Chapter 9. He won!

However, before he could make any decision, Aiden cleared his throat and snapped his fingers.

“ If any of you dares to make any improper and unfair decision, prepare for your reputation to be destroyed!” He coldly threatened them, lowering his voice that were now full of danger..

"What?!" The manager in charge of the store, snapped, his forehead creasing with surprise and anger at Aiden's audacious words.

" Who is this kid?! Who the hell are you to threaten us in this manner?! Do you have an idea the kind of figure and personality we are in this country?! Don't be stupid and stop talking like a fool!"

He looked down at Aiden with disgust and turned to the steward and Chris.

" Mr. Evans," he called Chris respectfully and shook his head with a friendly smile, his expression completely opposite from the one he showed to Aiden. " Rest assure. This store belongs to me, and I won't tolerate any injustice. I will refund the money spent and kick him out now!"

Chris, whose heart was already at his throat and broke out in cold sweats nervously earlier, suddenly relaxed his expression. He laughed out loud like a maniac and faced the steward.

" I know uncle Bruce won't let me down! I know!" He shouted with an excited tone, and glanced at Aiden, with a mean disdainful look.

" You are just bluffing! You can't do a thing! My family is wealthy, and I control the say! I command whatever I want you to do, and you have to dance to my tune!"

He spoke in an overbearing manner! " Even if I bury your irrelevant self alive, you don't have the right to say a thing!"

Alex's face shone again. She scoffed and held Chris' hand, displaying the rightful place where she belonged.

" I told you Aiden, you should have just accept defeat other than humiliating yourself. Look at you, becoming a laughing stock in front of does it feels?" She stroke her chin playfully, mocking, and she hummed. " Hmm?"

Aiden's gaze were steady as he gave out a smile, that was not really a smile.

" Humiliating? You think this is humiliating?" He huffed, chuckling coldly. " Nothing is more humiliating than the day you betrayed me!"

Alex's eyes trembled, watching Aiden as he spouted out......

" So?" Chris barked, wanting to defend Alex. " You deserve it! You are not worthy of her!"

" Hehe, unworthy of a rubbed bitch?" Aiden snorted with disgust, shooting a dirty look at Chris and Alex. " I don't care about her. I care about the bet we made. It seems you are scared of losing and have to call your family steward to come and help you. Isn't that right?"

He glanced indifferently at the steward, called Bruce and sneered.

" You dare talk to uncle Bruce that way?!"

Chris' face heated up with anger, refusing to admit the truth and just wanted to transfer all his aggressions towards Aiden!

The manager was in disbelief and became even more furious!

" Guards! Take this foolish kid away!"

Bruce calmly clasped his hands on his groin, lowering his eyes at the brave Aiden.

" You might not respect me but you have to give your respect to the young master of the Evans' family!"

" And what if I don't?!"

Aiden countered back and crossed his arms gently. " Did you all think I can be cheated because I appear like a nobody?"

A sense of foreboding gradually creeped unto Chris' body as he heard this, and his eyes contracted.

" You better shut up and don't go too far! You already lost, and your card is fake!"

Of course, he had to do something fast, or else he would have to serve Aiden like a slave which would result into a big blow to his face!

No, he couldn't reach that level!

Aiden ignored Chris and took out a small recording pen, a smirk latching across his calm face.

" I have to appreciate y'all for being so careless and foolish." He pressed the recording pen, which started playing familiar voices.

Hearing this, color drained right immediately from Chris, Alex, Steward Bruce, and the manager's face!


The guards were just about to arrest Aiden base on the command from the manager, but they abruptly halted, stunned as they also heard the recording.

" You dare...............!" Chris' heart almost exploded with rage, his eyes contracting fiercely!

" Did you think I will let you all ride over me without a back up plan?" Aiden's voice was sharp, cutting across each angle in the store!

" If you don't want trouble, you better hand over that recording now!" Alex warned, gnashing her teeth, and her turned to needles....

Damn! She had no idea Aiden harbor this kind of trick in his sleeve! If this recording gets out, it might really tarnish the reputation of the Evans!

Aiden sneered, not giving them a chance.

" Why should I?" He asked coldly. " I give in to the bet and did exactly what you guys requested. I wasn't the one who started this right? Therefore, you two should pay for your actions!"

Alex didn't care about this and was about to jump and snatch away the recording from Aiden's hand but..........

" Try touching it, and the whole world would know." Aiden shrugged and stretched the recording pen forward, towards Alex.

" It has a self activation like a bomb, and it is connected to a server. Touch it, and it will immediately connect to the internet. I guess your dishonorable lousy brain can comprehend the rest right?"

The students and the rest couldn't contain or believe this!

Is this even possible?!

The manager widened his eyes incredulously and faced the steward.

" Mr. Bruce, what should we do now? This is not what I planned."

Chris turned to stare at Alex, not wanting to think about what the situation could turn to.

However, Alex's gaze was firm on Aiden with a sinister intent, seething with raw anger!

Lousy brain?!

Hell you!!!

" Liar!" She spat with her nostrils flaring! " Did you think a dumb and hopeless person like you could fool us?! You don't even have the ability to get your hands on any thing like this! You are nothing but a disgusting liar!"

Aiden narrowed his eyes sternly at Alex, his lips twitching. He felt a bit regretful and irritated at the moment!

He couldn't help but think how did he fell in love with a lady like Alex?!

Regardless, he was still composed and unmoved...

" Do you want to try it then?" He offered in a mocking tone.

" No!" Steward Bruce stepped forward and shook his head slowly. " A narrow headed lady shouldn't be given a chance to cause damage to the Evans' empire." He said and looked down at Aiden, his eyes full of inexplicable emotions.

" What do you want?"

Alex felt like she was just hit on the face with Steward Bruce's words!

Aiden snorted indifferently.

" I don't want anything." He responded and continued, " Chris and I made a deal, which still stand. I won the bet, and he has to follow the deal. Or, are the Evans the kind of people that goes back on their words?"

Steward Bruce didn't react and turned to Chris, who shrunk down instantly, his legs already trembling, and the angry facade on his face earlier had been washed away. .......

" No.....uncle can't let him do this..... You can't give him a chance.....the bet was was just....."'

He tried to explain in a shaky tone but got caught off.....

" Young master Evans," Steward Bruce called in a stern tone. " If your father was here, he would also compromise. This is the consequence of your action. ............"'

" No ..........this isn't fair!!!!!!"

Chris yelled, shaking his head as he refused to comply! He jumped up and tried to flee, sweats soaking his back, but he was instantly held down by the guards.......

" Let go offf me!!!" He demanded in a high pitched and hoarse voice, struggling to free himself from the hard grip of the guards.

However, his strength was inconsequential compare to the guards....

Alex watched this with a dump founded face, her jaw dropping with disgrace, and layers of unsettling emotions started swirling in her eyes.

What's happening?!

Weren't they just wining?!

Did Aiden just won?!

The bet?! .........

Aiden chuckled slowly, his inscrutable gaze landing back at Alex, and he ordered the second store attendant, " Pack the jewelry. I won the bet."


Alex's head started buzzing, her whole world spinning and didn't even know when she lost her balance!

The students who were now embarrassed and biting their tongues with the sudden turn around of the situation, screamed with fright upon seeing how Alex had just collapsed to the ground!


Indeed, it was a huge blow!

" Chris lost! He just lost to Aiden!"

" Is Aiden really a nobody!"

" Gosh! Look at how he defeated Chris!"

" I feel like hitting my mouth! Aiden won the bet! Chris would be Aiden's slave!"

" I shouldn't have look down on Aiden! Is this really true!! Aiden afforded this expensive jewelry!"

" Alex passed out! She is too embarrassed to face the truth! Look at Chris been held like an animal! The couple just fell! Haa, Aiden would definitely make us pay for everything we have done!"

" I regretted it now! I need to hit my head on the ground! I can't take this!!!"

" Let's leave now!! Alex got her reward!"

Swiftly, they all scurried out of the store without looking back, not bothering about the unconscious Alex or the captured Chris. They were filled and drowned with regrets!

They had really underestimated Aiden!

The manager escorted Steward Bruce and Chris out of the store, while also leaving Alex.

Aiden sighed, but there was no sign of compassion or sympathy on his face...

He walked over to where Alex was laying and expressed in a cold tone, " You called for this. You deserve this!"

Then, he walked out and shouted at Steward Bruce and Chris.

" By tomorrow, the bet start, and Chris has to do everything I say or the recording...........!"

Steward Bruce glanced back with no expression and nodded with restrain.

The moment they were gone, Aiden laughed out loud, his face gleaming, and his eyes curved with satisfaction!

With a trick, he had just managed to turn the situation to his utmost favor, and he would make sure Chris pay for his words!

Aiden excitedly strolled to the road to hail a taxi, swinging his hands back and forth as he hummed softly.

Just then, he felt a strange weight pulled him backward, and before he could react, his world turned black...........

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