Chapter 4. No one steps on Jojo!


Aiden’s mouth fell opened at the sudden realization!

Who would ever believed the old white jade stones were infinite in the bag?!

The more he counted them, the more they multiply.


This was impossible to take in!

“ Shit!” Aiden gasped as he screamed out loud! He couldn’t control his emotions by what he just discovered!

“Aiden! Is everything okay there?”

Isabelle shouted from the living room, in a worried tone, hearing Aiden’s scream, which was unusual.

“ Uhm....” Aiden scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, lowering his eyes but nodded. “’s all good. Everything is okay.” He denied, covering his lips.

“ If that’s it, then don’t scream anymore. You don’t want this building to collapse, do ya?”

Isabelle warned him calmly.

“ Sure.”

If one stone is worth 50 million dollars, then an infinite stones are worth.........infinite wealth?!

Oh no! This was terrifying and astounding!

More importantly, he thought why did the strange man gave him such a huge treasure like this?!

Could this be the secret? But he still couldn’t understand.

At this moment, Aiden’s jaw dropped in awe, his heart racing with the consequence of the infinite stones. He couldn’t even bring himself to sleep again.

Shuffling a step back, his eyes were intently latched on the blinding stones, his face picturing a look of excitement, fear, incredulity, but hope spiraled up inside him.

With this treasure, he felt the herbs were now worth it. He even thought he could have a good life and pay for his grandma’s surgery.

However, the same time, Aiden snapped his forehead and felt it wasn’t right.

Initially, he only wanted to help the dying strange man from earlier and not expecting anything in return. Now, he had no idea on how to deal with this kind of immense treasure.

Should I return it? He mused to himself, looking deeply thoughtful.....


The next day sprang into life, and Aiden quickly headed to school.

He had deliberated about the stones even more and stood on a decision.

The stones were infinite right? And Grandma’s surgery only cost five million dollars, coupled with the drugs f*e and the rest of the expenses, it would definitely amount to almost ten million dollars.

In that case, it wouldn’t be bad to take just one out of the infinite stones and used it to save grandma? Then, return the rest right?

There was no other way for him to get the required money, and time was limited. With this, he closed his mind, having already made his decision.


The moment Aiden got to school, he straightened himself calmly and looked up.

His midnight black eyes immediately caught sight of Chris and his friends approaching him arrogantly, with their expressions shimmering with hostility.

Aiden didn’t fret. Instead, he stared at them lazily and crossed his arms against his chest.

Thinking of the stones in his possession, he felt there was no need to let anyone bully him again!

Chris and his friends were stunned to see Aiden facing them calmly.

Wasn’t he supposed to be scared of them like before?

Ricky sneered, glaring viciously at Aiden! “ I can truly see this bastard is no longer scared of us. What a joke! Does he think because of Alex, he has a chance against you, Chris?! Then, he must be dreaming! “ He could feel his irritation crackling, and he hissed. “ A worthless pauper like him, who can’t even feed himself or clothe himself properly doesn’t deserve to have an exquisite lady like Alex. Only you, Chris deserve Alex!”

“ Yes!” Henry spat annoyingly, seizing Aiden up and down with disgust as they stood some meters away from Aiden. “ Chris, I really want to deal with this nitwit! He looks just like a beggar and needs to be shown where he deserve, otherwise he would continue to misbehave and disrespect us!”

As he said this, his fists couldn’t help but clenched tightly till his knuckles turned white as sheet!

“ I will like to see you try.”

Aiden raised his head high, his eyes sharp, and he chuckled coldly. “ As far as I know, you are only full of words but lacked actions.”

Henry blushed the moment he heard this, exasperated, his veins started pulsing with anger, and he clenched his jaws!

“ you want to die?!?”

Aiden clicked his tongue and stuffed his hands into his pocket, shrugging casually as he responded, “ You can’t kill me.”

He taunted, a corner of his lips curling. He seemed to enjoy the look of anger on Henry and Ricky’s faces.

Just then, Chris stepped forward, narrowing his eyes fiercely!

“ Enough! Did you think just because you managed to escape yesterday, I will let you go?! I bet you don’t know the........”

Aiden lifted one of his brows as he interrupted him indifferently. “ What will you do to me?” He demanded, his tone indifferent.

Chris jerked his head back, shocked, but this caused his frown to deepened!

“ Bloody idiot! How dare you?!” Henry cursed, breathless with rage! He hollered, “ In this school, Chris calls the shot, and he is the law here! You don’t have the insolent boldness to be impolite except if you don’t value your life!”

Chris tightened his jaws, almost crushing them. A wave of fury crashed unto him, and he roared! “ Aiden!! I never thought unfortunate and poverty stricken people like you also have the audacity to face those that are powerful than them! Did your grandma taught you that?! Are you following her teachings?! How about I correct you and your grandma? I want your grandma to know how wrong and stupid she........”


A thunderous sound exploded in the air, and instantly, the atmosphere darkened and thickened with a suffocating tension!

The sound of the slap resounded across the surroundings, trailed by a shocked dead silence!

Chris was cut off abruptly and harshly from his rude statement!

His pupils shrank back incredulously, perplexed, and his mouth widened!

Aiden had rushed forward impulsively and delivered a heavy blow on Chris’ cheek, carrying so much force along with it!

Because of this sudden intense force, Chris staggered backward, almost losing his balance.. His face swelled up instantly like a pig’s head, turning crimson.

“ You can step on me, but no one steps on my Jojo!”

Aiden warned them sternly, his tone full of dominance to protect his grandma, while his face was covered with layers and layers of dark clouds!

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