Chapter 236: Fateful Moments

“I have a proposition for you.”

Stomach muscles throbbing, legs aching, Jane stood before Clotho’s desk as the priestess finished writing on whatever manuscript she was annotating, her enchanted pen scratching along.

Clotho lifted her head when the pen dotted its last mark and wrote on a scrap of paper, Yes?

“Would you allow your priestesses to train with me every morning in the ring at the top of the House? Not all of them—just whoever might be interested.”

Clotho sat perfectly still. Then the pen moved. Train for what?

“To strengthen their bodies, to defend themselves, to attack, if they wish. But also to clear their minds. Help steady them.”

Who will oversee this training? You?

“No. I’m not qualified for that. I’ll be training with them.” Her heart pounded. She wasn’t sure why. “Vincent will be overseeing it. He’s not handsy— I mean, he’s respectful and …” Jane shook her head. She sounded a proper fool.

Beneath the shadows of her hood, Jane could sense Clotho’s gaze lin
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