Chapter 104 (Motionless)
The battle seemed to stretch on endlessly, each moment filled with suspense and adrenaline. Anyone watching this, would literally be on the edge of their seats, unable to tear their eyes away from the scene, as the action-packed scene and gripping dialogue would keep them hooked, eagerly awaiting the outcome of this epic clash.

As the battle reached its climax, each blow landed with bone-crushing force, shaking the very foundation of their surroundings. The environment could feel the impact of every strike, the surroundings pounding in rhythm with the characters' exertion.

Amidst the relentless clash that spanned what felt like an eternity, the unknown entity found himself locked in a tumultuous battle against an opponent whose strength had grown twofold since their initial encounter in the annals of time.

The once-ferocious entity now faced a formidable adversary, albeit the entity entrenched within Fushi exuded an aura of malevolence and sinister intent, devoid of any trace of

Read Deceptive shadows, and ascendant among all which is on meganovel, as the two stories are connected to world war zero. Or should I say wwx is connected to both stories?

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