Chapter 8. Unbelievable

Chris and Alex bursted into a fit of ludicrous laughter instantly, and this calmed their nerves.

Aiden’s face remained collected and just stared silently at the payment machine. He paid the surgery f*e of his grandma with the card yesterday, so what was going on?

Alex was the first to shout and pointed at Aiden! “ Turns out you are just a liar and a fraud! Aiden, how could you do this? Are you this desperate just because I left you?! I can’t stay with someone useless and a trash like you!’’

Chris kissed Alex’s cheek and grinned with satisfaction latching on his face.

“ Hehe! I told you Aiden, you are nothing compare to me, and i would never let you be above me! I will rather continue to step on you and make you my rag, because that’s who you are! So who is the winner now, who is laughing now?”

The sales person was so enraged, his face started burning and turning scarlet!

“ How dare you deceive us?!” He pushed Aiden away and took out his card, wanting to throw it away! “ I bet there’s nothing in this diamond card. It’s just fake! When you know you can’t afford the jewelry, why did you make the bet?!”

The students faced Aiden and started ridiculing him again.

“ I never thought Aiden is this foolish! I can’t believe I waste my time!”

“ I knew it! I just knew it! Aiden is a liar and a fake! He can’t compete against Chris and just trying to seek attention from us!’’

‘’ He is really stupid and brainless!”

Unexpectedly, another salesperson rushed forward and spoke hurriedly,“ I am sorry, there’s a problem. Our network just glitched, and that’s why the payment machine didn’t work. Please, proceed with the payment again.”

Chris stood up, and his eyes contracted, glancing at the first sales person.

“ What is she saying?!” He questioned sternly.

The salesperson hesitated but still input Aiden’s card, as he was been watched by his colleague.

The transaction was in progress again, rolling........

Seconds passed by.

After a minute, a mechanical voice rang out!

“ Transaction successful. 20 million paid.”


Chris’ jaw dropped, and his hands around Alex loosened, his head spinning immediately! He was thrown back, fucking shock to the extent he couldn’t blink!

Alex also stood up, widening her eyes and mouth.

What did she just hear?

The sales person broke out in cold sweats instantly!

Chris rushed forward and snatched the machine frantically!

“ No! That’s a lie! I can’t believe this! It’s a lie! The machine is lying! The card is fake, and there’s no money!”

He instantly caused a scene, shouting and disregarding his reputation.

The other sales person snatched the machine and stood beside Aiden, before speaking sharply!

“ It’s not fake! We just got an alert now, and this is the receipt! This young man here has brought the 20 million jewelry, and I think it’s best if you watch your words now! We don’t allow nuisance to disrespect our wealthy customers!”

She showed Chris and the rest the receipt which proved the transaction.

“ Who are you calling a nuisance?!” Chris growled crazily, his face red with fury and embarrassment! “ I don’t believe this! It’s fake! You are lying! You are in cahoot together so I don’t believe you! He is a penniless bastard, how can he afford a 20 million jewelry?!”

20 million?!

Even he didn’t have up to 20 million in his card!

But the students paid no attention to him anymore.

The students, who mocked Aiden earlier, felt regretful, and they lowered their heads in shame, wanting to slap their faces and bit their lips for saying wrong things.

How could they know Aiden would afford a 20 million jewelry?!

Isn’t he a nobody?

The security guards came in and turned to Aiden, but they all bowed to him respectfully, ignoring Chris.

Aiden wore a cool expression and stuffed his hands into his pocket, relaxing inwardly, and he hooked his lips. ‘’ I won the deal, it time for your promise.’’

“ Wait a minute!” Alex spoke up out of the blue and narrowed her eyes suspiciously at Aiden.

“ I know Aiden. He is wretched more than a rat! There’s no way he can afford this expensive jewelry! Now, I am sure you stole the card! Aiden, you are a thief! You should confess and tell us where you stole the card now, or else I am calling the cops, and you will be jailed!”

With this, the store became quiet once again.

The students reasoned about what Alex just said and also immediately became suspicious.

Chris grinned widely, blowing a kiss at Alex for saving him, and he shouted! “ Aiden is a thief! You better tell us the truth now, otherwise we won’t let you go!”

The two sales representatives were rendered stunned, not knowing what to say.

Been accused like this, Aiden laughed slightly and glanced at Alex. “You want to play this trick?” He crossed his arms against his chest. “ If you want to accuse me, you should provide enough and concrete evidence, if not, I am going to sue you for slandering my name! So, you should think twice!”

Alex hollered out of control as she dug her sharp fingernails into her thigh! “ Of course, I am sure! You are nothing but a desperate thief, who just want to please us at all cost!”

The security guards also thought and demanded Aiden to prove himself, or they would have to call the cops.

Although, they respected him, they couldn’t afford anything that would implicate the mall's reputation.

Aiden showed them his card and the name under it.

“ You can see my name, Aiden, under it.”

The security guards nodded and looked at Alex.

“ Miss, I think you are mistaken. This a legit diamond card, and it has his name under it. This is enough proof.”

However, Alex refused and accused Aiden even more.

Chris came forward and barked at the security guards!

“ I guess he has given you something, so you can favor him, right? Then, I will make you regret it!”

Without wasting time, exasperated, Chris called his family steward.

Within few minutes, the steward, looking refined and composed, arrived at the mall.

“ Young master, I am here.”

He bowed respectfully at Chris.

Chris quickly explained the situation, including the bet, and how Aiden had purchased the 20 million jewelry, but he believed it was fake!

The steward was confounded and decided to call the manager of the mall.

Some seconds later, the manager arrived, rushing forward. Hearing the situation, the manager knew who Chris and the steward were but didn’t have the nerve to offend them.

However, before he could make any decision, Aiden cleared his throat and snapped his fingers.

“ If any of you dares to make any improper and unfair decision, prepare for your reputation to be destroyed!” He coldly threatened them, lowering his voice that were now full of danger………….

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