Chapter 98 (Death)
As the thick, ethereal mist gradually dissipated, it revealed the wearied and battered forms of the valiant twins, Du Chang and Du Sung.

Their bodies, adorned with countless bruises and lacerations, bore witness to the relentless clash they had endured against the formidable General Nazumoto.

Every fiber of their being had been pushed to its limits, their garments torn and tattered, a testament to their unwavering resolve in the face of insurmountable odds.

In a desperate cry, Du Sung's voice trembled with anguish, "big brother!"

Standing tall and resolute amidst the aftermath of his triumph, General Nazumoto exuded an aura of commanding power that lingered in the air like a palpable force. He had unleashed his true might, surpassing the resilience of the twins and securing his inevitable victory. The once vibrant battlefield, which had been transformed into a chaotic symphony of elemental fury, now bore witness to the aftermath of their fierce clash. The scorched earth was litte

Back at last, also tying to implement new writing style btw.

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