chapter 11 :

"Oh man, tell me, what exactly did you do to make a scary family like the Ayad family your enemy, to the extent that they even put a huge bounty on your head..."

Zenon's expression turned ugly, filled with anger and rage.

"They are my eternal enemy..." he said in an icy tone.

A small look of surprise appeared on Miles' face before he laughed mockingly.

"Your eternal enemy!? Hah... Hahahaha, boy, you are overestimating yourself. Ignorance is sometimes a blessing. If you knew the true power of that family, you wouldn't utter any of this nonsense. Anyway, enough chit-chat..."

Miles looked at Lisa behind Zenon and smiled wickedly.

"If you surrender quietly, I promise not to harm that beauty over there. What do you say!?"

Without hesitation, Zenon replied while gripping his dagger tightly, "Go to hell, that's my answer..."

Miles frowned, "So you want it the hard way..."

"Miles, finish this quickly and come help me. This man is a level five warlock," shouted the human who was facing Mic
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