The leader's face was twisted in horror as the reality of the situation sank in… he was in deep trouble, more than he had ever bargained for. 

"Oh shit… shit, shit shit…" he muttered to himself, his voice barely audible over his pounding heart. 

"He… he is– we killed him. No, one of you bloody bastards killed him! And now the cops… the cops could be here any moment!"

The other gangsters looked around frantically, their own fear reflecting in their wide eyes. There was an outbreak of panic in the group, and without waiting for orders, a few of them turned around and bolted, running away as fast as they could.

"What are you looking at, you fools? Help me up!" 

The leader shouted, his voice cracking with desperation. He struggled to his feet, his legs shaking under his weight. Some of his most loyal followers rushed forward, supporting him by the arms. 

The remaining men were stunned, glancing nervously around for the one who had struck Leon. But of course, he wasn't waiting around to be discovered. Instead, he had already disappeared into the night at the first opportunity he got.

The leader, seeing the chaos and sensing the looming threats, made a quick decision.

"We will get that motherfucker later, if not now. Even if he runs to the other side of the earth! Just get in the cars! Hurry up!" He barked, his voice carrying an edge of hysteria.

The gangsters didn’t need to be told twice, and they all scrambled into their vehicles, slamming doors as the engines revved. The tires screeched as they sped away, fleeing the scene as fast as they could, leaving behind Leon’s body. 

The street now stood quiet and empty, save for the lone, unmoving figure left behind. Leon was laying on the cold ground, his body entirely still. The wound on his head was bleeding profusely, but strangely enough, the blood didn’t just pool around him.

The blood that had gathered on the road so far, suddenly began to flow towards his hand– almost like it had somehow gained sentience and was moving on purpose. 

The flow of blood seemed to be drawn to the ring on his finger, converging there in a steady stream. Moments after the blood touched the ring, it began to shine brightly. 

It wasn't the typical, subtle gleam of gold, either. Instead, it began as a small spark that expanded into a bright orb of light, almost supernatural in nature, illuminating the area around him. Leon’s injuries started to heal rapidly, as the bleeding stopped instantly, all the cuts and open wounds closed up, and the bruises faded away.

Then, something even more extraordinary happened: Leon’s body began to float. He was still in the same position as before, but it seemed like he was levitating– at first, just a few inches off the ground. Slowly, Leon's body rose a few feet into the air, suspended by an unseen force. 

However, even though most of the injuries had been healed, Leon's eyes remained closed, and he showed no signs of waking up… 

Just as abruptly as it had started, the ring’s glow began to fade. The light dimmed and within seconds, the ring darkened completely, its power seemingly spent.  Leon fell back to the ground with a dull thud.

Right at that moment, a little girl, no more than four years old, turned the corner into the street. She was just passing by, looking around curiously, when she saw Leon lying on the ground. 

She stopped suddenly, her eyes widening in fear as she looked at the figure on the ground, as if to make sure what she was looking at. She rubbed her eyes twice, but the person didn't disappear– and this was enough to convince her that this wasn't one of her dreams. 

The little girl hesitated for a moment before cautiously approaching him. She tapped him lightly on the shoulder, but Leon didn’t move at all. 

The girl became more alarmed, and she shouted, "Mom! Mom!"

A beautiful woman, who had been a few steps behind the girl, hurried into the street with a worried expression. 

"Sarah! There you are… Why did you leave mommy’s hand like that?" she scolded gently, her voice tinged with anxiety. 

"How many times have I told you, don’t run around on the road? What if something had happened to you? It’s nighttime, so it is very dangerous, especially for little kids like you—"

Her words trailed off as her eyes fell on Leon’s figure. She gasped, her heart pounding in her chest, as she looked at the man lying on the street so late at night, seemingly unconscious. Was he drunk and passed out here? Or had someone left him there on purpose? But what if he needed help? 

For a moment, she stood there frozen, overwhelmed with fear and uncertainty, unable to decide what to do next. But then,  she noticed the shallow rise and fall of Leon’s chest… making her realize that he was still alive.

"Stay here, Sarah. I will just go and check." she instructed firmly, her voice calm.

She quickly composed herself and walked closer, crouching down beside Leon to get a better look. Her fingers brushed against his wrist, feeling for a pulse. It was weak, but at least it was still there. 

Relief washed over her, but it was clear that the situation was urgent. Just then, the girl rushed towards the woman, wrapping her tiny arms around her legs.

"Mom! I didn't do anything, I promise I wasn't being a bad girl. I was just chasing the kitty, and saw this uncle–"

"Shh… it's okay, peanut." The woman brushed her hand over the child's head, and said,

"Mom will take care of it, okay?" 

Saying this, the woman pulled her phone from her pocket and dialed emergency services.

"Hello? I need an ambulance immediately," she said, giving the operator their location. "There is a man lying here, he is unconscious but still breathing. Please hurry."

She hung up and turned her attention back to Leon, hoping that the ambulance would arrive in time.


Meanwhile, in a room high up in a skyscraper, an old man was sitting behind an imposing desk, listening intently as a younger man narrated a report. 

The room was some kind of a home- office, with a modern and sleek setup. There were huge glass windows that gave a view of the city's skyline, and right across from the windows was a large helipad. 

At the moment, the old man’s face was stern, his eyes sharp and focused on the papers in front of him. He would occasionally scribble something on the notepad beside him, while puffing an imported cigar. 

Suddenly, the old man’s eyes widened, and he shot up from his chair. His movement was so abrupt that it caused the young man to stop mid- sentence. 

The young man’s eyes widened in fear, and he stumbled over his words, thinking that he must have made a grievous mistake.

"I’m really sorry, sir! I will read it again, please tell me–" he began, his voice trembling.

But the old man completely ignored him. His eyes were fixed on a distant point beyond the room, and he shouted with a mix of shock and elation, 

"I… I just felt the power of the Ring! Thank God, I finally found out where my young master is!"


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