kiel Anderson’s Ascendency.
kiel Anderson’s Ascendency.
Author: Busy bee😫

“I am sorry, you can not see Mrs Campbell” the guards by the gate tried to stop him. They didn’t quite look familiar and Kiel was a bit disturbed. These were not the guards that were usually stationed at the gate. When were they all replaced?

He heaved a sigh and raked his hand through his hair, he was sweating profusely under the hot sun and these people didn’t realize he had to go inside to take a shower.

“I am sure you are new here, aren’t you?” He asked them, “you must not know who I am”

“Of course we know you” one of them answered, “Mr Kiel”

His forehead creased into a slight frown. Why were they trying to stop him if they knew who he was?

“Look gentlemen, I am very busy and I can not stay and chat with you. I suggest you let me through”

He was still talking when the gates pushed open from the inside and one of the female workers ventured out of the gates, she had the garbage bag with her.

The moment she saw Kiel, her face broke into a thin smile.

“Young master” she bowed lightly, “why are you out here when you are supposed to be near the young Madam now?” She inquired which made the scowl on kiel’s face to increase.

“What do you mean?”

“The lady boss has put to bed a bouncing baby boy, everyone is excited”

Kiel froze for a moment, he wasn’t quite sure what he had just heard.

“What do you mean?”

“I….” The words hung in her throat when the gates opened again and his mother in law sauntered out of gates. She had her phone pressed against her ear and a huge smile on her face but the moment her eyes came in contact with Kiel and the maid, an angry expression appeared on her face and her countenance dampened.

“How about I call you back, Andrew?” 

With a nod, she removed the phone from her ear and returned her focus to the two people in front of her.

“Madam” the guards bowed but she didn’t bother to answer them.

“What are you doing here, Gladys?” She asked the helper who bowed lightly.

“I have just come to throw the trash ma’am” she replied politely.

“Mother in law, what… Kiel tried to talk but she halted him with a wave of her hand, her gaze still on Gladys.

“How about I throw you out of here, maybe you will learn to focus on your work”

“Sorry Madam Campbell” 

With that Gladys scurried away into the house and the old lady faced Kiel.

For a moment she studied him and her nose scrunched up in disgust. He was all sweaty under the sun and he looked tired.

“Are you just coming home?”

“I have been here for a while now” he responded, “but the guards won’t let me in, they said it was your orders”

“Don’t you know this is my son in law?” Her voice was laced with sarcasm and mockery, “how dare you keep him out in the sun?”

“Gladys said something about Roselyn giving birth, what…”

“Look Kiel” the old lady rudely interrupted him, “there is a lot going on today. How about you go and sleep in a hotel, you can come back tomorrow when everything is settled”

He was taken aback, what nonsense was he saying now? How could he go to sleep in a hotel when he was in front of his house? Technically, his in-laws ' house?

“Ma….” He tried to talk again but the old lady won’t even allow him.

“Just do as I have said, Kiel” she patted him lightly on the shoulder, “I am very busy and I have to go”

With that, she turned around and walked back into the house. Kiel tried to follow her but the guards won’t even let him through, a gesture that made him more nervous than usual. 

What Gladys said was still lingering in his head and he wanted to know exactly what was happening but no one was letting him through, no one at all.

“Look,” he turned to the guards again, “you heard her right? This is my house and I have to go inside. How dare you hold me out here?”

“That was the order, sir” another put out, “I am sorry”

Kiel placed his hands on his waist and let out a heavy sigh.

At this moment, a black Maybach pulled up in front of him and one of his arch enemies climbed out.

Andrew Hander was the CEO of M city’s biggest automobile company. He was born into a second generation rich family and everything he ever wanted, he got but despite that, he achieved a lot at a very young age but his arrogance was on another level. He was the biggest asshole that Kiel had ever come across.

“Mr Kiel” Andrew’s lips curled into a mocking smirk as he graced his pant pockets with his hand, he was clearly dressed in a expensive suit,

“I didn’t expect to see you here. I thought you went on a trip?”

“Why?” Kiel was clearly not pleased, “why are you at my home? Shouldn’t you be in the office?”

“Of course i should” Andrew chuckled lightly, “but a matter of importance have brought me here”

“What do you…..” kiel’s voice trailed off when one of the guards spoke distinctively into the earpiece in his ear before bowing to Andrew.

“The Madam asked me to bring you into the house”

“Of course” the smile on Andrew’s face grew wider, “of course i should see my son”

Not sparing Kiel another glance, he made his way towards the gate again while Kiel was left standing like a fool.

Why didn Andrew talk about seeing his son when this was not even his house? He just didn’t understand what was happening.

“I think you should leave now sir” one of the security guard suggested, “you  are not supposed to be seen near the premises”

Kiel let out a heavy sigh, the sun was becoming too hot and he couldn’t keep standing here. Not like he could  force his way into the house.

“I will make sure to return this favor” he blurted out and grabbed his small backpack before walking away. Maybe it was better to have some rest at a hotel before giving his wife a call, she would surely have a better explanation for what was happening.


The moment one of the helpers led Andrew Hander into the room, Madam Campbell immediately stood up from her chair to welcome him with a huge grin hovering over her face.

“Andrew” she drew him into a small hug, “i was not expecting you to come so soon”

“How could I not come?” He asked with a light chuckle, “after all, it is a joyous occasion after all”

“You can say that again, Andrew,” Madam Campbell responded, “why don’t I take you to see your son?”

“Of course”Andrew made to move but halted on impulse,

“I saw Kiel at the gate”

“Oh” the old lady rolled her eyes, “do not worry about him right now, he is not relevant”

“I see” he scoffed again, “but I still think you would have let him in, I mean his wife just gave birth, don’t you think?”

“Kiel is not the person to see Roselyn now, Andrew” the old lady put out, “she just gave birth to your son and you should be concerned about that”

“Of course I am” a smug look was on his face and he couldn’t feel more proud of himself, “it will be a pity not to see the look on his face”

“And I will make sure to catch his expressions on camera for you” the old lady added, “rest assured”

“As you say, Mrs Campbell”

After talking, the two of them made their way upstairs to the room. The moment he entered, a huge smile appeared on his face.

Roselyn was sprawled on the bed looking all tired while the maids were going in and out of the room, the doctor was also packing his tools into his bag.

The moment she saw them, she immediately bowed to them with a smile on her face.

“Congratulations, Madam Campbell” she said again.

“And like I said” a fake smile was plastered across the old lady’s face, “not a word of this to anyone”

“Of course ma’am”

After she was done, one of the helpers helped her out of the room while Andrew drew closer to the bed and perched on the space beside her. He looked over his baby’s crib and the joy in his face knew no bound. His little bundle of joy was sleeping peacefully.

“You seem proud” her frail voice reached his ears and he turned to her, the smile widening with each passing moment.

“You did a good job, Roselyn” Andrew said, “I am proud of you”

“Congratulations” she said happily, “finally”

“Of course” he tucked a few strands of her hair to the back of her ear, “it is a shame though, Kiel is not here to see the proud look on your face”

At the mention of her husband, the look on Roselyn’s face changed for the worse. It was like she didn’t want to hear his name.

“You don’t have to bother about him, Andrew” she said, her face full of determination,

“I have sent the papers to his email”

“Are you sure about that?” Andrew inquired?

“Of course, that is what he deserves at the moment and nothing more”

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