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Zepp Aquarium
Like lightning, Nerida splashes the water till her face and clothes wet then dissapeared.This made him laughed at her with a little hope that she would come back in a minute.Maybe nature must be there and ready to stay with them .What happens to their state of mind?Centuries ago People searching lands To live and die Some nation invade others then those tribes vanishedTheir blood absorbed by the weeping mother earthBlood still stream and scream Tears if dream of agony...One day the world exhale its final breathDarknessNothingnessMight be the next form of universe"Support female work and study at lab....See ? ..Being a gentleman is not only being polite ,romantic,neat.." suddenly Zepp heard her talking from behind the house."Fighting for the Championship? Better off Surrender ! "She called a name instead of responding him in any way.Life needs endurance..she knows ..she always knows it. .."Everything is not like the way we thought before..life is full of bored
Zepp Letters Of The Long Ago Years
Dear Alsava l saw your photo in Sunshine international magazine.Your photo appeared a long time ago so maybe you are surprised to still get a letter..are you? l am sure that you received many letters already.l hope that you have not become too bored or disinterested in receiving these letters.So , don't give up yet .Write to me and tell me about yourself.Actually,l thought about writing to you before,but decided it was better to wait until lam ready to visit your state again .l have already visited your country 3 times .l like your state very much .l plan to visit it again in the next few months.Maybe then l can see you.What do you think? l live in Honolulu Hawaii USA for 16 years.Before that l lived in California, Michigan,New York.Hawaii has the best climate.lt 's warm all the year,much like your state.l work for the University of Hawaii .Iam a marine biologist (scientist)and study things like fish and shrimp.l also study other environment subjects as freshwater lakes ,ponds a
Zepp An Ugly Little Room
This is another dream of poor people who have been living in an upside down situation.Succsess is a monstrous word them.ldeas come and go just like wings of a strange pretty bird . Flying above in the endless blueness of the sky.Just catch .Take a step to get it,says the old saying.But good commanding words are not always true ..No ..no ..One wishes a masterpiece will be born there ,in a little ugly room .Some stuff of ideas come over her head , about the love life and life matters in overall.Some seems just drowns in a greyish season.And all about criminals in medias who spread fear in society.Some times it's nice to say what a crazy world this is but still ,it goes round.A burden can be lightened after that.That woman has a relationship with a married man .He is an unbeliever. A westerner.He said he was divorced.Lately ,just eight days ago he told her that he still loves his wife and the wife told him to start trying again .What an old fashion story ! Not so funny for the love
Zepp My Little Girl
"l got drowsy.There ,a man asking thing but then he answered himself and he felt right.lt was funny .The old weak beggar approached each vehicles at the red light " Thanks, ma'am, thanks " he said and bending his body ,for only a coin .I should have given him a bit more.The well - built employee was going to resign in a few days . Business needs such hard heart indeed. Feeling guilty for this case . Releasing a spoilt cheerful young man is not an easy decision but l must .l will need more time to decide anything from now on. Can't ones enjoy life in full ? l do not have such skill . Enjoying life well .Mm.Meridian still there , crossing legs with the random ideas in her mind .Nerida was just ready to go for the weekend after she gave a piece of paper .It's a soft sensitive slanting handwriting belong to Zepp .Will he be mad if he knows Nerida did that for her ? Is that kinda spying on his life ?She began to peruse :" From year to year trouble change over my life till almost dying
Zepp At The Doctor Consultation Room
The doctor wrote something,it might be another prescription.Meridian just watched him and waiting for the next " must and must not" do from the day on she consulted him.She listened in half daydream mode .But it's ok,as long as she still care about herself and making progress."Promise yourself to reform the way of seeing things . Many people trapped in the external factors by keeping them as condition of being right and happy." He whispered right in her ear.It was like a tickle .He saw her giggled." Are you talking about Mental instability like what happens in our place where we are now ?" She read it lazily."Hypersensitive to nuisance and adversitySwoop on one possibility as sudden decisionPinned in many difficulties and stamped in itEasily sparked by one option ,rooted but easily come out again to the first pointUnstable in one positionUnhappy with many things then trying to come over the newness but actually the old condition,Reach out a trust and chase for it but buyin
Zepp The Wealth
Ansel still keen on thinking about getting wealth at the easiest way..Hey boys ! Young ones ! Get back to your place , consider this as worthless to try again . Measuring things by the beliefs .He sensed it.Hopefully he conquer the virtues of sharing and dividing .Zepp had lots of things he always been dreaming of ..he got no child or anyone as heredity to get some wealth packages if he died ... would he obliged to prove that he was his cousin ? Did he have right for that?All Ansel could do was just let the evil do whatever they want,But then he will never release them..So don't send black magic to kill !He realized that .some foolish people think they can dance over the body of other people they just hurt..they don't see such existence gripping their souls.. yes ,it's absolutely true..He doesn't demand anyone to be super..just ask them to do their best,Never ask them to succeeded..just want them to do efforts..If you see things nice around in the dept store or traditional ma
Zepp Gillardy
Writing a composition was the lesson for English subject that day .Little Rissy started to write something after glancing at the ceiling corner of the classroom.A simple type one but maybe it loaded something about an imaginary friend.Her teacher would make some correction on each paper sheet.Then the teacher asked her to read it aloud."l have a very good friend in town.His name is Dave .He often meets and takes me to go downtown where we walk along the street.l often meet him too to chat about many things .Our topics usually about our school , teachers, classmates ,films ,or art.He is very fond of talking about animals.He talks a great deal about his pets ,dog ,cat and a collection ofbutterflies.Sometimes l get a bit tired of hearing about it all that but strangely from time to time l start to get interested in it..*One day he spoke to me ," Rissy,my uncle sent Fred to me last week.I am so fond of him.. he is so smart and cute l want to introduce you to him "." Who is Fred ?
Zepp More Names
Many more names comes to him in her composition. Gillardy wrote a reply for Rissy who grew up to be a pleasant smart girl ."How have you and mom been doing ?I hope you are both doing well.Business ? We can talk about it sometime within this week .l shall tell you the available time .Send my regards to your mom.May you always be healthy !Kind regards,Director of Board Comp.Then Rissy sent him her response."Maybe my mom just think about me who still young and have much energy to do things but not for her own (about the job)She herself no more interested to work.Again, as I told you it's my own will and l try to find the way. As I told you l can do things on computers and other offers work, years ago I used to help my mom to doing some paperwork from some client, I can type quite fast. If there is (again if) a news from you, I would be glad.Things change in life my mom said, there's up and down in everything . That's why I still think about the possibility.., thanks agai
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The ..Half Moon
" The first coffee cup was just good but it didn't fresh up my mind as usual. " Get another hot drink .." " I don't think it will work .. there's something hinder inside that can't be dissapeared by anything simple now " The fan was still cooling the room .People seemed all gone ,even there was still a few people in the room.Hell no ! Look at the chirping bird around the trees and glittering drops of water that watering all the plants little garden ...maybe it can heal the unmoveable hints ..Get up , feel the difference..Don't be too hard on yourself..If time can be saved ,in what place you will keep it ? A jar A jug A wooden pipe Bamboo Rusty tin ..What ashamed, time only have one place inside your own..Why human want to have a little piece of the past and another good time in the present and tomorrow,if it still come ? A warm feeling when you're not alone ..None of them unscarred to being left and alone at the time you want to be with someone.Why stories repeated
Why Are You Shrink?
Wild flower among bushes and grasses is like kindness among nastiness.l chant , loneliness is like a cage where a little bird wants to fill a small can by seeds but it never full , leaving it in anxiety.Loneliness as the abandonment of friends ..Smilingly , his father waved , "'Let them go , dear " said he when he saw little Zepp tried to catch some butterflies..,,That's not as easy as we think ..right ? To catch them up?"The boy stubbornly did that .He ran after the red and yellow dragonflies.He wanted to keep some of them in his bedroom.Even the little boy didn't say anything about his dad,there always be things to talk to others none can say that the boy seems to hide something about his dad as he was proud of him, only when ones asked about his mom , they will whispered each other but still heard able ," Shh ..maybe he didn't even have one! " Like the tabloid gossip magazine or tv program show ,even the subject mute ,they can develop gossip still ..it is like that .
Invisible Angels Of God
The time comes for the thing to occur after being cancelled for so long . Whatever, this must happen . Essential dialogue as a human with brain.lf everyone leave you then do it all by yourself. That 's self command .Heart calling .On a fine day a few sight fixed on a figure all in black who was just got off from a bus .Is that him ? Someone thought. The noble man from a bus ...? now he understood ,it was not a public bus , it's a special family bus and a special chafeur walked indifferently.Hollowness more after knowing who were those people.But they remain waiting . willingly grouping them after finishing business." The dialogue won't go anywhere 'he thought,' for the goal " His face was not vivid , almost lifeless when they looked at him from close . What cold eyes and sarcastic expression he had .He started , " If you are not the ones who want me to be here, l would be furious and mock you . Then what will l hear and must l speak ? I detest childish manner in gr
The Desire
The white lonely moon shines among the trees in high above,glaring in serenity with its only one romantic eye .What is she in real ...big stone ball ? Then why the coral stone on earth don't follow her to stay with her in the sky castle ? Is the moon placed as a crowned Queen for the kingdom stones on earth ? " If am the stone , ..." Alsava murmuring, went on by the man on black mantle, " You are the Empress Moon " Alsava mumbled, " No , l am the coral among millions of corrals " The man looked at her with strange but romantic look for a moment then he sighed and looked away .Zepp glared at the stairs which look so high and steep... Newspaper scattered everywhere .The murderer had been discovered. He had a dead wound black owl in his left hand before he fell. Also he wrote a letter, then sent the police officer away, screamed ,"Move away bastards ! Do not handcuff me ! I don't wear a gown ! don't you see ? " How come the police officers then let him go it's out of mind ! It
Urdu Words
Nerida let Samy did his job before break time then he brusquely went back to answer her chat responding a picture he sent , " What's the name and taste of the fruit ? " He answered" Sweet and a bit sour " She could not tell what expression on his face ...happy , angry or fun? Innocent expression must be the one you could expect from a fifteen years old boy who admire her as a mature woman who gave him better treatment than everyone else as an errand boy at Meridian 's cafe .Samy did not have idea what else he could write . He's shy and awkward, worried if he write more it won't be a right thing for him .But he was surprised seeing her more message." Tell me Sam , How do you select friend request on the social media? Me ..you know , well ..None can judge anyone else for good and bad at a short time,but,at least l brows the profile ...if the person clothing properly and facial expression shown there on the account, it is ok.. " Astonishingly , the young boy responded , "No
Maybe Not For Him ..
Went back to the cafeteria open front to the garden yard,after meeting a few colleagues while his wife stayed there.He leant on the parking car , lighted a cigarette,talking through his smoke and heat inside his soul.He bent to whisper ,and make chuckled.Maybe he said something dirty about women ." Before l married" that was the words that slower his chum' s chuckle." That's the way men refresh their mind after the oppressive hard work " " Hard work or not , that's refreshing way for men " Now they burst the louder laughter.Silence is an ocean.Speech is a river.When the ocean is searching for you, don’t walk into the river.Listen to the ocean.-Rumi" So you believe in silence" " Ya, and l was too young to react at such group gathering " To be there meant he got risk to be suspended and raising the question of whether he was part of them or just coincidentally there so he could hear things around there .Whether the noble family had to bribe him to make him shut his mo
The Fig
One day l heard a visitor 's knocking on the door while I was dusting the chairs .Opening it , standing shyly ." Good morning, Petunia "He stepped in ,taking a nearest seat and lighted a cigarette.I " Come in , Girraldy " I sat opposite him , glancing and observing him.He met me at this early ." You don't work today , Petty "" I can't do anything now ..my messy mind is at its peak " l said gloomily .He sighed,exhaling his cigarette smoke in round shape before it's dwindling.Without looking at me ,he said , " Still Freddie that makes you feel that ?" I didn't respond immediately but l said , " Strange , that simple name can cause such complicated state condition in my life but that's what happens " He looked at me smiled beneath his smoke and said nothing.Getting up ," Ah , l forgot,what would you want to drink ? " He shook his head," l want to take you out having some fresh air " l knew that look of his eyes since long and suddenly l felt slightly safe .Then l wa
Gush of Wind
Roster fighting surrounded by local people.Living things relief seeing other hurt and even dead while the winner survive and gaining applauses.To be winner can not be other than being sportive and went through a fair play. But some games are just on the contrary.If decent people can not play on stage, what is the difference among the ones who fight? If the choices are limited and win or lose is actually devoted to the breaker giant . ...is there any chance for other party..well..Alsava hummed softly, " Scientific notation make everything fair . Nothing wrong with everything bad ...no ? " The audience and the backstage players and the one at the underground..then what those roosters get ? What if they were human..Bleeding, wounded, then humiliated or pitied ..after having sufferance by the lost , then come the next pain .. The man was answering from the dark room , " What ever unpleasant facts of life ones face , just face them.Its amazing to know that each one go on living wi
The Far End
The loving embrace of a father to the child was always fresh in his mind , while for a mother he even unable to remember otherwise the old yellowish black and white photo graph he has last seen in the long time yesteryears in his memories.Now the woman in white told him things about scethcs of antrophology discovery as she drew what the ground digger found under a cave ," When they discovered their..a mother and a son interlocked skeletons.The mother is believed to have been trying to protect her child during a powerful earthquake that hit Qi province, somewhere in Asia , in about centuries ago l just made some scetcses of it and imagine how would they went through at the moments before they died " Zepp didn't take the scethcs she handed ,the woman in white even thought he would not take it at all for a reason but he took it at and fixed his eyes on it as he would not want to see anything else .What a fanciful scene ! Touchy and eerie at the same time.There's a note there , "