Chapter 1600
“Leave the village? Why?”

“There isn't much of our witchcraft left we can use. The village is almost depleted of their children and money. The drought will arrive eventually, and when it happens, many will die. This is what I wanted to remind you about.”

Fred looked at the cloaked man and surmised that he was no simple person. Judging from this appearance, he was someone full of savage explosiveness. More importantly, he had potent explosive power hidden in his body!

What was going on? Also, seeing how these two were speaking to one another so secretly, they were definitely in cahoots!

Considering their secretive behavior, could this man also be a witch like the woman?

Also, based on their conversation about the weather just now, it meant that they had some method of controlling the weather or blocking it. Although Fred could not be certain about this, he knew that these two people were behind the village's plight.

It looked like things were not going to be a walk in the park.
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