Chapter 179: Safe Distance

“Just him, or all his clients, too?” Jane blurted.

The king gave her a slow smile. “You know Archer? I’m not surprised.” A taunt—a challenge.

She just stared ahead, willing herself to calm, to breathe. “I used to. He’s an extraordinarily well-guarded man. I’ll need time to get past his defenses.” So carefully said, so casually phrased. What she really needed time for was to figure out how Archer had gotten tangled up in this mess—and whether the king was telling the truth. If Archer truly were a traitor and a rebel … well, she’d figure that out later.

“Then you have one month,” the king said. “And if he’s not buried by then, perhaps I shall reconsider your position, girl.”

She nodded, submissive, yielding, gracious. “Thank you, Your Majesty.” “When you have dispatched Archer, I will give you the next name on the list.” She had avoided the politics of the kingdoms—especially their rebel forces—

for so many years, and now she was in the thick of it. Wonderful.

“Be quick,” the king warne
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