Chapter 231: Violation Of Ages

Trumpets announced his arrival. Trumpets and silence as the people of Olive crowded the steep streets winding up to the white palace that watched over them all. It was the first sunny day in weeks—the snow on the cobblestone streets melting quickly, though the wind still had a final bite of winter to it, enough so that the Avalon and his entire massive party were bundled in furs that covered their regalia.

Their gold and crimson flags, however, flapped in the crisp wind, the golden poles shining as brightly as the armor of their bearers, who trotted at the head of the party. She watched them approach from one of the balconies off the throne room, Aiden at her side running a constant commentary about the state of their horses, armor, weapons—about the Avalon himself, who rode near the front on a great black warhorse. There was a pony beside him, bearing a smaller figure. “His sniveling son,” Aiden told her.

The whole castle was miserably quiet. Everyone was dashing around, but sil
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