chapter three

Rick's eyes fluttered open, and he found himself in a dimly lit room. His head raced from the blow, and for a moment, he struggled to remember where he was. The recent events came rushing back – the hospital, the zombies, the strange system, and the group of survivors.

"You're awake," a voice said, startling him. Rick turned to see a man in his late forties sitting beside him. He had a rugged look, with a scruffy beard and a determined expression. "You had a rough time out there. You could have died out there. what were you thinking?"

Rick tried to sit up but winced as he felt a sharp pain through his body. "Where am I?"

"You're safe for now," the man replied. "We brought you back to our hideout. My name is Greg, by the way."

Rick looked around, noticing a few others in the room, including the woman who had initially approached him outside the hospital. She was speaking quietly with another man, her face filled with worry. Rick looked at the room and saw they were in a well-furnished room. It looked exclusive and the windows were closed.

"Thanks for saving me," Rick said, rubbing his head. "What's going on out there? The people are behaving irrationally and the city looks a little deserted.

Greg sighed and leaned back. "It's a long story, but I'll give you the short version. About three years ago, this infection started spreading. Nobody knows exactly how it began, but it turned people into... well, you saw what they became. Society collapsed pretty quickly after that. It looks like humanity is evolving into something monstrous. It is not safe out there."

Rick nodded, trying to process the information. "And this system... the one that told me to kill zombies. What is it?" he looked up trying to make sense of whatever was happening to him

Greg looked confused. "System? What are you talking about? What system?" the man looked at Rick. " Did I hit you pretty bad, boy?" he asked looking at the small cut on Rick's forehead

Rick hesitated, unsure if he should mention the strange messages he'd seen. "Never mind. It's just... a lot to take in."

The woman from before approached them, her expression still tense. "I'm Emily," she said, offering a weak smile. "You don't know what's happening, do you?"

"No," Rick admitted. "I was in a coma. I just woke up to this nightmare."

Emily exchanged a glance with Greg. "We've been trying to survive, scavenging for supplies and avoiding the infected. We've heard rumors about safe zones, but getting there is dangerous."

" A safe zone? Is there anywhere safer than where you are? I mean look at what you have built for yourself. You can stay as long as you want and nobody will bother you." Rick looked at Emily

" There is a safe zone that protects the rest of the city from this attack. They have high walls and I heard that it was commanded by a cop. What is his name again?" Emily looked at Mark

" Mark Grimes. I heard he is taking people in on the other side and having them protected." Greg looked at Rick who hardly believed what he was hearing.

" Mark? I know him. We worked together at the FBI." he said happily and relief washed over me. His mind went back to his family. His wife and children. He hoped they got out in time and didn't become something monstrous.

Rick's mind raced. He needed to understand more about this system and what it meant for him. "I saw something," he said slowly. "A message that told me to kill zombies to unlock weapons. I don't know if it's real or if I'm losing my mind."

Greg raised an eyebrow. "I've heard crazier things in the past few years. Maybe it's something the infection did to you."

Emily looked thoughtful. "Or maybe it's a way to fight back. We could use any help we can get."

Rick felt a surge of determination. "I need to find out more about this system and what it can do. If it helps us survive, I'm willing to try."

Greg nodded. "We could use a fighter like you. But we need to be careful. There are more dangers out there than just the infected. And remember you shouldn't let them bite you."

" What happens afterward? " Rick asked

" Well, you saw what happened to her friend? You should put a bullet in your skull before that happens. Or I will put a hole in you myself."

" Okay." Rick clenched his fists, feeling a renewed sense of purpose. "Then let's figure this out together. And find a way to survive this lost world. But first I need to find my family, make sure they are okay." He looked at the man who was eating some snacks

" Are you sure they made it out alive? Many people lost their lives and family to this apocalypse. I don't want to raise your hopes but I think it is best you forget about them."

" Don't tell me what to do. They are my family and not yours." Rick replied his face showing he was angry

" Yes, yes. They are your family but is it truly worth it You could lose your life going back to find them." Greg looked at him again

" I don't think I need your permission to go find my family. I think this conversation is over." Rick got up strapping his backpack to his back.

" Take another step there and I swear to god I am going to put a hole in your head." Greg got up pointing a gun at his head.

"Let's try to calm ourselves down shall we." Emily looked a the two men. The rest of the people were scared. They know Greg isn't stable and he is the man in charge. Greg was known to watch for only himself and would do anything to make sure they were not compromised. He goes in search of the food but has the larger part and he gives the order. " Take your fucking seat child or I will have your brains blown out. Do you think because I have been nice to you makes me the good guy? You are either going to join us or we kill you right here."

The room was tense. Rick knew he was having the last bullet in his silver gun. The system had given him Five shots at the zombies and he had used four. He wondered if killing Greg could add to the count. As he bent down to sit. He dipped his hand into his pocket and brought out his gun. He fired at Greg just as he was about to sit, and the bullet went through his skull. His brain shattered over the white paint on the wall.

Many people felt scared as the gunshot wound attracted a lot of Zombies. Their snarls could be heard as they banged on the walls and door. "Shhhh.... keep that gun in your pocket or you are going to have us all killed." A woman looked at Rick

" Next time you decide to shoot, you might think about getting a silencer on that," Emily warned

Rick nodded " I am going to stay a few days but I need to find my family. And if there is a chance of safety at the safe hideout then I am taking it. I need to find my family. " Rick says down looking at Greg's corpse before him


As the day passed by, Rick became a crucial member of the group's survival efforts. He trained with them, learning how to fight and scavenge effectively. The system continued to send him messages, providing him with missions and rewards for killing zombies. As he tried to kill as many as he could. Surprisingly the system had rewarded him for using his last bullet to kill Greg.

Rick's skills improved, and he began to unlock new weapons and abilities that gave the group a fighting chance. The survivors started to see him as a leader, someone who could help them navigate this harsh new reality.

One evening, as they gathered around a makeshift campfire, Rick received a new message from the system:




Rick shared the message with the group. "If we can find the source of this infection, maybe we can put an end to it."

Emily looked skeptical. "That's a big if. But it's worth a shot. But what about finding your family? Are you giving up already?" She asked scorching her itchy face.

Rick looked at their faces. " I know the past few weeks had been fun and eventful with you all but I think I need to leave now. I had to find my family and get them to the safe hideout. I am not asking you to follow me but you are welcome to try." Rick looked at their faces as the light illuminated the room.

" I am going to follow you," Emily replied standing to her feet. The rest didn't as they all were scared of the outcome. " You should know you can't hide here forever." Rick looked at them as he and Emily bade them farewell

The door was quickly shut behind them. " What now?" Emily looked at Rick. " I need to swing by the station to gather more firearms. We need all the bullets we can get." He walked out into the streets. "Hide away from sight and make sure you are not spotted by those things," Rick advised.

They were soon at the FBI station but what Rick saw sent a cold shiver down his spine." How are we going to get through this herd?" Emily asked looking at Alex. " I don't know, we had better circled back," Rick suggested. They were about to move when they heard a gun sound. Rick and Emily froze looking at an arrow pointed at their face

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