Chapter 5. The bet

It was at this time, a petite figure emerged from the small bush not far away and skipped forward in a rush!

“ Aiden! I didn’t give you the right to hurt Chris, he is my man, so you don’t have the right to do that?! Are you seeking revenge just because he was able to get my heart while you aren’t!!?”

Alex’s tears were streaming out as she sobbed pitifully like she had truly being wronged. Her eyes were like a pool, sniveling, and the tears clung to her lashes gradually, giving her a delicate view. She cried out and stated in a coy tone, “ If you are angry, don’t take it out on Chris. Just hurt me and punish me instead! Then, I hope you will be satisfied, but I would never have anything to do with you, because it Chris that I love!”

Afterwards, she went ahead to help Chris, checking his body out worriedly.

Aiden just watched Alex calmly, his face full of an inexplicable emotion. At this moment, how wouldn’t he understand the meaning behind Alex’s words.

She seemed so be crying, but she was just mocking him cryptically with her words. He haven’t had the time to think about the heart break, but now looking at them, his gaze became even more darker, and his jaws clenched hardly.

He sneered, his voice dropping to a low growl,“ I don’t have the time to think about a used product.”

“ Are you crazy?!” Ricky snapped, unable to take it, and he raised his fists furiously! “ Who gave a rotten discarded garbage like you the right to talk?!”

However, Chris signaled with his hand up and stopped him. He held Alex’s palm and adjusted himself, gnashing his teeth coldly at Aiden!

He felt a wave of humiliation cashing over him, as his face turned purple with anger, a vein bulging out from his neck. If he could, he wanted to strangle Aiden to death!

The nerve of him!

“ After slapping me, you went after my lady?! You are crossing the line and looking for death!” He threatened in an infuriated tone.

Alex spoke up weakly and walked towards Aiden.

“ Aiden, do you hate me now? After all........I.”

She reached out her hand, wanting to hold Aiden, but in the next moment, she tripped against the small stone she saw right in front of her and missed her steps, falling down swiftly!

And from the angle she was facing Aiden, it appeared as if the latter had pushed her, instead of tripping.

“ Alex!”

Chris yelled, a worried look flashing across his face, and he quickly dashed to save the falling Alex.

Alex squeezed her face for more tears to come out and bit her lower lip nervously, playing a pitiful falling helpless beauty.

“ Oh my goodness, Aiden what did you just do?! I know you hate me and blame me for everything, but do you have to kill me? I wasn’t the one who caused your misfortune.”

Chris caught her just in time and hugged her tight, but he missed the look of calculation in her eyes.

Aiden scrutinized Alex and crinkled his nose. He was full of disdain towards Alex. Why didn’t he notice the kind of person Alex was before?

“ I am impressed. Alex, you should get an Oscar for being a good actor. I never thought you are this good and malicious to the extent of hurting yourself.”

Alex, you want to play the role of a white lotus?

Let’s see!

Henry snarled, his veins pulsing with anger! He took out a whip from his behind and ambled towards Aiden.

“ You deserve to be whipped!” He spoke up grumpily, raising the whip in his hand and straightened it.

Aiden snorted, shaking his head in an amused manner.

“ Do you believe if you try it, I will ruin you in an instant?” He curled his lips mischievously. “ I wonder how the Greene family would handle this if I release news on what their humble son is capable of doing?” He winked at Henry.


Henry almost crushed his teeth ,but he didn’t dare to act recklessly.

Chris snorted and mocked Aiden, standing up as he helped Alex.

“ Do you think you are worthy of that?! You don’t even know you have no value. As long as I say a thing, the press would never listen to you! You better shut up, or i can’t guarantee what I will do to your rotten mouth!”

Alex also chimed in, straightening her back, and raising a haughty look at Aiden.

“ Take a good look at yourself and see if people won’t think you are crazy. You, what do you have? Absolutely nothing! No value, no money, no worth, no reputable family, no power, no mansion, no car, no status! You are just a walking waste of flesh!”

But Aiden glanced at her coolly.

“ Is that so? What if I had money now? I am sure you are going to change your mind and run back to me.”


Alex blinked her eyes, feeling confounded and startled. She pulled her brows and turned to Chris.

“ No way! You? Have money? That will be like the sky falling to the ground, which means it is impossible! Do you want to play around? Oh, I am sorry, I don’t play with futureless people like you!”

Chris interjected, feeling ballistic, and he yelled at Aiden!

Aiden suddenly grinned and tapped his foot gently on the ground.

“ Don’t worry, even if I have money, I won’t take back the rubbed dog. I don’t touch what others have touched.”

He gave Alex a dirty look and scrunched up his face, as if disgusted!

Alex’s face turned scarlet with anger, and she almost exploded, her heart twisting rapidly!

“ Who are you calling a rubbed dog?!”

She screamed, gnashing her teeth loudly, which was so in stark contrast to her ladylike manner. She never expected Aiden would treat her like this!

Unexpectedly, a loud gasp rippled through the students that had started to gather, drawn in by the hubbub going on.

Immediately, murmurs broke out within them!

“ Did you just hear that?!”

“Of course I did! That Aiden is really a scum! How dare he say that?!

‘’He is just as penniless as ever! How can he fool around just like that?!”

“ I can’t believe it! Did he just washed Alex on the ground?! No! I am sure Chris won’t let this go again!”

Hearing how Aiden humiliated Alex, Chris’ eyes blazed with rage!

“ The nerve of you?!” He pointed at Aiden coldly!

With an indifferent tone, Aiden spoke, huffing, “ You can’t act innocent. The only reason Alex is with you is because you are wealthy. Without that, you are nothing.”

Chris’ face became ugly in that instant, but he was swift to conceal it, while he cursed Aiden inwardly!

“In that case, why don’t we prove it? You said you have money right? Then, let’s make a bet.” He became more confident as he announced, “ I want to buy a jewelry for Alex on our anniversary tomorrow which cost ten million dollars. I changed my mind now. If you can buy the ten million dollars jewelry, then I will serve you, wash all the restrooms in the school, carry your bag, scream your name, bow to you, and do anything else you want me to do for a whole week. Even Alex, you can take her and treat her anyhow you want!”

The sound of Chris’ voice stroked strongly across the atmosphere, followed by a stunned silence. The smell of tension soon hung heavily over Aiden and Chris.

Aiden pursed his lips and snapped his brows slightly.

Seeing Aiden’s current look, Chris laughed within him, licking his lower lip in satisfaction. He looked at all the students gathered and shouted seriously, “ I, Chris Foster, promise to serve Aiden like a slave for a whole week if he can buy a ten million dollars jewelry for my girlfriend, Alex, tomorrow, but if he is unable to, then he has to bow and become my personal miserable slave!”

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