Chapter 7. 20 million jewelry

Once it was closing time, Aiden packed his bag and left the school. He got to a ware store where he could sell the stone. He quickly sold the stone for fifty million and was given a diamond card, which his name was printed on it. After Aiden tested the card and confirmed the amount, he left, and a strange man wearing a hood jacket walked into the store, checking around until his eyes landed on the old white jade stone, which was already placed in a safe transparent box.

The man lowered his eyes sinisterly, but he said nothing.

Aiden went to the hospital and paid for his grandma surgery with the card, then he headed back to the house.

“ Jojo!”

He called out to his grandma the moment he got home and happily ran to her room.

“ Jojo, someone paid for the surgery! I don’t know who, but the doctor called me and informed me about it. This is a blessing and a miracle!”

Isabelle was dumbfounded, hearing this and was unable to react for a while.

“ What did you just say?! My surgery?”

Aiden laughed, shaking his head with satisfaction. “ C’mon, let’s go to the hospital and see for ourselves.”

He realized he hasn't tell Isabelle about the surgery but promised to explain on their way. Without wasting time, the two of them left for the hospital.


Far away, in an hidden organization at C country, an unfamiliar cold looking man sat down majestically on a large golden decorated seat like throne, with his legs crossed gracefully. He was smoking, as a cigar perpetually dangled out of his mouth, lazily staring at the row of blindfolded people lining up at his front.

He picked up a custom made hand gun and cocked the gun towards the first blindfolded person in front of him.

“ No! Please my lord!”


A bullet flew into the person’s head, splattering out blood and some brain matters.

Just like that, the unfamiliar man pulled the trigger at all the blindfolded people lined up at his front, killing them like he was playing.

The people beside him, just stood quietly without their gazes wavering or blinking. It was as if they were used to this kind of a thing.

Just then, one of his subordinates ran forward and knelt down instantly!

“ My lord, it seems their master is gone, and they are already looking for the next master of the sect and the future wealth holder.”

“ I don’t care!” The man stood up abruptly and roared! “ Find me those stones! I want to get my hands on those stones as soon as possible, otherwise consider yourself a walking dead!”

He threatened his subordinate sternly, his eyes glinting sharp as a sword!

Brother! Do you think you can hide those stones? I will get them and make use of them to my satisfaction whether you like it or not!

Suddenly, the subordinate’s phone rang, and he frowned, before answering it.

“ My lord, we have a clue on those stones,” he informed as he inhaled rapidly…..


The next day, Aiden left his grandma at the hospital and took a taxi to the jewelry shop address given to him by Chris. He arrived just in time with the taxi, wearing his usual worn out attire, amidst the luxurious cars, Chris and the fellow wealthy students were alighting from.

Mercedes Benz, Rolls Royce, Bugatti, BMW, and other cool cars surrounded the parking lots, which all belonged to the students. Other students who couldn’t afford a car, took the school bus and got there quickly.

All seeing Aiden stepping out from the taxi, they bursted into a fit of laughter, and shook their heads, all confident he couldn’t afford the jewelry.

“ Is this a joke? He wants to purchase a jewelry worth millions but look at him, and what he is wearing.”

“ He even came via a taxi! I don’t think Aiden knows what he is doing! He is just messing around and trying to seek attention!

‘’Yes, there’s no way he can afford an expensive jewelry, since he can’t even afford a good dress and car!”

“ Yet, he claims he has money and dares to make a bet with Chris?! Has poverty gotten into his head to the extent he can’t think properly anymore?

‘’I feel he is just here to waste our time. Aiden has nothing on him, and he is just an invaluable cheap nobody!”

Hearing these, Aiden adjusted himself and walked past them indifferently. He approached Chris and Alex as he demanded, “ Bring out the jewelry, and I will pay.”

Alex snorted disdainfully, “ You should take a look more at yourself and see what your worth is. Listen, i know you can’t afford this and just want to waste our time. You can still back out now, or don’t blame us for being ruthless later!”

Chris clapped his hands and rubbed his chin, feeling amused.

“I can feel your courage. Wuuuu, should I be scared?” He taunted and huffed. “ Tell me, did you went to go and steal your grandma’s last money or savings? Oh, you are such a bad bad boy!?”

Aiden smirked and clasped his hands behind him, retorting, “Instead of poking your nose into other people’s affairs, why don’t we just get to the deal?”

Chris pulled a long face, and he snarled! “ Let’s see who ends up laughing last!”

They all ambled into the mall.

Chris turned to one of the familiar salesmen and winked knowingly.

“ Bring me that jewelry!”

The sales man quickly brought it forward and handed it to Chris.

“ Here it is.”

Aiden stretched out his hands , commanding in a calm tone, “ Give me the jewelry.”

Chris turned to him arrogantly, as he was sitting on the couch and holding Alex intimately. “ Because you are?”

“ Because I am paying for it,” Aiden retorted sharply and questioned, “ Don’t I have the right to check what I am paying for? If you can’t give me, then I will leave.”

Hearing this, Chris gritted his teeth, irritated and grumbled! “ Fine!”

He motioned for the salesperson to hand over the jewelry to Aiden.

Aiden examined it and looked at Salesperson, asking, “ How much is it?”

“ 20 million,” The sales person replied immediately.

Aiden raised his brows slightly, and Chris’ eyes lit up, assuming Aiden wouldn’t be able to pay that kind of amount.

“What is it? Can’t pay for it? It’s too late to back down now, Aiden.”

The sales person was displeased to hear Aiden’s question and spoke impolitely, “ We don’t welcome paupers in the store! If you know you can’t afford it, then why are you here?!’’ He hissed disdainfully. ‘’ Stinky people like you always know how to pretend to be someone they are not.”

Aiden shrugged nonchalantly, ignoring the stupid salesperson.

“ Did i say I can’t pay?”

Chris furrowed his brows but glared at Aiden.

Aiden took out his card and gave it to the sales person.

“ Swipe the card,” he ordered without wasting a second.

The sales person sneered and snatched the card. He took out the payment machine and input the card. After Aiden had pressed some strings of numbers, the transaction was in progress.

Chris and the other students all watched this, snapping their brows with a mixture of confusion and disbelief.

Suddenly, a mechanical voice rang out instantly!

“Transaction failed!”

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