The carriage sped forward like a gust of wind, the mountains, rivers, and vegetation rapidly retreating into the distance.
Night had fallen, and the moon hung high above. With a creak, the carriage finally came to a stop at the foot of a rugged mountain. The old Taoist pulled back the curtain and took a glance outside. Nodding in satisfaction, he stepped out and effortlessly lifted Lu Li with one hand and Qin Shouren with the other. In a single bound, he landed atop a strange rock like a meteor descending from the sky. Without pause, he leapt again, rising and falling along the jagged terrain, moving with ghostly agility. Each jump carried him more than ten feet into the air. Before long, the Taoist had reached the mountaintop. There stood an ancient Taoist temple, its plaque inscribed with the words: Qingliang Temple. Without hesitation, the old Taoist kicked open the door and strode inside. Beyond the gate lay a spacious courtyard. A young Taoist, around seventeen or eighteen years old, paced anxiously within. At the sight of the old Taoist, his face lit up with relief. He exhaled heavily and rushed forward. "Master, you're back." The old Taoist nodded. "I've brought four more medicine slaves. Two more remain at the foot of the mountain. Go retrieve them." "Yes, Master!" The young Taoist bowed before hurrying out of the courtyard. To the right stood a row of six small, low-built houses, each marked with a number from one to six. Without hesitation, the old Taoist carried Lu Li inside and tossed him into Room One before locking the door. Then, he did the same with Qin Shouren, throwing him into Room Two before departing. Not long after, the young Taoist returned, out of breath, struggling under the weight of two more captives. His steps were unsteady, his face twisted in exhaustion. "Damn it, these pigs eat too much! Almost snapped my waist carrying them up here." Grumbling, he swung open the door to Room Three and flung Chen Zhong inside. Then, he threw Li Xiangyun into Room Four before finally sighing in relief. Pausing outside Room Six, he listened carefully. Silence. Shaking his head, he sighed and walked away. The sun and moon took their turns in the sky. The next morning, a thin beam of light slipped through the narrow ventilation window, cutting into the darkness of the small, damp room. A foul stench filled Lu Li's nostrils. He frowned, slowly opening his eyes. "Where... am I?" He sat up, rubbing his aching head. A quick glance around revealed a confined, dimly lit space. The room was barren save for some scattered straw and damp patches on the floor. "Am I... imprisoned?" A wave of unease surged through him. The place looked eerily similar to the dungeons he had read about in books—thick, sealed walls, a single ventilation window, and a door that looked impossibly sturdy. He grabbed the door and pulled with all his strength. It didn't budge. Cold steel. His heart sank. "That old Taoist... he's definitely up to no good." Lu Li backed up against the wall, wrapping his arms around his knees. A deep confusion clouded his eyes. The old Taoist's abilities were beyond anything he had ever seen. There was no telling what kind of danger he was in. Clang. A sudden noise startled him. A small metal hatch at the base of the door slid open, and an iron bowl filled with food was pushed through. Lu Li glanced at it. To his surprise, the food didn't look bad—in fact, it was better than anything he had eaten back in Dashi Village. Fragrant, well-prepared, with meat and vegetables. They weren't trying to starve him, at least. "What exactly do they want with us?" His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of furious banging from the next room. "You bastards! Let me out! I'll burn this place down, I swear!" Lu Li let out a dry chuckle. "That fool Qin Shouren is still running his mouth." Meanwhile, inside the main hall of Qingliang Temple, a small three-legged cauldron burned at the center of the room, flames licking at its base. A young Taoist sat nearby, carefully adjusting a metal knob. Each turn controlled the iron vents beneath the cauldron, shifting the intensity of the fire. An elderly Taoist, seated cross-legged beside him, watched with approval. "Zhengping, you've grown skilled in controlling the fire. Well done." Fan Zhengping wiped the sweat from his brow and muttered, "It's all thanks to your teachings, Master. But..." He hesitated. "Master, we keep capturing mortals for these experiments. Doesn't this go against the will of the heavens? Maybe after this batch, we should stop—" Hmph. The old Taoist snorted coldly. "Cultivation is the path of defying heaven. If you fear the heavens, you might as well pick up a plow and become a farmer like the rest of those mortals." His eyes gleamed as he continued, "Besides, these mortals should feel honored. They are sacrificing themselves for our path to immortality. It's a blessing they have accumulated over lifetimes. Only by strengthening your heart can you walk further on this path. Do you understand?" Fan Zhengping's lips pressed into a thin line. Finally, he nodded. "Yes, Master." Silence returned as he resumed his work, carefully monitoring the fire. After a while, he shut it off and cautiously lifted the cauldron's lid. Inside lay two dark, pill-like objects. He frowned. "Master, the formula still isn't right. The Acupoint-Piercing Pill is supposed to be golden, but these are still black." The old Taoist, Zhang Song, walked over and inspected the pills. "No matter. Perhaps the true color of the pill is black. We will refine it again and test it." His gaze flickered with greed. "If we succeed just once, we will be rich beyond measure." Zhang Song was a rogue cultivator who had struggled on the path of cultivation for over eighty years. Despite reaching only the eighth level of Qi Refining, he had stumbled upon a remnant pill formula in an abandoned cave. The Acupoint-Piercing Pill was said to accelerate cultivation in the Qi Refining stage, allowing for rapid breakthroughs in meridian points—something even the great sects lacked. But the recipe was incomplete. Three of the four key ingredients had been identified, yet the final component remained a mystery. Hundreds had already perished in the testing process, yet the right combination still eluded them. "We'll try again," Zhang Song said firmly. Fan Zhengping nodded. "I'll bring a test subject immediately." He strode out into the courtyard, heading straight for Room Four. Opening the door, he looked at the boy inside. "Come out." Li Xiangyun's eyes brightened as he hurried forward. "Master Immortal! Why did you lock me up? Where are Brother Nihou and the others?" A flicker of hesitation crossed Fan Zhengping's face, but he quickly concealed it. "They've gone to train elsewhere. You were kept here to strengthen your character. It's over now. My master has refined an immortal pill for you. If you take it, you'll become an immortal." "Really?" "Of course." With that, Fan Zhengping led the child toward the main hall.Related Chapters
immortal pagoda chapter 4: A faint light In the darkness
"Come to the temple."When Li Xiangyun saw Zhang Song's aged and terrifying face again, he instinctively took a step back, fear flashing in his eyes."Little one, are you afraid of me?""No... it's not that." Li Xiangyun tried to suppress his fear.Zhang Song chuckled. "Haha, don't worry. I am an immortal—I will not harm you." His tone softened as he stepped forward, extending a pill toward Li Xiangyun. "Take this. If you can endure it, you may step onto the path of immortality.""Really?" Li Xiangyun's face lit up with excitement at the thought of cultivation."Of course, I never lie to children." Zhang Song handed over the elixir.Li Xiangyun hesitated for a moment before reaching out, grasping the pill in his small hands. After a brief pause, he threw it into his mouth.The moment he swallowed, his face twisted in agony. His small body convulsed violently as he collapsed to the ground, twitching uncontrollably. Within moments, his limbs stiffened—his young life extinguished.Fan Zh
immortal pagoda chapter 5: Awakened
"Hope?"When Lu Li heard this, he looked at Fan Zhengping excitedly. In times of despair, nothing was more precious than hope. As long as there was even a sliver of hope, anything was possible."Yes, hope." Fan Zhengping nodded. "As mortals, you naturally have no choice. However, if you possess spiritual roots, my master may accept you as a disciple, just as he did with me."Spiritual roots.Hearing these words, Lu Li's excitement dimmed, and he muttered in disappointment, "We participated in the Qingyang Sect's awakening ceremony, but none of us awakened spiritual roots.""No spiritual roots?" Fan Zhengping frowned at first, then suddenly stared at Lu Li as if he had made an important decision. "Wait here."Without another word, he rushed into the hall. Lu Li hesitated, considering leaving, but glanced at the closed door beside him and chose to remain seated.Not only were Fatty Chen and Qin Shouren still inside, but he doubted he could escape on his own given their current circumsta
immortal pagoda chapter 6: The Tower Within
Could it be that I haven't awakened?Is this a sign of taking too many awakening pills?Lu Li's heart sank when he heard this."Mud monkey, don't worry, this must be awakening," Qin Shouren said, seeing Lu Li's nervous expression. He stepped forward to comfort him.However, Fan Zhengping's expression faded. He realized that three people awakening at once likely meant they all had mixed spiritual roots, and the master might not accept them.He walked out with a heavy heart.Lu Li, noticing this, called Qin Shouren and Chen Zhong over and whispered, "Have you seen any changes in your bodies in the past two days?"The two looked at each other. Qin Shouren said, "There are no other changes, but it seems my eyesight and hearing have become more sensitive. Also, sometimes I can see my body when I close my eyes. According to the introductory formula Senior Brother Fan gave us, I'm probably concentrating my consciousness."Chen Zhong nodded. "I'm the same."Lu Li also knew the formula. After
immortal pagoda Chapter 7: Nine Roots, One Hope
"The spiritual roots are too mixed?" Qin Shouren was stunned, then exclaimed, "You can look inside!"Lu Li concentrated, and his face lit up. "I... Wow!""What's wrong?""Nine... nine spiritual roots!" Lu Li looked at his nine-colored meridians, his face twitching. "I have nine spiritual roots..."Gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, light, and darkness—all present. Lu Li was speechless. No wonder he had to eat over seventy awakening pills. Could there be a more useless spiritual root?"Congratulations, congratulations," Qin Shouren chuckled, rolling on the ground. "Hey, Fatty, let me tell you something."Chen Zhong, who was practicing, looked annoyed. Hearing Qin Shouren, he said impatiently, "Just say it!""Okay, okay," Qin Shouren said. "Don't tell anyone, but… Mud monkey has nine spiritual roots! Hahahahaha...""What?" Chen Zhong was stunned. "I thought my seven spiritual roots were bad enough, but Mud monkey is even worse?""You have seven spiritual roots?" Qin Shouren
immortal pagoda Chapter 8: A Glimmer of Immortality
Noon on the fifth day.In the main hall, Zhang Song stared at the small cauldron with red eyes, his face extremely ugly.Fan Zhengping, controlling the Earth Fire, kept his head down, not daring to look at Zhang Song.In five days, they had refined twenty-five elixir recipes, but twenty-four were either useless due to conflicting ingredients or exploded. Fortunately, the cauldron was sturdy.Only one recipe remained. If it failed, Zhang Song's efforts would be wasted."Why are you shaking? Be careful!" Zhang Song snapped at Fan Zhengping, who was trembling."Yes," Fan Zhengping said, forcing himself to calm down.After a while, a medicinal fragrance drifted out.Zhang Song's face lit up. He rushed over and opened the lid. Seeing three dark green pills, he sighed in relief. "Okay, okay."Fan Zhengping checked. "Master, this is the best one in three years, and there are three!""Yeah," Zhang Song said. "While better, it still looks dull. It might be the heat or ingredients. Go get that
immortal pagoda Chapter 9: The Price of Immortality
Chapter 9: The Price of immorality "Done?"Zhang Song, overjoyed, stepped over Lu Li and Chen Zhong and grabbed Qin Shouren. "How is it? What does it feel like?"Qin Shouren, seeing Lu Li and Chen Zhong on the ground, feigned pain. "I… I feel so uncomfortable!" He then collapsed."Himph, you dare tease me?" Zhang Song grabbed Qin Shouren's neck. "Uncomfortable? I'll crush you!""No!" Chen Zhong cried, getting up. "I'll talk!"Seeing no way out, Lu Li stood up.Zhang Song released Qin Shouren and looked at Chen Zhong. "Tell me the truth, and I might accept you as a disciple. Lie, and you'll regret it."Then, he changed his mind. "Wait, come with me."He took Chen Zhong into a side room.After a while, he brought Chen Zhong out, then took Lu Li and Qin Shouren in. "Tell me the truth. If your stories don't match, you all die."Old fox!Lu Li cursed Zhang Song inwardly but dared not lie.After hearing their accounts, Zhang Song laughed. "Hahaha, I succeeded!"He rushed out, rummaging on
immortal pagoda chapter 10: A path to Qingyang
Chapter 10boom!Another explosion was heard, and Zhang Song emerged from a cloud of black smoke. He looked at several people and took out a talisman with some pain. He activated his energy and threw it forward. In an instant, a young man came out. The Yang Zong disciple's feet were sunken, and his whole body sank directly downwards, almost reaching his neck in the blink of an eye.The expressions of the other two people suddenly changed and they flew forward to rescue them.Zhang Song took this opportunity and rushed back to the main hall. When he saw Fan Zhengping, who was already dead, he suddenly screamed ferociously: "Why! Why do you do this to me!"After saying that, he suddenly turned to look at Lu Li and the other three who were huddled aside. His thoughts suddenly changed and he suddenly revealed a cruel smile, "Hey, you guys have a good relationship with my disciple. He...couldn't he be... I've given you the recipe, huh?"With that said, he grabbed Lu Li and the others."Huh
immortal pagoda Chapter 11: The Test of Spiritual Roots
Chapter 11: The Test of Spiritual RootsAt the northwest end of Liangzhou, there was a place shrouded in fog all year round. If an ordinary person strayed more than ten feet into it, they would become dizzy and disoriented, unable to find their way. Eventually, they would wander in circles and be forced back outside, unable to pass through the fog.Behind the mist, a steep, cross-cut cliff could vaguely be seen. Towering no less than a hundred feet high, it stretched for an unknown number of miles from east to west, creating a breathtaking sight.On this day, a black and glossy carriage slowly made its way into the fog. It veered left and right for about half a quarter of an hour before finally emerging from the mist, stopping before a small wooden house nestled under the cliff.Three older men and women jumped out of the carriage first, followed by three younger teenagers.Each of the three teenagers had distinct features. One had a strong build, thick eyebrows, and large eyes. His r
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chapter 15: Trails of the Brothers
"This bastard!"Looking at the ten large pools, only three were full, and the other seven were empty, Lu Li was so angry that his mouth was crooked.According to the rules, he must ensure that all five pools are full, and this pool must be filled with at least 100 loads, that is, he must carry at least 200 loads to ensure that all five pools are full.According to this method, he estimated that he would have to work day and night, and fill the double buckets every time for a month to fill two pools."Is this bastard doing it on purpose?"Lu Li sat on the ground, staring at the foot of the mountain with indignation in his heart.Unfortunately, he is only at the first level of Qi training now, and he has not even opened up a single Qi channel, so he cannot use his true Qi to collect heavy objects. Otherwise, he can consider secretly filling some water in the space hall."Oh, you have a bad temper." At this moment, a man in a blue robe suddenly walked out of the jungle next to him, "Give
Chapter 14: The Handyman's Tasks
Dangdangdang...Lu Li, who was still practicing, was suddenly awakened by a harsh sound.Up to now, he has been practicing in the Time Palace for more than fifty days, which is equivalent to four or five days in the outside world. What is gratifying is that he finally broke through the metallic barrier of the second acupoint and finally saw a glimmer of hope.When he stood up and took a look, it turned out that it was already getting dark outside. Lu Li knew that he was about to start taking the mission.The tasks of handyman disciples do not require going out like the formal disciples, and there is no danger. The work they do is almost all work that assists the formal disciples in their cultivation, such as chopping wood, carrying water, cooking, cleaning, weeding in the medicinal garden, etc. category.Lu Li stood up and tidied up, and found that he didn't feel tired at all after staying up all night. After much deliberation, he could only attribute it to the fact that the main body
chapter 13: Dimming Light
Lu Li stopped helplessly and opened the door. It turned out to be Chen Zhong and Qin Shouren.Chen Zhong was holding a large bowl of steamed buns, a silly smile plastered on his face. "Nihao, I got you some food."Lu Li then realized it was already getting dark outside. He thanked them and invited them in."Nihao, you can't practice without eating. There's still plenty of time ahead," Qin Shouren said as they sat at the table."I know. I just got the technique for the first time. I'm excited," Lu Li replied while eating a steamed bun. "Didn't you practice today?""I practiced for two hours, but refining true qi is too slow. Besides, my acupoint barrier is at the seventh layer. I don't know when I'll break through," Qin Shouren said, sounding disappointed. "You think we'll end up like old man Yu Tong said—never reaching the second level in our lifetime?"Lu Li was stunned for a moment before offering comfort. "Don't worry. We're still young. Take your time." He suddenly remembered some
Chapter 12: Awakening Cultivation
Chu Qing couldn't help but think after hearing this. Although the spiritual roots of these three people were mixed, they still had spiritual roots. If they could get started, he would have made a contribution to the sect. Maybe he could also get some rewards according to the five spiritual roots standards.Thinking of this, he quickly bowed and said, "Second Elder, spiritual roots are hard to find. Our Qingyang Sect is no longer able to catch up with the old ones, and the Handyman Hall is even more in need of people. Otherwise..."Yu Tong stared at Lu Li and the others and thought for a while, then said, "The rule of Qingyang Sect is that as long as the spiritual roots are awakened, one can enter. But I never thought that mixed spiritual roots like yours could also be awakened, so there is no rule for mixed spiritual roots. Since the spiritual roots cannot be harvested, so be it. Then, according to the entry standards, you will start as handyman disciples just like those with five spi
Chapter 11: The Test of Spiritual Roots
Chapter 11: The Test of Spiritual RootsAt the northwest end of Liangzhou, there was a place shrouded in fog all year round. If an ordinary person strayed more than ten feet into it, they would become dizzy and disoriented, unable to find their way. Eventually, they would wander in circles and be forced back outside, unable to pass through the fog.Behind the mist, a steep, cross-cut cliff could vaguely be seen. Towering no less than a hundred feet high, it stretched for an unknown number of miles from east to west, creating a breathtaking sight.On this day, a black and glossy carriage slowly made its way into the fog. It veered left and right for about half a quarter of an hour before finally emerging from the mist, stopping before a small wooden house nestled under the cliff.Three older men and women jumped out of the carriage first, followed by three younger teenagers.Each of the three teenagers had distinct features. One had a strong build, thick eyebrows, and large eyes. His r
chapter 10: A path to Qingyang
Chapter 10boom!Another explosion was heard, and Zhang Song emerged from a cloud of black smoke. He looked at several people and took out a talisman with some pain. He activated his energy and threw it forward. In an instant, a young man came out. The Yang Zong disciple's feet were sunken, and his whole body sank directly downwards, almost reaching his neck in the blink of an eye.The expressions of the other two people suddenly changed and they flew forward to rescue them.Zhang Song took this opportunity and rushed back to the main hall. When he saw Fan Zhengping, who was already dead, he suddenly screamed ferociously: "Why! Why do you do this to me!"After saying that, he suddenly turned to look at Lu Li and the other three who were huddled aside. His thoughts suddenly changed and he suddenly revealed a cruel smile, "Hey, you guys have a good relationship with my disciple. He...couldn't he be... I've given you the recipe, huh?"With that said, he grabbed Lu Li and the others."Huh
Chapter 9: The Price of Immortality
Chapter 9: The Price of immorality "Done?"Zhang Song, overjoyed, stepped over Lu Li and Chen Zhong and grabbed Qin Shouren. "How is it? What does it feel like?"Qin Shouren, seeing Lu Li and Chen Zhong on the ground, feigned pain. "I… I feel so uncomfortable!" He then collapsed."Himph, you dare tease me?" Zhang Song grabbed Qin Shouren's neck. "Uncomfortable? I'll crush you!""No!" Chen Zhong cried, getting up. "I'll talk!"Seeing no way out, Lu Li stood up.Zhang Song released Qin Shouren and looked at Chen Zhong. "Tell me the truth, and I might accept you as a disciple. Lie, and you'll regret it."Then, he changed his mind. "Wait, come with me."He took Chen Zhong into a side room.After a while, he brought Chen Zhong out, then took Lu Li and Qin Shouren in. "Tell me the truth. If your stories don't match, you all die."Old fox!Lu Li cursed Zhang Song inwardly but dared not lie.After hearing their accounts, Zhang Song laughed. "Hahaha, I succeeded!"He rushed out, rummaging on
Chapter 8: A Glimmer of Immortality
Noon on the fifth day.In the main hall, Zhang Song stared at the small cauldron with red eyes, his face extremely ugly.Fan Zhengping, controlling the Earth Fire, kept his head down, not daring to look at Zhang Song.In five days, they had refined twenty-five elixir recipes, but twenty-four were either useless due to conflicting ingredients or exploded. Fortunately, the cauldron was sturdy.Only one recipe remained. If it failed, Zhang Song's efforts would be wasted."Why are you shaking? Be careful!" Zhang Song snapped at Fan Zhengping, who was trembling."Yes," Fan Zhengping said, forcing himself to calm down.After a while, a medicinal fragrance drifted out.Zhang Song's face lit up. He rushed over and opened the lid. Seeing three dark green pills, he sighed in relief. "Okay, okay."Fan Zhengping checked. "Master, this is the best one in three years, and there are three!""Yeah," Zhang Song said. "While better, it still looks dull. It might be the heat or ingredients. Go get that
Chapter 7: Nine Roots, One Hope
"The spiritual roots are too mixed?" Qin Shouren was stunned, then exclaimed, "You can look inside!"Lu Li concentrated, and his face lit up. "I... Wow!""What's wrong?""Nine... nine spiritual roots!" Lu Li looked at his nine-colored meridians, his face twitching. "I have nine spiritual roots..."Gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, light, and darkness—all present. Lu Li was speechless. No wonder he had to eat over seventy awakening pills. Could there be a more useless spiritual root?"Congratulations, congratulations," Qin Shouren chuckled, rolling on the ground. "Hey, Fatty, let me tell you something."Chen Zhong, who was practicing, looked annoyed. Hearing Qin Shouren, he said impatiently, "Just say it!""Okay, okay," Qin Shouren said. "Don't tell anyone, but… Mud monkey has nine spiritual roots! Hahahahaha...""What?" Chen Zhong was stunned. "I thought my seven spiritual roots were bad enough, but Mud monkey is even worse?""You have seven spiritual roots?" Qin Shouren