Chapter 6

"Go Go Go Go" Rex yelled.

"Where the hell is Kyle" the general yelled.

"We don't need him" Rex smirked and drove off. They heard the news of another attack and they were rushing to the scene.

"Scatter and bring her, dead or alive" Rex commanded and they spread.

"This should better go as planned" Rex said but Laurel had already taken her escape.

Taking the bend, she jumped into the vehicle and removed her mask, breathing hard as he drove to the penthouse. On reaching, Laurel suddenly felt the need to puke, she turned heading to a corner near the waterfall, but then she felt strange, like someone was watching her, she put on her mask taking out her knives, she took slow strides towards the corner she felt a person was hiding, then she heard the ruffling of leaves, confirming her thought but before she could turn, a leg kicked her knives away.

"I was right after all" Kyle smiled staring at her.

"Long time" she said.

"It's over" he replied.

"How about that fuck, no one's here" she smirked.

"You're a psycho" he said.

" Obviously" she laughed, moving backwards.

"Don't take another step" he ordered.

"I only receive orders during a fuck session " she smiled.

" Stand and put your hands up where I can see them" he ordered following her as she moved. She suddenly stopped and slowly raised her left hand, taking her right hand up she wanted to grab a stick but Kyle was faster as he shot at it and she withdrew her hands taking another step backward.

"Cute, feisty and stubborn with a huge cock" she laughed, "just my kind of guy" she giggled.

"Don't take another step" he said moving closer, "let it not get worse than it already is" he warned.

"I love it messy" she said and took to her heels but Kyle shot at her twice, one hitting her side and the other on her thigh.

"Fuckkkk" she screamed as stood very close to the cliff.

"I warned you" he said walking to her.

"I guess we are even in stubbornness" she grinned holding her side which was badly bleeding. "I'd rather die than be caught by you" she said.

"Too bad, I caught you already" he said.

"You think" she smiled taking her hands to the back, wanting to grab a knife but Kyle shot at her shoulder and she screamed again falling off the cliff into the water.


"Where the hell is Laurel" Randy yelled at the driver at the penthouse.

"I'm sorry sir" the man kept apologizing.

"Don't apologise like she's fucking dead" he yelled.

"She said she felt weird when we got here and got off while I drove in" he explained but got a slap for response.

"You left her all by herself" Randy yelled the more.

"She's been going out on her own" he replied.

"You still have the... "

"We've searched for her around but no sign of her nor a dead body" the driver said.

"Are you insinuating.... Waterfall" he gasped and rushed out.

As expected, he looked down to see bubbles from the river or something, anything at all, he knew if Laurel fell in, she wasn't a great swimmer but he saw nothing and turned back with a heavy heart.

At The Station::::

"Two hearts again" the general yelled in anger, "and where the hell is Rex" .

"He left sir" an officer reported and Kyle walked in immediately.

"Where the heck have you been" the general yelled, "two hearts, two fucking hearts ripped out, two young hearts, they were kids for crying out loud Kyle, kids" he shook in rage, "and where were you? Out there having fun? You think I love being stuck in here? You think any of the officers love being stuck in here? Just because you're young and strong doesn't make you any different, you always find the culprit, then what the hell is going on" he screamed and Kyle smiled.

"Did you just..."

"I found her" Kyle smiled and all the officers stood shocked.

"Don't play games with me" the general said in a calm tone you wouldn't believe he was the one shouting seconds ago.

"I'm not sir" he bowed and it was the general turn to smile.

"Where is she?" He asked.

"Prolly dead or alive" Kyle said.

"What?" He asked confused.

"We fought, more like I caught her at a dead end near a cliff, she wouldn't stop running, so I shot her, which I'm sorry about, I shot at her multiple times and she ended up falling into the river, we'd go check if she's alive and obviously her identity, I'm not a good swimmer so I didn't bother jumping in" he said bringing out his phone.

"Proof, incase you don't believe me" he said showing him pictures of Laurel coming down from the car, puking, and falling into the river.




Cherish and Cheryl were seated in the living room with their mom as they listened to the news, more like their mom listened to the news as they were both engrossed in their phones. The news went out as they announced the crashing of a plane that set out to Miami that afternoon.

"What a waste of lives" their mom sighed out.

"Seriously" cherish said.

"When will Dad be back" Cheryl asked and their mom froze. "Mom", "mom" Cheryl called out.

"No!!!" The woman yelled.

"What" the twins asked scared already.

"He left for Miami with his boss" she stuttered.

"When" cherish asked trying not to imagine the worst.

"This afternoon" her mom said lowly and cherish ran out before anyone could stop her, how she loved her dad so dearly.

"Cherish wait" Cheryl ran after her.

"I'll get the keys" her mum muttered trying to keep herself together.

Meanwhile cherish had already stepped out headed for the road, "cherish come into the car" Cheryl pleaded but Cherish's brain had already been clouded with images of her dad being burnt or worse and her eyes filled with tears, not knowing she had already entered the road, the last thing she remembered before black out, was screams, as she crashed into a vehicle or the vehicle crashed into her.

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