Chapter 2: Fraudster (II)

When Joel was lying in a cold room of the police station with severe injuries, Officer Michaels just enjoyed his sadism. ⁤⁤He strolled around Joel, and his tone was sarcastic, full of hatred.

⁤“Well, well, well, Joel Winston,” Michaels mocked and his voice was filled with hatred. ⁤⁤“Well, I got a rather amusing message today, you know, there is a party tonight and your wife would be main attraction there for all rich men.”⁤

⁤Joel was fuming with anger as Officer Michaels went on to disrespect and humiliate Anna, his wife. ⁤⁤Every word that Michaels said was a dagger piercing Joel’s heart, each insult building up the rage within him until it was hot and blazing. ⁤

⁤”You don’t even mention her name in that disgusting mouth of yours!”⁤⁤ Joel shouted, his throat was sore and his eyes welled up with anger. ⁤⁤“If anything happens to her because of youᅳ”

⁤Joel's anger boiled over. ⁤⁤“You bastard!” he said in a voice that was rough with anger. ⁤⁤“If you or anyone else touches my wife, you’ll have to deal with me.⁤⁤ Let her and my daughter be out of this.”⁤

⁤Michaels laughed, a cold, dry, humorless laugh. ⁤⁤“Oh, don’t worry, Joel, your daughter will go after your wife. She’s young and pretty like her mother, she’ll make an impression.”

⁤Fury rose in Joel like a tsunami. ⁤⁤“You sick fuck!”⁤⁤ he yelled and charged at Michaels with his chained hands. ⁤⁤Although the man was frail, he was able to perform a head butt on Michaels, which made the officer fall backward. ⁤

⁤”You think you can break me?” ⁤⁤Joel spat, his voice dripping with hatred. ⁤⁤‘Do you really think that you can threaten me through my family? I will personally cut your head before you can use my family to threaten me.”

Joel's restraint snapped. Cursing and growling, he charged at him with his hands chained behind his back. He headbutted Michaels in the face, the power of which forced the officer to step back, wincing. Michaels’ nose was bleeding as he tried to remain standing, albeit unsteady on his feet due to the shock of Joel’s aggression.

“You son of a bitch!” Joel said with much anger and as much adrenaline as he could muster. ‘‘You touch them, and I swear I’ll—’’.

Michaels laughed evilly and wiped the blood from his nose. ”You’ll what, Joel?” he sneered, “You’re in no position to threaten me.”

For a moment, Joel stared at the screen in horror and disbelief as his mind could not accept the fact that his wife was to suffer such a cruel and painful humiliation.

Joel’s hands were tightly balled into fists and his body screamed in pain, but his heart was on fire with useless anger.

“Tonight your dear Anna will be the queen of the night, men with money and even more sinful intentions will fight for Anna and as for me… well, you just got such a gorgeous wife, didn’t you?” Michaels jeered, circling the room.

He laughed cruelly, enjoying the position of the leader of Joel’s suffering.

‘She’s wasted on you, Joel,” Michaels went on, his words as sharp as knives. “A woman like her should not live like a pauper and a disgrace to the society which you have reduced her to be; tonight she will know what it feels to be with a man like me.”

Joel felt the pain with each word that was said to him, but the worst thing was that he saw Anna’s face in front of him.

“And you, Joel,” Michaels snarled, getting right into Joel’s face and speaking softly, “You get to sit here and stew in your own despair while she dances with the rich men of this city.”

Joel’s anger rose to the surface and his words were a growl of pure hatred. ‘You scum! Do you think I am going to let you use my wife like that? You and anyone else who is involved in this dirty business!’

Michaels simply grinned, and then smacked Joel lightly on the cheek as if he were a small child. “Tonight's party will mark a new beginning to Anna’s life and, perhaps, the end of yours. Have fun. ”

Joel simply could not stand it anymore. He rushed at Michaels, feeling the adrenaline rush through his veins; the only thing he could do was to try and bring his cuffed hands down on the man. Michaels fell back in surprise as he never expected the attack to come from her. Joel then decided to unleash a flurry of punches on the man before him, all in blind anger and desperation.

‘You will never lay your hands on my wife or my daughter, you pervert!’ Joel bellowed out loud.

At this time, Joel was preparing to throw another punch and suddenly, other policemen stormed into the room. They attacked Joel, and with force, pulled him off from Michaels who was already dazed and bleeding.

“Beat him till he’s a pulp!” Michaels screamed, wiping blood from his face and looking at Joel with a murderous expression.

The other policemen began to follow suit but just at that time, the door opened and a man stepped into the room. He wore a neatly ironed suit, looked very official and authoritative in his demeanor. The policemen stopped and looked around not knowing what to do.

“Stop!” the man said in a calm tone but the anger in his voice was evident.

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