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The Far End

The loving embrace of a father to the child was always fresh in his mind , while for a mother he even unable to remember otherwise the old yellowish black and white photo graph he has last seen in the long time yesteryears in his memories.

Now the woman in white told him things about scethcs of antrophology discovery as she drew what the ground digger found under a cave ," When they discovered their..a mother and a son interlocked skeletons.

The mother is believed to have been trying to protect her child during a powerful earthquake that hit Qi province, somewhere in Asia , in about centuries ago l just made some scetcses of it and imagine how would they went through at the moments before they died "

Zepp didn't take the scethcs she handed ,the woman in white even thought he would not take it at all for a reason but he took it at and fixed his eyes on it as he would not want to see anything else .What a fanciful scene ! Touchy and eerie at the same time.

There's a note there , "
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