Chapter 181

The floor began to shake as soon as the writing appeared. The floor just behind William and Charlotte's ankles suddenly moved to reveal a staircase leading straight down.

Charlotte was stunned to see the stairs that suddenly appeared on the floor behind her. Her expression was a mixture of surprise, curiosity, and a little fear.

"What is this?" she hissed in a trembling voice, her eyes still staring at the stairs in disbelief.

William smiled slightly at Charlotte's reaction. "This is the way down I was talking about, dear. Let's go down and I'll explain everything," he said, trying to calm Charlotte.

Hesitantly and cautiously, Charlotte finally followed William's footsteps to the newly appearing stairs. Her heart was pounding, not knowing what they would find down there. But her curiosity and inquisitiveness kept her moving forward.

After a few steps, Charlotte came upon an amazing sight. There, in front of her eyes, in what she thought was a cramped basement, was a large room with a
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