Chapter 195

Naura ignored all the rumours about what people were talking about her husband. The arrival of many troops who picked up Zachary last time, of course, is still being talked about by many people. And hearing about a big war on the border made many people revile her. But some people seemed to give support and praise to Zachary.

During the incident, Naura decided not to go outside anymore. She always refused her mother's invitation to spend time outside. But seeing and hearing Naura's reasons, her mother understood.

Naura was currently in her room. She looked at her wedding photo with Zachary and rubbed the photo frame slowly. "Zake, I miss you so much. I can't wait for your return." Naura spoke in a soft voice. Even a little tear seemed to fall.

A cell phone vibration made Naura avert her eyes for a moment. She looked at the screen, which was apparently showing a call from Zachary.

Naura quickly put back the photo frame and picked up her cellphone. Then, she answered her husband's c
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