026. Shawn's engagement.

Aunt Shawn, with the purpose of peeping to feed her curiosity if Brian is really inside the room, walked toward the door. Immediately she opened the door, she was dragged into the room by Claire.

Claire knocked Aunt Shawn down and she looked at her already unconscious aunt, a devilish smile cropped onto her lips.

Direct message to you, oh sorry I forgot you're unconscious and you won't be able to hear what I'm about to say. In behalf of your plans, which I'm about to make a success for you, I have planned for you to taste your own medicine and feel how bitter it tastes, Claire said as she instructed her assistant to give her the strings.

After injecting her with the drugs, Claire ordered they wake her up while she left the room, pretending to look for Brian.

Claire called out the name of Brian as she walked through the lobby in search of him.

"Brian," Claire called out.

Immediately she reached the room Brian and Mr. Jordan were taken to, Brian called out her name and she walked into t
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