my Sunday, but at least it buys me another free day from Viv. Thank God I don't share any lessons with her."Smile, Max," Dr Summers says with a sickening sweet one of her own."I'm guessing you're scared of the dentist, Max," she says."Who wants to look at people's dirty mouths all day for a living?" I mumble. "And I'm not scared of the dentist. He's kind of nice actually, gives me stickers even though I'm almost sixteen."Dr Martha Summers smiles again. It doesn't reach her eyes. Her eyes are pale blue in colour. At first, I'd been painfully remi
Who Killed Grace Chapter 8
Violet | BeforeIt's the first time I've stepped into Jackson High for a month. No one asks where I've been or why I disappeared so suddenly. Everyone heard about Cassie. About the fire. About how we were hanging out when it happened. They must think we were watching a chick flick or something, not contacting her dead boyfriend from beyond the grave.I walk through the cafeteria, head down as I carry my tray to the back of the room. But people are in my way, waiting for me to look up and talk to them."Hi," one of them says.I almost jump out of my skin. All my senses have been sharpened since that night, ghost senses and normal senses. When I walked past the cemetery on my way to school today, my head was filled with voices. And the old man resting on a bench reeked of death, like he's going to die soon. I look up to see Audrey, Bianca and Dana- Cassie's best friends.<
Who Killed Grace Chapter 9
Max | BeforeI'm drowning. Water is filling my mouth as someone pushes me further under the surface of the cold and murky waters of the sea outside Rosewood. Panic fills me just as quickly as water as I struggle against them, trying to scream.The hands fall away and I list my head above the water again, gasping for breath. In and out. In and out. In and out. But then they're back. They're back and this time they aren't leaving. It was a trick. A cruel, cruel trick. Letting me think of live just to kill me.Before I can scream, I jolt into consciousness."I'm fine," I whisper to myself, hugging my knees to my chest. "I'm fine. I'm fine.""Max? You okay, mijo?" It's Dad, in a dark T-shirt and shorts at my door."I'm fine," I repeat for the dozenth time. "I'm fine, okay?""What was the dream about?"&nbs
Latest Chapter
Chapter 32
Violet | After "Who was that?" Scott asks me as we walk into the kitchen. "A friend," I reply. "Do you want something to eat or drink?" "I'm fine," he says. "He's an attractive friend." "He's also recently broken up with a girl I'm told he was crazy about and a total mess," I say bluntly. "Why are you here, Scott?" "To see you. Isn't that obvious?" "You haven't called or texted for weeks and you show up here out of the blue," I point out. "And how did you even get the address? I didn't give it to you. I didn't get it myself until I was at school." "I called your sister. And technically, I'm on a business trip with my dad. Today's my last day and I thought I'd come see you," he says. "Don't be so surprised, Vi. I wanted to call, but I didn't think it was the right time. I wanted to give you space."
Chapter 31
Max | After My first thought is quite shallow. What the hell does Ace see in him? This is Harvard, the boy who can make her blush without even doing anything. The guy we used as an excuse when she searched Keely's room. The guy who's stopping her from going out with another one. The mere thought of him makes all other guys inferior by comparison. But I just don't see it. The dark reddish brown hair is ordinary. His eyes are a normal green. He isn't particularly memorable. But she isn't blushing now. She looks stunned and quite horrified. He shrugs. "Dad's on a week long business trip, school got shut down because of scorpions and I'm here now. It's my last day and I thought it'd be nice to see you." "Should've stayed at school," I mouth to her. "Well, this just got awkward. If you want to work more on the project, you know where to find me, Ace." "I'll come with you," Nikki
Chapter 30
Violet | After I approach the counter after finishing my fries. The guy who owns the place is called Logan as he told me and he's really nice. Asked me where I'm from, where I'm going, if I have my train ticket in order. Caring, like a dad. "Can I have a vanilla milkshake please?" I ask. "To go this time." "Sure," he replies with a smile. "But, kid, I just saw you drink a chocolate shake and too much milkshake ain't good for your health." "I know," I say, pulling out my money. "This is for a friend." When I meet Max back at the station, he gives me a weird look as I try to balance holding the shake and taking my suitcase onto the train. He sighs and takes my case, letting me carry his shake in peace. "What's that, Ace?" he asks as we take our seats. "This is for you." I hand it to him. "It won't get s
Chapter 29
Max | After As soon as I'm far enough away from Violet, I pull out my video camera from my backpack. There has to be a church with a graveyard here somewhere. Thank God it isn't a Sunday and people probably won't be going to church. It's the perfect place to shoot the next instalment of my video diary of hell, also known as Max being a lunatic. "Found it," I mutter, seeing the sign informing me that this is the church. And right there is a graveyard. I consider going into the church just to see if a priest is there. Maybe I can go into confession. I sure have committed a lot of sins and admitting them to some guy I don't even know might help. But I shake the idea out of my mind and start walking through the graveyard. The graves near the front are new, not get covered with moss or overgrown grass with still fresh flowers laid on top. The gravestones are new, like Grace's, fr
Chapter 28
Violet | AfterMax furiously takes a drink of orange juice, glaring at Carlos who he seems to be having a staring contest with. Things have been tense since breakfast started, the two of them not talking to each other while Zeph, Kaci and I are in the dark about why."Alright, let's stop this childish nonsense," Kaci says. "What happened?""He knows what he did," Max spits."I don't!" Zeph wails. "I want to be in on the secret! You're making me feel left out!"━━━━━━━━Max furiously takes a drink of orange juice, glaring at Carlos who he seems to be having a staring contest with. Things have been tense since breakfast started, the two of them not talking to each other while Zeph, Kaci and I are in the dark about why.Violet | After"Alright, let's stop this childish nonsense,"
Chapter 27
Max | After"Come on, Max!" Carlos sighs. "We need to leave now!"He throws a packet of sweets to me as I look up from my laptop. I have a horror film ready to watch on. Netflix, all I have to do is press play and lose myself in a story that doesn't seem nearly as scary as my own life."Do I have to?" I whine. "Vivienne's going to be there and I haven't really talked to her and—""Max, let me stop you right there," he interjects. "Vivienne is not the only girl in the world and you probably won't have to talk to her all night. You are going to find someone who accepts how insane you are and loves you for it and you can't avoid her for the rest of your life.""Max, let me stop you right there," he interjects. "Vivienne is not the only girl in the world and you probably won't have to talk to her all night. You are going to find someone who accepts how insane
Chapter 26
Violet | After"How are we going to look through her desk?" Kaci wails, flopping down on her bed.I look up from the email Mom forwarded to me from Everly. It's been almost six months since I've been released to civilisation and they think it'll be good if I talk to someone about how I'm doing. I'm to see Dr Summers next week. How lovely for me, right?"I think my mom just solved the problem," I say. "She wants me to have a session with Dr Summers next week. I can have a look then.""I have an idea to get her out of the room." She picks up her phone. "Tanya and Lexie, they'll do Max a favour, right? They can distract get with something while you look for anything on—"There's a brisk knock on our door, cutting her off."Who is it?" I call."Police!" a female voice responds. "We need to searc
Chapter 25
Max | After"Excuse me?" My voice is shaky as Tristan gestures for me to sit down next to him. "What do you mean, Rosewood legacy?""Your grandmother's mother was actually one of the first girls to attend this school," Benedict Trudale replies coolly. "One of the first students, in fact. Your grandmother attended this school and then your father and now you. You're a legacy.""And what are you two doing? Did you put those notes all around school?""You're an absolute idiot," I tell him. "You terrified the shit out of most of the school and if Elliot finds out, she will murder you. And then your parents will murder you for it. So you'll be dead twice.""Three times because Vivienne will kill me too.""But you have done very well," Benedict adds. "The Rosewood Alliance has surpassed the Raven's Guild on this occasion." 
Chapter 24
Grace | Before"You think it looks okay?" I ask Mum as she twists part of my hair into a slim plait."It does," she replies. "You're going to steal all the boys' hearts tonight.""Is Max here yet? Or Carlos and Zeph?""Max and Carlos are," she says. "They're helping with the tables. So sweet, those two."I smile. Carlos? Yes. Max? Carlos probably guilted him into pushing tables around. He doesn't like pushing tables around, he prefers to watch with his feet up on one."Your dad's here too," she adds. "He's fixing himself a sandwich before the party since he missed dinner. Did you miss him?"I'm frozen. If Dad is here, he'll want to talk. He knows that I've met the rep from the Raven's Guild. He'll want to ask me what I think of it. He'll ask me how I feel about the sixteenth of July.