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Zepp Random Talk
"As usual l go back home from work at about 2.30 .I must wait for the 3 o'clock train .The Announcement explains that the train will be late.A quarter past 3 and l still wait .I am sitting and read a magazine while at times l look around at the people around me.They are waiting like me too.l feel someone watch me with great attention.When l look at him he nods his head and smiles.l hesitate before return his smile.A few minutes later he gets up and comes near me."May l sit here ?" He asks." Sure '' l reply.He sits beside me then he takes my magazine and touches my hand ,holds it for a few moments.I wonder and become angry after that." Are you waiting for the train? Why don't we have a drink in that cafe ?"He asks me amiably.I lift my eyebrows.lt is such astonishing moment. He is a good looking man but so impolite l think.I pull my hand abruptly and try to behave as patient as l can but my voice is trembling cause of the fury inside." It's good of you offering me a drink but
Zepp Pansy Art Shop
Mahalia looked for something artiststic to ordain her house at the shop belong to Girraldy where the owner was there that time.Her grandparents were following her after an hour to pick her up if she finished with her shopping. Girraldy was inviting grandpa to have smoke outside.Girraldy showed his interest to use a pipe like him .They let the females having their time with those stuff in the shop to pick.Before that , Girraldy talked about things related to great love which was responded by Mahalia in half heart and half attention. What men know about it .. especially a man like him with lots of glittering things in his lifestyle? Girraldy spent his time at anything he could enjoy.Even that teaching schedule at his father private schools.Mahalia knew him there as an English student as some other girls did ." ls it wrong to hope a great love from someone we love the most ?"he asked.Mahalia answered in her mid attention on the wooden stuff ." What is great love anyway?"" M m.. you
Zepp A Grasshopper
Time is like a mystery train Lifespans of those passengers gone in the railways which never move but the train go from a station to the next and none knows other people destinations. "You're so creative.said Mr Simkus to Dhamya who never left her knitting.She just looked at him for a moment and answered ,"Yah ..sort of . I assume you have been bookworm since small ? I saw you keeping the book since at the station"." Oh yeah ,right .this book has deep thinking words and great pictures. Many books have interesting writing style indeed. Very original. "" Did you have English writing composition in college?. Simkus smiled and thank her for such attention."Amazing ... I like this line "Love others because they are humanNot due to bloodline ...Or race."At times they watched the view outside the train window.Fields and shepherds and all the country side beauty was appealing."My little grasshopper ..l love nature because the living things are cute and unite in our sight .Breathing
Zepp lce Tea
In the still of the night when Gillardy found all all was voiceless ,soundless he was telling himself that misery is a way to learn better. If none love you and life is unfair ,You are luckier than them who got everything since bornBecause if everyone give you love then spoiling you, will think you're so precious since birth, without doing anything or effortless.Getting everything without challenge..So that you will believe that your parents and life who had given all that finally as not precious then you belittle their existence of the starting line of your life to carry on ahead .You will see other human and yourself as gods themselves.Unlike they who struggle for anything , will realize nothing will happen without following the destiny line ."Our effort to get all that will always be lack of everything and you always want for more .Never satisfied with anything.Will you be happy ? No. .you always be incomplete and asking things outside yourself.You become jerk and d
Zepp The Blackened Clouds
The moon hid among the blackened clouds ,as if a shabby clothes that covering his sinful deed.Half moon slowly appeared ..whiter and whiter till the world was in blurred.November wind thrusted its sharp and frozen finger.A faint figure came in black mantle with white tuxedo and muddy black shoes.Rudolpho put his both hands inside the pockets as to keep them there . Frantically he crept the fence of the villa.Villa lsola.Bungalow of loneliness . Seclusion.Years had Long gone .."I know that is Your Noble soothing statement.Today l stumble and fallBy people around..Who kick meBy their being ignore of ego modeRab...Flow me more strength to endure..Bless me with patience Let me die in Your wayWe are human..just hurt each other because not following the guidance to live in our life..Years gone again..Sliding to the long tunnel . None is trustworthy in this world but YouEveryone stab me ,wound me, stitch me..Leave me on the ground bleeding everywhereYears may come over for them..
Zepp Half Moon
Rudolfo locked the rear door then creeping to the top of the floor where a secret room with a door was there behind the big painting. The room began to be musty as it never had been opened for a year but who cared .He crossed his arms on the chest while standing in the corner and looked out of the window with the white greyish curtain.He smiled strangely.He saw Albertina stood near him ,holding a candle with faint light and it was dropping its fluid on her hand .But she didn't care . Suddenly the window was opened by the gust of the wind .The dark long haired woman put candle in the corner.Then she stood to change her clothes with her most beautiful long gown .A yellow pale satin with a ribbon flower at her slim waist part.Her slim finger moved ,so were her both legs .She was dancing like a tree which was about to fall .But she kept on dancing .Dancing till dawn . Rudolfo lighted his third cigar .He knew that the dance would be over soon . And he knew that Albertina would
Zepp Teatime
Strangely Mahalia and Gillardy hummed "Ashes ..when all the things turn to blue ...he was born from a rich and intellectual lineage. Living in a comfort zone he didn't want to be happy in a safe zone".Mr Trapp would make them kept on in being intrigued by the next story of Rudolfo since he was concerned with their questions "Do you know Rudolfo in person ?or was it a mouth to mouth story ?."Girraldy was learning how to keep empathy to the deplorable social conditions surrounding them , about life's of the poor and uneducated ones .He paid attention to build all the way to improve the social conditions of that society surrounding with all the power and gallantry character he sometimes traveled around adventurously physically, morally and mentally regardless of places and origins. Human values are the most important to him. .that's how to make life worthwhile..care .They were walking to the pool where black fishes swam around all other colors .Mr Trapp spread their food with
Zepp Spying On Him
Meridian just handed Nerida something she bought for her from Singapore as a gift .She told her something about what she experienced on the plane ." An attractive guy ... Londoner or American maybe .. looked for his seat .Smiled sweetly at me .l hoped his seat number was next to mine ...and you know ,l thought he felt the same way..as his eyes looked at me in a way of flash of interest." "Then ?"" He nodded lightly and took a seat right behind me ,near the window" Nerida waited for her next story whether she got along well with the Londoner or the meeting story was just cut off there .Trip trip trip .A brief meeting maybe continue maybe not .It happens.But Meridian changed her topic ." I still feel it..i t sucking ! " She said it almost breathlessly." Damn it ! Can l be free ?how can we pick the words 'take it easy 'till the enormous torture come along .Then the big waves of trials ."''Take it easy " Nerida said it jokingly." We supposed to do things "The phone rang thrice bu
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The ..Half Moon
" The first coffee cup was just good but it didn't fresh up my mind as usual. " Get another hot drink .." " I don't think it will work .. there's something hinder inside that can't be dissapeared by anything simple now " The fan was still cooling the room .People seemed all gone ,even there was still a few people in the room.Hell no ! Look at the chirping bird around the trees and glittering drops of water that watering all the plants little garden ...maybe it can heal the unmoveable hints ..Get up , feel the difference..Don't be too hard on yourself..If time can be saved ,in what place you will keep it ? A jar A jug A wooden pipe Bamboo Rusty tin ..What ashamed, time only have one place inside your own..Why human want to have a little piece of the past and another good time in the present and tomorrow,if it still come ? A warm feeling when you're not alone ..None of them unscarred to being left and alone at the time you want to be with someone.Why stories repeated
Why Are You Shrink?
Wild flower among bushes and grasses is like kindness among nastiness.l chant , loneliness is like a cage where a little bird wants to fill a small can by seeds but it never full , leaving it in anxiety.Loneliness as the abandonment of friends ..Smilingly , his father waved , "'Let them go , dear " said he when he saw little Zepp tried to catch some butterflies..,,That's not as easy as we think ..right ? To catch them up?"The boy stubbornly did that .He ran after the red and yellow dragonflies.He wanted to keep some of them in his bedroom.Even the little boy didn't say anything about his dad,there always be things to talk to others none can say that the boy seems to hide something about his dad as he was proud of him, only when ones asked about his mom , they will whispered each other but still heard able ," Shh ..maybe he didn't even have one! " Like the tabloid gossip magazine or tv program show ,even the subject mute ,they can develop gossip still ..it is like that .
Invisible Angels Of God
The time comes for the thing to occur after being cancelled for so long . Whatever, this must happen . Essential dialogue as a human with brain.lf everyone leave you then do it all by yourself. That 's self command .Heart calling .On a fine day a few sight fixed on a figure all in black who was just got off from a bus .Is that him ? Someone thought. The noble man from a bus ...? now he understood ,it was not a public bus , it's a special family bus and a special chafeur walked indifferently.Hollowness more after knowing who were those people.But they remain waiting . willingly grouping them after finishing business." The dialogue won't go anywhere 'he thought,' for the goal " His face was not vivid , almost lifeless when they looked at him from close . What cold eyes and sarcastic expression he had .He started , " If you are not the ones who want me to be here, l would be furious and mock you . Then what will l hear and must l speak ? I detest childish manner in gr
The Desire
The white lonely moon shines among the trees in high above,glaring in serenity with its only one romantic eye .What is she in real ...big stone ball ? Then why the coral stone on earth don't follow her to stay with her in the sky castle ? Is the moon placed as a crowned Queen for the kingdom stones on earth ? " If am the stone , ..." Alsava murmuring, went on by the man on black mantle, " You are the Empress Moon " Alsava mumbled, " No , l am the coral among millions of corrals " The man looked at her with strange but romantic look for a moment then he sighed and looked away .Zepp glared at the stairs which look so high and steep... Newspaper scattered everywhere .The murderer had been discovered. He had a dead wound black owl in his left hand before he fell. Also he wrote a letter, then sent the police officer away, screamed ,"Move away bastards ! Do not handcuff me ! I don't wear a gown ! don't you see ? " How come the police officers then let him go it's out of mind ! It
Urdu Words
Nerida let Samy did his job before break time then he brusquely went back to answer her chat responding a picture he sent , " What's the name and taste of the fruit ? " He answered" Sweet and a bit sour " She could not tell what expression on his face ...happy , angry or fun? Innocent expression must be the one you could expect from a fifteen years old boy who admire her as a mature woman who gave him better treatment than everyone else as an errand boy at Meridian 's cafe .Samy did not have idea what else he could write . He's shy and awkward, worried if he write more it won't be a right thing for him .But he was surprised seeing her more message." Tell me Sam , How do you select friend request on the social media? Me ..you know , well ..None can judge anyone else for good and bad at a short time,but,at least l brows the profile ...if the person clothing properly and facial expression shown there on the account, it is ok.. " Astonishingly , the young boy responded , "No
Maybe Not For Him ..
Went back to the cafeteria open front to the garden yard,after meeting a few colleagues while his wife stayed there.He leant on the parking car , lighted a cigarette,talking through his smoke and heat inside his soul.He bent to whisper ,and make chuckled.Maybe he said something dirty about women ." Before l married" that was the words that slower his chum' s chuckle." That's the way men refresh their mind after the oppressive hard work " " Hard work or not , that's refreshing way for men " Now they burst the louder laughter.Silence is an ocean.Speech is a river.When the ocean is searching for you, don’t walk into the river.Listen to the ocean.-Rumi" So you believe in silence" " Ya, and l was too young to react at such group gathering " To be there meant he got risk to be suspended and raising the question of whether he was part of them or just coincidentally there so he could hear things around there .Whether the noble family had to bribe him to make him shut his mo
The Fig
One day l heard a visitor 's knocking on the door while I was dusting the chairs .Opening it , standing shyly ." Good morning, Petunia "He stepped in ,taking a nearest seat and lighted a cigarette.I " Come in , Girraldy " I sat opposite him , glancing and observing him.He met me at this early ." You don't work today , Petty "" I can't do anything now ..my messy mind is at its peak " l said gloomily .He sighed,exhaling his cigarette smoke in round shape before it's dwindling.Without looking at me ,he said , " Still Freddie that makes you feel that ?" I didn't respond immediately but l said , " Strange , that simple name can cause such complicated state condition in my life but that's what happens " He looked at me smiled beneath his smoke and said nothing.Getting up ," Ah , l forgot,what would you want to drink ? " He shook his head," l want to take you out having some fresh air " l knew that look of his eyes since long and suddenly l felt slightly safe .Then l wa
Gush of Wind
Roster fighting surrounded by local people.Living things relief seeing other hurt and even dead while the winner survive and gaining applauses.To be winner can not be other than being sportive and went through a fair play. But some games are just on the contrary.If decent people can not play on stage, what is the difference among the ones who fight? If the choices are limited and win or lose is actually devoted to the breaker giant . ...is there any chance for other party..well..Alsava hummed softly, " Scientific notation make everything fair . Nothing wrong with everything bad ...no ? " The audience and the backstage players and the one at the underground..then what those roosters get ? What if they were human..Bleeding, wounded, then humiliated or pitied ..after having sufferance by the lost , then come the next pain .. The man was answering from the dark room , " What ever unpleasant facts of life ones face , just face them.Its amazing to know that each one go on living wi
The Far End
The loving embrace of a father to the child was always fresh in his mind , while for a mother he even unable to remember otherwise the old yellowish black and white photo graph he has last seen in the long time yesteryears in his memories.Now the woman in white told him things about scethcs of antrophology discovery as she drew what the ground digger found under a cave ," When they discovered their..a mother and a son interlocked skeletons.The mother is believed to have been trying to protect her child during a powerful earthquake that hit Qi province, somewhere in Asia , in about centuries ago l just made some scetcses of it and imagine how would they went through at the moments before they died " Zepp didn't take the scethcs she handed ,the woman in white even thought he would not take it at all for a reason but he took it at and fixed his eyes on it as he would not want to see anything else .What a fanciful scene ! Touchy and eerie at the same time.There's a note there , "