Chapter 16: Deadly Encounter 2

Bjorn was a whirlwind of emotions, mostly anger at the blacksmith. The betrayal from Waterfox was still fresh, and now the blacksmith had sold him out to the church. He almost lost his temper.

Sensing his change in mood, Hana quickly took his elbow, trying to calm him down and reassure herself.

“What’s going on here?” Hana asked confidently as she approached the group.

The church mages were two men and a woman. The older male, dark-skinned like the southern people of the empire and likely much older than he appeared, stepped forward.

“I am Mage Firesong. These are my companions, Mage Julius and Tilda,” he introduced himself with a thick southern accent. “The blacksmith reported this man acting suspiciously, and we’re on a mission to find some fugitives.”

“I see,” Hana nodded. “How can we help, Mage Firesong? We are friends of the church,” she smiled.

Bjorn nodded in agreement, thinking it best to avoid a fight.

“Just a few questions,” Mage Firesong smiled.

“Of course,” Hana smiled b
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