Chapter 10.

The morning came in a flash, and a knock on the door interrupted Taeyang. Yinyue opened her eyes as soon as the knock sounded. Her eyes were clear as if she had not just woken up.

“Excuse me sir and ma. This is Gu Yan, the chieftain is here to see you,” a voice sounded from behind the door.

Yinyue got up, her sudden movements surprised Taeyang, who didn’t know she had woken up. She stretched her body; the bones in her arms, and back cracked.

Taeyang - We’ll be there in a minute.

Taeyang replied Gu Yan, while he watched Yinyue stretched. When she found him looking, she flashed him a smile.

Yinyue - Good morning!

Taeyang - Good morning, did you sleep well.

Yinyue nodded. Although she had been on guard, she did sleep well. She didn’t let Taeyang know of the killing intent she sensed last night because it had not been directed to them. And because she didn’t want to worry him.

Taeyang - Let’s go.

She nodded, and the duo made their way out of the room. With her yellow-colored eyes and
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