Chapter 100 (Kill the kid)
Nazumoto's vision slowly returned, but his surroundings remained a blur. The blue lights that illuminated his sight flickered, dancing in an ethereal rhythm. He blinked several times, trying to clear his vision, and as his eyes adjusted, he could make out the distinct shapes of the blue shining dots surrounding him. It was an otherworldly sight, both captivating and unnerving.

The voice that had greeted him earlier now had a face, and it belonged to Joe, a mysterious figure with a mischievous grin and curly hair that partially obscured his eyes. Nazumoto couldn't help but feel a surge of anger towards Joe, who had dragged him into this unknown realm without warning or consent.

"Bastard!" Nazumoto cursed, his voice filled with frustration and exhaustion. He found himself still on his knees, the weight of battle and fatigue weighing heavily upon him. His mind raced to make sense of the situation, trying to understand how he had become so weak in such a short span of time.

Joe's voice

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