Leon stumbled out of the house without even registering his surroundings properly. He didn't want to think about anything right now, because if he started to think about how shitty this day was, he might never stop spiraling.

He flagged down a taxi and gave the driver the address of the hospital. By now, the bleeding from his wound had stopped, but there was definitely a dull ache at the back of his head.  

He rushed inside the hospital, greeted by the sterile smell of disinfectant as rushed towards the doctor’s office. Dr. Walter greeted him with a concerned look as Leon walked in.

“Oh, Mr. Jenkins, please have a seat. It’s good that you were able to come today.” 

Dr. Walter began to speak again as Leon sat down on the chair, his voice steady but serious. 

“Here are your test reports.” 

He handed Leon a thick envelope and continued, 

“Look, Mr. Jenkins, I'll be completely honest with you. If you can afford it, I would highly recommend that you get the surgery. Otherwise, you might not be able to live past three months. As a matter of fact, I am surprised you are even able to walk around with such a severe disease hollowing you out from the inside.”

Leon’s mind flashed back to moments over the past months when he suddenly felt like he couldn't breathe, got tired easily, and felt dizzy so often. 

He had pushed those symptoms aside, thinking they were due to stress or overwork. Only in hindsight, did they look like glaring signs he had ignored.

Dr. Walter’s voice broke through his thoughts. 

“Mr. Jenkins…?”

Leon blinked, focusing back on the doctor. “Yes, doctor. I want to get the surgery.”

Dr. Walter nodded;

“Good. Please go to the registration counter and pay the f*e, then we can get started with the procedures as soon as possible.”

Leon nodded silently before standing up and making his way out of the clinic, but for the first time, he felt a sliver of hope. 

After reaching the registration counter, Leon took a deep breath as he approached the receptionist, a middle- aged woman with a stern expression. 

"Excuse me? I would like to pay the f*e for lung cancer surgery."

His voice was steady but his heart was pounding.

The receptionist barely glanced at him, her tone robotic as she asked, 

"Your name, address, and date of birth, please." 

Leon provided the information, feeling slightly anxious.

"Do you have a referral slip?" 

"Yes, from Dr. Walters." 

"The f*e is one hundred thousand dollars plus tax, sir."

The receptionist informed him while looking at him, and it was clear from her body language and tone that she doubted whether he even had enough money.

"Yes, please go ahead," Leon responded confidently, ignoring her tone and handing over his bank card.

The receptionist swiped the card, but the machine beeped, and the display screen flashed a message that sent a wave of dread through Leon: "Insufficient Funds, Please Try Again."

Leon stared at the screen in disbelief as he felt totally numb for a moment… he was sure he had enough money in the account. Despite his low earnings, he had been frugal, and he was sure that he at least had enough money to pay for the treatment. 

Then… how could this be?

Meanwhile, the receptionist was getting impatient and had no time for this. She threw his card back across the counter. 

"You should check your balance first before wasting our time at the hospital," she snapped. 

"There are a lot of people waiting for service. That's why I asked you upfront, why couldn't you answer honestly at that time?"

Leon felt a flush of embarrassment rise to his cheeks. 

"I’m sorry," he mumbled, pocketing his card and stepping away from the counter.

He wanted to ask the receptionist if she could swipe it again, just to be sure, but her rude attitude discouraged him in the end. But still, there had to be some mistake, how could his savings disappear overnight?

Leon turned and walked away from the counter, his heart heavy. He stepped away from the reception and found a quiet spot. 

His hands shook as he dialed the bank’s customer service number. After a few rings, a calm, automated voice guided him through the options until he finally reached a human representative.

“Hello, this is Lisa from the Union Bank customer service. How can I assist you today?”

Leon took a deep breath. 

“Hello, I just tried to use my card to pay for a medical procedure, but it was declined. Can you tell me if my card is blocked or something? Because there should be plenty of money in the account.”

"Sure, can you please let me know what the error code or message was?"

"Uh… it said insufficient funds, but there must be some mistake."

“Let me check for you, sir. Can I have your account number and some identification details?”

Leon provided the necessary information, while his mind was trying to understand what was going on… 

He had been saving every penny for years now. He used to take the bus to work, no matter how hot or uncomfortable it was. He worked overtime whenever he could, apart from working an online part- time job… 

Lisa was silent for a moment, with just the sound of typing on the other side of the line. Leon's train of thought broke when she spoke up;

“Sir, I see your account here. It shows a balance of only twenty dollars.”

Leon felt a cold shock course through him. “Twenty dollars? That’s impossible! I had saved so much..  there should be thousands!”

“I’m sorry, sir, but that is the current balance on your account."

Lisa confirmed.

A terrible realization dawned on Leon. It must be Addie, it had to be her! That bitch had sucked out all the savings for which he had been pushing himself to the edge of death… 

No wonder she handed the card back so easily! Uncontrollable anger and frustration was overwhelming him as he dialed her number. 

She didn't answer at first, but he kept trying out of stubbornness until finally, she picked up on the third ring.

“What! Why are you bothering me now?” she snapped.

Leon ignored her question, his voice trembling with anger. 

“Where’s my money, Addie? What did you do with it?”

She laughed, a cold, mocking sound. 

“What money are you talking about? Don't tell me you are getting so hyper about the few thousand dollars that were left on your card."

"Yes, I'm talking about the balance on my card! What the fuck did you do?"

"Of course, I used it. What else? But look at you, how shameless! You are blabbering about the money as if there were millions of dollars in there!”

Leon felt his knees buckle with weakness, and he sank to the ground, tears welling up in his eyes. 

He wanted to cuss her out, ask her how she could be so selfish, but he couldn't find any words. There was no point, anyway… 

On the other side of the call, Addie's voice continued, her tone sharp and accusing. 

“Can't you see what a shitty husband you are? And have been for all these years! It's just me who is willing to put up with your bullshit. If it was anyone else, she would have left you long ago!"

She sighed loudly before continuing, 

"After all, how can anyone live this fucking life? You have always earned so little. I couldn’t even afford the luxurious bags and clothes I deserve to maintain my lifestyle. And then there is a leech like you, who is trying to guilt me for shopping once a month?”

She was going on and on, but Leon wasn’t listening anymore. The phone slipped from his hand as he sat on the cold pavement.


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