Chapter 12.

Taeyang - What the hell?

He yelled in confusion. ‘What is this?’ he thought. Everyone around had their eyes wide open. Some had the look of confusion while others had a look of fear on their faces.

Old Shen - Haha, after so long something interesting finally happened.

Unlike everyone else, old Shen laughed his heart out. His lips curved to his ears, and his eyes twinkled like bright stars. Without a doubt everyone could see how extremely happy he looked.

Old Shen - You all should leave. Someone get Bian Hong out of the tree.

??? - Yes sir.

The group chorused and got to their feet. They bowed at old Shen before they headed toward the gate. A few of them walked up to Bian Hong. Old Shen walked up Taeyang; the smile still evident on his face.

Old Shen - Interesting!

He examined Taeyang’s hands and exclaimed. Taeyang could only wonder what exactly made him so happy. Yinyue walked over to them reluctantly, and Taeyang could see the fear on her face.

Old Shen - Come with me.

Old Shen
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