Leon conquered the narrow and constricted tunnels underground despite having multiple injuries. He knows that there is no easy path for him to take except for this path to reach his desired destination.

That’s why he needs to endure the pain until he finishes all his remaining quests. “I hope I am going to the right path because it was so difficult to pass through here,” Leon sighed.

Right at the entrance, the catacombs were quite cramped and suffocating, but Leon navigated through the narrow passages.

Whenever the path was divided into different paths, he used his intuition to go right, left, or straight ahead, and he was guided to the right way. Thanks to the power from the Ring of Apollo which he wears on his finger throughout his journey.

The Ring of Apollo has many beneficial features, especially in this kind of journey. Some of its features are already discovered by Leon however there are still many features left that he was not aware of yet but he was already using without him
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