I landed my ship at the center of the town. Then I opened the door and went out. The outside was light. And plant Gog was the only planet that was lit. The rest of the planets, at least the ones I have seen, were all dark. Night every time.

The building looked perfectly done. They worsted a lot of time on them for them to look this beautiful and they were tall. Majority of them seemed to have been about ten and above floors. All kinds of people moving up and downs.

And because of me, they began making robots that look like me. Not the same face or body or color, just the type. Human type. And I saw the ugliest things present. But I just passed them as I made my way to the stole.

I pushed open the door and the man just smiled at me. “What do you have for me today?” he asked as I walked to the counter.

The place glittered with all kinds of precious stones, rings and all kinds of glittery thing you could ever think of. But they all seemed to be kept in some kind of cubed glass that was nearly impossible to break and if you break an alarm will go off that will lock you inside until the cope comes and catch you red-handed.

I looked around, and I was the only one present. I took my walled and removed the diamond. He looked at the diamond, then at me.

He looked old, like he was in his forties or something. But he told me one day after I asked that he was in his fifties. Which was unbelievable by just looking at him. But the amount of grays in his head was a lot.

His skin was covered in nothing but black spots. And his head was overly large as compared to most people around this place. His ears were point like that of an elf. And he was short. Reaching just a bit above my hips.

“Mr. Dra, I don’t have all day. I just got to level six. I need to get to work if I want to enter into the game I so desperately want,” I spoke and put the diamond on the table.

But he pushed it to me, “I can’t have this. Do you know what this is?” he asked and walked around the counter to me. “Take it and leave my stole, Trevor. I don’t want you to be seen here while you have that thing in your position,” he spoke and handed me the diamond.

“What are you talking about? This is good money. You can make way too much than you will pay me for this diamond,” I spoke, but that didn’t stop him from pushing me out of his shop.

“No. come from something else. It’s because of that that I don’t want to get involved in whatever you did to get your hands on that diamond. Leave my stole,” he pushed me out and locked the doors. He even covered for me not to see the inside.

What is with the diamond that the only man that I knew will buy it refused? He looked scared. Why?

I looked at the diamond and put it in my wallet. As I was making my way to my ship, a lesser passed my ear and slammed into a statue of whoever the man was and it shattered into pieces.

Looking back, I saw a woman approaching me as she ran. Shooting at me as she got closer.


I just went running to my ship that was about five blocks away from me. Trying to dodge the crazy lady. Dra just refused to take the diamond and here is a woman chasing me. This day can’t start any better.

Just as I was about to enter my ship, she got me. I went flipping in the air and slammed the wall that was about ten feet from my ship. Great. I took my gun and began shooting at her.

People began panicking suit. Running and screaming. Some, of course, stayed to watch what was happening. But I also don’t know what is happening. She just appeared from nowhere. But my guess is the diamond owner sent her.

Noticing that there was no more power in her gun, she threw some star things at me; I sidestepped and one missed me. But one sliced open my shirt. Just as I turned to do something about that, she punched me in the stomach, making me coughing as I slammed the wall behind me.

Then I moved my head to the side, and she slammed into the wall and it shattered. I just sighed and pushed her away. I didn’t want to fight a girl.

She flipped on the floor and I just stepped on her back as I went running to my ship. But before I stepped another foot inside, something entangled my legs and I slapped the ground with a thump.

“I need the diamond,” she spoke, pointing a gun at me as I looked to face her.

She was all blue. Even her eyes were blue. But she wore some brown leather pants and a matching jacket. But the sleeves were cut to the shoulders. And she tied her breads in a bun. She smiled and her teeth sparkled.

“I have no idea what you are talking about,” I spoke to just see if my first option will do the trick.

She shot beside me and I just flinched, but kept my smile for good measure, “I won’t say it again, human. I need the diamond now,” she spoke and leaned to get the bag at my side.

But then she got zapped by someone. I rolled to the side and she fall where I once was. I swiftly stood up. “Thanks—” before I even finished up, they zapped me as well and I fell flat on the ground.

“I thought I told you to keep watch. This is the last stroke, Trevor. you are doomed now,” a man spoke and lifted me from the ground after putting me in ropes that I failed to break. “Causing such a scene with your little girlfriend in the public eyes. You have done it now,” he spoke and began pushing me in front.

They all looked like me. Human. But they were completely human. At least, that was what I knew. His friends all covered their faces with helmets. And they were all in yellow amours.

“She isn’t my girlfriend and you should be interrogating her, not me. She wanted to kill me, not that we were fighting,” I spoke, and I heard her groan.

“Yeah, right,” he spoke, and they kept pushing us forward.

This was going worser than I thought. I needed to finish this and get to work. I have a kid to rescue and those coins will help me after the man refused to buy the diamond.

But what was with it? He refused and lady assassin shows up and wants to steal it. Something was up with it and I have a bad feeling about it.

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