031. i still love my life

Immediately after the wedding, Shawn received a notification on her phone.

"I'm wishing you a happy married life, dear aunt. I hope to hear good news soon.

Thank you for bringing honor to the Morris family."

Roger and Grandpa Morris were having a brief talk. Due to the Morris family tradition, Shawn was not supposed to follow Roger on the same day as the wedding. She was supposed to perform certain rituals as per their customs and traditions.

But Roger refused instantly. He had seen enough, and due to the nature of his business, there were many operations that required his approval before being carried out.

The ritual was not a long process, but Graham wanted to use that opportunity to spend time with his only daughter, who was now married against her will. This wasn't the life he had wanted for her.

Not being able to stop the wedding, which had already taken place, made his heart bitter.

Once again, he had failed his wife. Up to now, he did not know the whereabouts of his first son
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