Chapter 24: Small council

In a room bathed in brilliant light, the walls shimmered with intricate gold inlaid designs, capturing the eye and enhancing the room's majestic atmosphere. Tapestries adorned the walls, each one telling a vivid story of the church's remarkable feats. Scenes of bravery, faith, and divine intervention were woven into these tapestries, depicting the rich history and spiritual conquests of the church.

At the center of this magnificent room stood a grand semicircular table, crafted from the finest wood and polished to a gleaming finish. The table was large enough to comfortably seat thirteen individuals, with one chair, more opulent and commanding than the others, positioned at the head. This grand chair was reserved for someone of immense significance, a leader among leaders.

This room was the heart of the church's decision-making body, the small council. Here, a select group of powerful men and women gathered to deliberate on the church's path and its future. These were the twelve cardi
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