034. Ruby angers

At the Michaels residence, Ruby could no longer contain her anger. The moment she entered her room, she began unleashing it on everything in sight.

*How did I spill that stuff out of anger? What if Brian starts suspecting me? I need to do something fast before he catches on,* Ruby thought.

*Mabel, Mabel... after the breakup, why are your family members still close to Brian? Haven't you suffered enough because of him? Until I kill one of you, you won’t leave Brian for me,* Ruby seethed inwardly.

Ruby glanced at the pictures of Brian that she had secretly taken.

*I won’t stop until I make sure you are mine and mine alone. If I have to kill, I will,* she vowed.

*I thought I had finally won you over, Brian. It turns out I was just delusional. I hate you, Mabel. I hate you!* Ruby shouted, tears streaming down her face.

Just then, her phone rang. Ruby locked her door before answering.

“Hello, boss. It’s month-end payment, and that woman is so stubborn. We don’t know what to do with her,” a
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