A Twisted Anomaly

The battlefield was chaos. Screams, explosions, and the endless rain of arrows and bullets filled the air. Bodies fell, and for every enemy I took down, two more seemed to replace them.

As soon as Kai entered the control room, Veronica—rushing toward Kai. Her face was pale, eyes wide with panic, clearly overwhelmed by the chaos. She knelt beside him, but he waved her off, his voice hoarse but steady. "I'm not important right now! Get the guns in position, switch their directions, now!"

He delivered my message without caring for his own condition.

He gripped her shoulders firmly, but not harshly, guiding her to sit down on the seat. His eyes were intense, but his voice softened as he leaned in close, whispering in her ear. "I know this is overwhelming, but you’ve got this. You can do this."

Veronica’s hands trembled as she began to adjust the machine gun controls, rotating the turrets to face the incoming enemy forces. It wasn't the first time she was facing a situation of war, but see
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