Chapter 26: Coliseum Fight

The following morning, Bjorn woke up with a hangover. He wasn't used to drinking, and Grizzly's brew was strong.

Still nursing his headache, Bjorn grudgingly freshened up. He dressed in snug black attire and left his room to meet Avery in the common room as they had agreed the night before.

Bjorn ordered a bowl of soup as he waited. "I have a strong body and feel this bad. I wonder how Avery feels," he thought as he scooped the soup into his mouth.

An hour later, Avery finally showed up. He looked worse than Bjorn, his cheeks flushed and his eyes drooping from the hangover. Bjorn ordered another bowl of steaming soup for him.

Bjorn waited in silence as Avery devoured the soup. After eating and feeling better, they got down to business.

"We have to go to the arena. You need to show your skills. Important people will be there looking for strong recruits, and I think you'll impress them," Avery said thoughtfully.

Bjorn was hesitant. "That will put me in the spotlight. I have powerful
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