49 – Works of Arts

“Can you explain more about this system user?” Cody asked another question.

“His name is Paul Michaels. He attracted passersby to join his house, then made a zombie bite them.” Jeff’s lips trembled when he explained that.

Cody sighed. “Then, he will turn them into works of art according to his wishes?”

Jeff just nodded with a dark expression.

“Wait, he should have a solid reason for doing that, right?” Helena asked.

Cody remembered the twins, Ezra and Edna. “Sometimes, humans do things because they can, and to satisfy their desires. There are no laws in this world, too. They feel they will not face any consequences for their actions.”

Helena could only lower her chin, while Gwen shifted towards Cody.

“Can we help him?” The blonde-haired woman whispered.

Cody looked at Jeff, who just looked down in silence.

“I know it will be hard.” Jeff spoke after a
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