Chapter 1524
After all the workouts, Xayne's physique had become well-proportioned, with tight and defined muscle lines. Although he wasn't a bulky muscular man, his body exuded a unique charm that made women glance more than once. This kind of body was particularly appealing to young, inexperienced girls.

However, Anastasia's eyes were constantly scanning Xayne's body, filled with confusion and wonder.

'Why isn't it there? Did my master make a mistake?'

Noticing Anastasia's facial expressions, Xayne chuckled. "Are you just going to let me stand here while you are mesmerized by my well-built body?"

Anastasia snapped out of her trance, retracting her gaze with a faint smile, and handed him a garment. "Try this on. It should look good."

"Um? This doesn't seem right," Xayne grinned mischievously. "You've seen my body. Shouldn't I get to see yours?"

Anastasia frowned, a cold glint flashing in her eyes. "Are you joking?"

Yet, at the same time, a flicker of panic appeared in her eyes.

"You're mis
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