Today is going to be Sarah’s first day in her new school. She is a kindergarten student now. That’s why her mom is so excited to drop her to the school. Emily woke up early to prepare everything for her adopted daughter.

“Are you ready for school, honey? Why is your face like that?” she asked, sounding a bit worried. The little girl is scared to go to the school regularly.

The last time they visited the school for first time didn’t go well for Sarah. She receives discerning eyes from her classmates. She knows that she didn’t leave a good first impression on them.

“I’m okay, mommy. I’m just sleepy," she lied. But the truth is, she hasn’t slept well last night because going back to school bothers her. She was never okay with it.

Emily frowned and asked, “Why is that? Aren’t you excited to go back to school? It’s your first day, honey,” the woman was confused.

She has noticed that her little daughter’s mood is shifting every time they talk about going to school. Sarah never tells her wh
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