Chapter 14.

Taeyang stared at the cave entrance that old Shen had led him to. He had followed without a question and curiosity ate him from within. They stopped before the cave but old Shen turned around.

Old Shen - You don’t need to follow us anymore.

“Yes sir,” Mo Ying’s voice sounded. Taeyang turned but found no one. He saw no signs of being followed. He found just the setting sun behind, the grasses and a few trees that witness their arrival.

Old Shen - Let’s go.

He walked in and clapped his hands and the dark cave lit up. On the ceiling laid several stones that glowed bright. Similar stones to the ones Taeyang saw in the weapon’s room. Though much bigger and brighter.

Old Shen led the way for them and after five minutes walk and a few bends, they arrived at a large room. ‘This is the largest cave room have seen,’ Taeyang thought. Almost as large as old Shen’s compound, the cave room possessed a large, milky pool at the center. Above the pool the sky could be seen. The sun had almost set.
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