Chapter 5

It's like he's changed a hundred and eighty degrees into someone else. This was clearly felt by everyone, especially his family. Every second, every minute, every day, William was a loser.

But right now, at least in the next few seconds, he changed completely. From a loser who swallowed defeat every day to a figure who looked like an angel of death. With a clear command from God to bring back wretched souls, he exuded a dark aura like that of Raven Kingslayer, his father. William then stopped right in front of Xavier's face, making the man's neck choke and almost unable to breathe.

With a piercing stare, he then said something nonsensical, "Tell me, how much should I pay to pay for all the losses caused by my wife?"

Hearing such nonsensical words from the mouth of a loser, Xavier could not hold back the flutter of excitement inside him. Although he had been scared by William for a split second, it was all for nothing when the black-haired and lanky man said something that clearly sounded like a joke.

Xavier laughed so hard that he crossed his arms and clenched his stomach. William's words were so intriguing that they made Xavier laugh so hard he could hardly breathe.

Xavier then said, "You're really funny William, do you think you'll be able to pay it off with your unemployment?"

With a mocking chuckle he continued, "In the last year alone you have never worked as anything other than a vacuum cleaner or a cleaning service. And now you're bragging that you're going to pay off the losses caused by your wife? What a good loser to brag!

William, who was still standing calmly, repeated his words, "How much should I pay? Just tell me the amount, no need to say unnecessary things.

Xavier, who was fed up with William's arrogance, then tried to humiliate William again by saying, "The total loss that your wife or Lysander's family will have to pay is twenty million USD, have you ever held that much money in your hands? ahh I don't think you've even seen it.

Not stopping there, Xavier, who was already tired, turned his body while saying, "Never mind, I'm tired of serving low people like you. Remember well, all members of the Lysander family, if you cannot pay back the losses you have caused within a week, I will take over the Sun and Moon Corporation, it is written in the contract and you cannot deny it," he said as he walked away.

Xavier had only walked an inch when William said, "I will pay everything tomorrow. Right after the sun turns red on the western horizon."

"Huh? Didn't I hear you wrong? There's no way you'll be able to pay it off while your family is struggling," Xavier said, turning around.

"Why don't we prove it tomorrow at dusk? I'll give you the money you want right in front of your face," William asked in a challenging tone.

"All right, I'll do what you want, William. But if you can't deliver the money tomorrow, then I will take Lysander's company away from him, and not only that, your family must also be willing to give up sixty percent of the shares of the Lysander Group to be bought by the Giovanni family at half the price," Xavier said as he held out his hand.

"No... no way, he's just a lowly son-in-law. I won't let him make the decision," Emma shouted.

Just as bad as her mother's words, Liliana chimed in, "Mom's right, he's just a useless man who's a burden to this family. I'm not willing to let a big decision like this be decided by him."

"My mind is made up. I don't care how you get the money, but tomorrow at dusk I will come for the money," Xavier said as he lowered his hand and turned around.

"But what if I succeed? Isn't it unfair if only you get the prize if I lose this bet?" William said in a calm, confident voice.

Tense veins immediately appeared on Xavier's temples, he also turned around with an angry face, "Damn it! Normally I wouldn't serve a scum like you. But if you manage to bring the money, not one dollar less, then I swear that I will be your subordinate".

Xavier then asked in a high tone, "Is that still not fair enough for you?!"

"The winner takes it all. I like that, all right, I agree," William replied.

After that, Xavier walked away without saying another word. He left with such a mixed expression on his face that no one could guess what he was feeling.

"William! How dare you!" snapped Emma, who was already angry, then she continued her words.

"Do you know that sixty percent is the same as giving them four companies! And you know what's worse?" Emma asked angrily.

William was silent. Not answering with a word or a gesture. He realized that any answer he gave would only end in a diatribe. So his best option was to remain silent.

With a red face, Emma snapped, "The Lysander family will also lose its influence if that happens! Can't that idiot brain of his think that far ahead?! You're really bringing disaster to this family," Emma's anger made her blood pressure rise. She immediately held her head due to the sudden dizziness she felt.

Michael, who was also angry at William, said, "You're not only useless, you're putting us in danger. I don't even know the right words to describe your stupidity.

"And how dare a son-in-law like you make a decision by risking Lysander Group's shares.  You really are an ignorant son-in-law," Liliana said.

Momentarily speechless, William thought about showing his mother-in-law and two sisters-in-law the ring he inherite.

William was well aware of how greedy they were for money. If he showed them all that he had more than enough money to cover the loss caused by Charlotte, then they would definitely take advantage of him in various ways.

Charlotte, who had been silent, suddenly grabbed William's sleeve, "I don't want to patronize you William, but how are you going to solve this problem if you don't have a job that can generate so much money in such a short time?

William then gripped his wife's hand tightly and said, "Trust me, I will definitely solve this without causing any problems for this family.

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