
Hex carried out his solo career and personal life delightfully ,both of he and his cousin ,Brady ,ran a family business since a few years ago .Both them had inimitable suavity.

Sometimes Hez lhid his diffidence by showing such gelid expression when they came to a disagreement on something related to a decision-making process.

Brady did not see it as petulant anyway ,as he always see himself as a headstrong person and he was the boss.With that position ,he even able to see him as harlequin.

Anyway,it's an interdiction to show those vibes too often ..Well ..sometimes its ok to be in silent everybody does .

"l don't catch anything on what you are saying " .

That's all .Then he would leave . Maybe he wanted to show that even Brad has one level up of the position,he got right to be a bit disobedient and a bit disrespectful.

For Brady ,power is everything.For him what is the most important in life is how to build up what is called


glorification,"that can be furnished by good clothes and shoes ,which is one factor that as important as saying good words .

His name is one of his pride as it sound like a youngish dynamic person .He doesn't care too much about other things.

While Hex is such a loner.Some say he has been bringing about that way of living as he made a way for those visitors in adulation.But it unsurpassed his character.As he debates like ordinary people.At time he underrates anyone who said argot expression and he commented, " l don't catch anything on what you are saying " .

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