*"So, when are we going to meet with him?"

"Ah, let's see when I will have time, after all, we need to go on earth..."

"On earth?"

"Um, Prince Xian Chen is now on earth..."

"And when can we go there?"

"Xiang Li, let me make some preparations, and then I'll let you know and we'll go together."

"Ok, then, I will wait for you, just make it fast,"*

Even if Tianyu promised that it would make it faster, that he would make some preparation and then leave, it was looking like he was really taking his time because so many days passed and he was nowhere to be found. Every time she was looking for him he was busy or just not home.

Leaving the room, Xiang Li found herself face to face with Tianyu who was also leaving the room. It was not a coincidence that their rooms were opposite each other because Tianyu had ordered the room in front of him to be prepared for the young woman who was seriously injured at the time, thinking that this way he could supervise her in case of emergency. How co
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