Chapter 6. Torn pant

Afterwards, he faced Aiden, “ Aiden, do you agree or not?” As Chris asked this, it caused a stir among the students, and they all turned to Aiden.

Alex quickly hooked her arm around Chris and pouted proudly, “ Chris, we all know Aiden has nothing. I will rather say we should just let him serve you as a way of apologizing. Let’s not humiliate him the more, he can’t afford it, even if he sell his whole generation, right Aiden?”

She glanced at Aiden gently, but inwardly, she was sneering coldly at him!

Aiden ignored her, but he could comprehend her words, the sarcasm and mockery in them.

She seemed to be saying ‘ Just give up on the bet, you can’t afford a ten million jewelry. In this way, we can humiliate you more and make your life miserable!’

Aiden lowered his eyes, a hint of calculation glinting across them. He didn’t tell Chris he had money, but the latter had twisted his words.

However, he had a stone, which he was going to sell for fifty million.

Grandma’s surgery is only nine million. So, it won’t cost anything to remove ten million to buy the jewelry in order to save face for himself, right?

As he pondered, the turmoil in his heart gradually calm down, and he looked up at Chris.

“ I agree.’’ He coincided thoughtfully.


They were all expecting Aiden to back out from the bet, but unexpectedly, Aiden’s answer struck a blow to their faces!

Chris’ jaw slacked, and there was a quick flash of frown on his face.

Aiden didn’t even bother to glance at him and walked away after agreeing to the bet.

Alex’s face turned grim with ugliness, seething, and she tightened her jaws!

Well then, let’s wait for you to embarrass yourself!


Aiden got to the class and searched for a good place to sit, but it seemed the seats were all occupied strangely.

He raised his brows and turned to the seat close to him, then ambled forward.

“Excuse me, can you adjust?” He asked in a low tone.

The students on the seat raised their heads at him and snorted arrogantly! They ignored him and continue chatting among themselves.

Aiden wore a calm smile and moved closer. “ Sorry please, this seat is made for four people, but you are all three. Can you just please adjust, so I can take a sit?”


Suddenly, one of the students on the seat, became impatient and irritated! He stood up, dropping his book on the desk loudly and snapped!

“ Are you blind?! Who the hell are you to request for a seat here?! You are just a miserable vomit! Get out of here!”

Immediately, he grabbed his book and swung it across Aiden’s face!

Aiden stepped back, dodging the book just in time. His eyes were steady and unwavering, despite been yelled at. He didn’t react and left, approaching other seats, but it was still the same result. No one allowed him to sit beside them.

“ You better give up, otherwise we will make you regret it!”

“ Chris, the school king is not to be trifled with! Give up!’’

‘’ You are nothing compare to him! Don’t cross your lane!"

They all whispered to him, pushing him away, as they looked down at him ridiculously.

He sighed inwardly. He knew Chris was really determined to make things hard for him.

But the more they stop him, the more he becomes adamant !

Just then, the lecturer came in and proceeded with the course.

Aiden stood by the window side, paying rapt attention to the lecturer, who didn’t care if he got a seat or not.

“ Hey idiot! Hold my books and get me a cuppacino!”

The guy who stood up earlier turned to Aiden and called out impolitely, ordering him.

Aiden ignored him and focused even more on the lecturer.

The guy was called Adam, who acted as the one in charge of the class.

Seeing how Aiden ignored him, his eyes flared with fury, and he scowled!

“ Miss Olsen, Aiden promised to be my servant for the day, which I am going to pay him. Now, i ordered him to get me a cup of coffee and hold my books, but he ignored me!”

The lecturer called Miss Olsen, turned back and frowned at the scene.

“ Aiden, don’t be a fool! Do what you are supposed to do and stop causing trouble, or I will be forced to report you to the dean!”

Hearing this, Adam smirked, feeling pleased and faced Aiden

“ What are you waiting for?!”

Aiden squinted his eyes both at Miss Olsen and Adam, then pursed his lips.

They all thought he was going to react out of control, so they can get the best opportunity to bring him down.

Suddenly, Aiden gave a lopsided grin and nodded slightly.

“ Okay.”

He walked out of the class, under countless intense gazed leering at him.

Few minutes later, the power supply in the class was down, allowing darkness to envelope the class.

This resulted into a commotion among the students in the class, and they started grumbling and complaining to Miss Olsen.

After a while Aiden came back, and some seconds later, the light was restored.

The students heaved a sigh of relief and sat down back on their seats.

Adam turned to Aiden and demanded impolitely! “ Where’s my coffee?”

Aiden handed him the hot coffee, which Adam looked down at and sneered. In the next second, the latter pushed the coffee back to Aiden abruptly, and it ended up spilling on his hands.

He could feel his skin burning and knew it would be scald, but he remained silent, enduring the pain.

Adam huffed, not expecting him to still be calm, and he grew annoyed even more, twisting his lips.

He sat down and crossed his legs.

Instantly, a ripping sound resounded, startling the students, and they all turned around.

“What’s that sound?”

“ It seems that something just tore!”

Adam didn’t notice anything and shifted.

This was when the boy beside him, caught a glimpse of Adam’s pant and exclaimed, blinking his eyes rapidly!

“ Adam! What happened to your pant?! It’s torn and showing your ass! Oh no!”

Adam’s pupils dilated fiercely, his head buzzing as he heard this.


Swiftly, he looked down at his pant and saw that something had ripped his pant, exposing his butt and a glimpse of his secret treasure!

“ No! No! No! No! This can’t be!” He yelped out of shock, his eyes widening, and he shook his head. He lifted his head and saw that all eyes were on him, especially the ladies, who wore a dissatisfied face.

He knew he had always bragged about how amazing his body is, but now, the truth was glaring!

“ Ew! What’s this?!”

“ It’s so small! I thought Adam said his body was just like a Greek god!”

“ Damn! Adam’s butt is so ugly and crushed! I can’t even look at it.”

Adam felt like he was going crazy. His eyes were red with anger and humiliation!

“ Y’all should keep your rotten mouths down! You don’t know what you are saying! Stop looking at my butt!”

As he snapped, he quickly covered himself with his palms and stepped away nervously. He had already broke out in cold sweats.

What had just happened?! He couldn’t even explain it.

The students ignored his screams and mocked him mercilessly, while they pointed at him.

It was at this time, Adam’s gaze flew to Aiden, who was silently reading his note.

A nameless dark fury surged and swirled in him, making his mouth to set in hard lines!

He barked, “ This is all your fault, Aiden! I know you are behind this!” He accused Aiden without thinking and glanced at Miss Olsen! “ You have to sue him! No one else in this class can have the intention to do this to me, except him! I am definitely sure of this!"

Aiden raised his head, putting on an innocent look, and he closed the book he was reading.

“ Adam, are you this stupid, or today is a special occasion?” He shook his head and clarified, “ You asked me to get you a coffee which I did, and now you are accusing me? Okay, do you have a proof to what you just said?”

“ Shut up!!! I know what I am saying! You did this to me, and I will make you pay!”

Adam refused to believe and keep yelling furiously at Aiden. “ What meaningless proof?! I am the evidence."


The instant he said this, his pant tore even more, leaving him no room to cover up again.

“ Haaa! I can’t take this!” He yapped like a bitten dog

Miss Olsen frowned hard and finally spoke up, “ Enough! Adam, since you don’t have any evidence, you can’t accuse anyone. Now, stop causing a fuss and get a proper pant!”

With this, Adam’s face grew redder and darker even more! His torn pant really left him exposed, and a slap to his face

He screamed like a pig and glanced around. Seeing all the displeased and disgusted faces, he couldn’t take it. He ran out like a little boy, cursing Aiden!

In fact, he almost bumped against the door and his screams echoed loudly along the hallway. The air was filled with the smell of embarrassment and students laughter.

Aiden focused back on his book silently, but no one noticed the mischievous light dancing under his eyes.....

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