282 - Better To Hear From Jason

“Jason… Are you going to participate in the interview?”

“Just get it ready. I will be there.”

Jason shrugged as he walked away from Bruce.

He wondered why they needed another interview about the influence of gaming from him. After all, he knew his status as a popular gamer in The Endless.

Sky News basically worked for him regarding The Endless, and this interview looked quite the opposite of supporting his cause. However, Jason found it to be intriguing, and he wondered what he should speak about.

‘Maybe about the recent events? Or maybe a hint about the truth? Whatever, I will just answer accordingly.’

He had yet to return to Earth since he came back from the simulation, but Jason felt more at home in Light Shone.

‘Was it because I lived a long time in Yuriel in my past life, or is it because of what I have here?’

He entered the house in thought.



A smile naturally came to his face when he heard Hanna’s cheerful call.

“Wash up. I am almost done with Dinner.”

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