
Novels by Feyonce



Whether it is a fairy tale or truth, no one has ever captured one or come close to having physical contact with one. Some say it is just a myth of tired Good Knights meant to uplift their team’s spirit, so they do not worry too much. It was primarily meant to lifts the spirits of single males in hopes that they would find these beautiful women. Others say it is the work of magicians working for the Evil Knights trying to trick the Good Knights, to lead them away from their team, and kill them. The truth is, no one truly knows.
Chapter: Chapter 46
I love myself too much to risk it. I studied how he moved about his environment. He did something peculiar that intrigued me. He injected something into the dead bodies. Several moments later, the dead humans suddenly awoke and stood up. Whatever was inside that injection, I knew it was terrible and scary.For a moment, I believed he had found where I was hiding, but I was wrong. The mad scientist immediately takes out his frustrations on the revived beings. He kills them all over again. It revived through the dead. They did not possess their human thinking. No, their actions were delayed, lacking reasoning and understanding. Mindless beings that appeared to be waiting for orders.Pulling a machete out of his lab coat, he cuts them into pieces, while laughing silly and enjoying this madness. I cannot imagine what this lunatic would do to me if they captured me. Should he get closer, I was ready to shoot him. I heard he can dodge bullets like the fairies.I am not afraid of this madman
Last Updated: 2022-10-26
Chapter: Chapter 45
You are in a way confusing the person, hypnotizing them, and installing a secret message into their subconsciousness. Their mind instantly picks it up and send it to memory. It will make you forget about what happened. As for the magic part, I cannot explain it to you.Making my way out of the laboratory, I decided to go eat something. I am craving my father’s homemade food. Then again, I can cook for myself. I miss his style of cooking. Father, let us have lunch together with mum again, please? I miss you two so much. You two are so close to me, yet so far away.See you soon...Time: PastWow! I have seen my parents train together to get ready for the tournament. Uncle Zane was a troublemaker back then I saw. He was dealing with his own issues. The way my parents trained with such dedication reminded me of the times when I would see them work out with each other. Yes, they trained together even after I was born. They respected each other and thought they would hit each other hard. Fa
Last Updated: 2022-10-26
Chapter: Chapter 44
After eating our meal, we always stay and chat for a bit.“Father, I had a dream about my mother again.”“That is wonderful, Jill. I often dream of your mother as well. Just not as much as you have. What did she tell you this time?” he asks.Hearing me out, father never rejects speaking to me about her. He understands what we all have gone through and supports me. Even if it is to talk about a simple dream. It means so much to me. Without my father, I would not have anyone to speak with besides the fairies. I do value these conversations so much. Mother taught me good communication is essential to our daily lives. Especially within the family.“Mum told me that she loves us and to not give up. Also, that one day we would all be together again.”“Yes, Jill. I strongly believe that too,” he responds.“Father, Mum looked so beautiful. I felt her hold me in her arms as she would before when I was younger. I miss her.”Father stays quiet for a bit.“Mum also said that she loves us and woul
Last Updated: 2022-10-26
Chapter: Chapter 43
Jill hears radio chatter within her earpiece hidden inside of her ear. The team is still under attack. There is nothing she can do right now, and even if she could, it is too risky to leave. Gazing into each other’s eyes, the Evil Knight wearing a cloak stands ready to strike Jill.She does not flinch, breathes normally, as Jill does not panic. Her stance is solid; she is ready to take this person down at all costs. Rushing towards ready to attack, Jill instead waits for him to get closer. Jill blocks and intercepts his sword, strikes only to be blocked and intercepted by him as well.The two-exchange powerful sword strikes, which end in a stalemate. The sound of ricocheting metal echoes through their swords, creating sparks. Jill is the one who strikes harder. She does not lose her temper. The person notices she is not scared of him. Jill is facing him like a staunch opponent. He thinks too many things about her he misses a strike. Jill seizes the opportunity, cutting him across his
Last Updated: 2022-10-26
Chapter: Chapter 42
Around this time, a group of scientists on the good side created a time machine. They had to retrieve the plans for it. Unfortunately, because of the city being overwhelmed with Evil Knights, it was a stealth mission to get back into the school.This is where I learned all the ins and outs of our school. Father updated my communicator wristwatch. I had access to floors and hidden areas I never knew existed within the school.He carefully charted these areas before I was born, he stated. Father began telling me things about him, life in the past, the Good Knights, and everything he found out. I was careful in paying attention to every detail of the past.On our infiltration mission, my sister and I came across the files for the time-traveling mechanism. We studied them before surrendering the documents. We uploaded them to our database for backup purposes. The fairies looked at the files as well. It surprised them that humans found the solution to make time travel possible.Princess Ka
Last Updated: 2022-10-26
Chapter: Chapter 41
You are wondering about my future, yes? It is not as interesting as you may believe.In the future, it will be a war zone. Here is what happened…Remembering these scenes through my memories is something I am still getting over. Talking about it helps, as my fairy friends stated and guided me through counseling.A Distant Memory of the Future Orallion City, leaving school…I was fifteen years old starting out my first year of high school. I took some extra classes over the summertime to advance myself in credits. It is not my fault the classes are not challenging. Father always said I am way too smart for my age. I had a lovely day at school. I paid attention to my classes and finished my homework during the last period. I wanted to enjoy and relax that afternoon with my friends. Towards the end of the day, upon exiting school grounds, I felt something strange, like a warning, a chilling sensation. Something bad was about to happen.I did not know at the time, but many explosion no
Last Updated: 2022-10-26
Allison; Taking Control

Allison; Taking Control

Allison walked along the port side of the flush deck toward the bow. When they saw their captain walking by in the dim light, several hands raised their foreheads in salute. Standing just above the bowsprit, he came to a stop and gazed out into the night.It was comforting to hear the steady, even sound of the ship's hull piercing the Atlantic wavelets as it surged forward.
Chapter: Chapter 112
“Qui êtes-vous? Parlez, maintenant!” growled the sergeant threateningly, insisting they speak.Caldwell was just about to feign a weak answer when a volley of musketry crackled from a nearby alleyway. Five of the French soldiers immediately crumpled to the ground, while the sergeant and the one remaining foot soldier wheeled around to face whatever it was that just surprised them. All at once a group of yelling, shadowy forms charged through the floating cloud of smoke left by the musket discharge. Seen in the guttering light of the lanterns which had been dropped to the ground, the last standing soldier uttered a disgusting gurgle as the blood-soaked point of a bayonet protruded through the back of his neck. At the same time, two attackers grabbed the reins of the sergeant’s horse while a third pinned the man’s sword arm and pulled him down bodily from the saddle. The third assailant then brandished his own sword and slammed the point into the sergeant’s chest several times before dr
Last Updated: 2022-11-25
Chapter: Chapter 111
“Arrêtez!” came the shouted command in French to stop. Before the two disguised British officers could even react, five of the vigilant fellow’s nearby brethren had moved in to surround them. Taken unawares, Caldwell and James instinctively raised their hands. The discovered men were then promptly urged out into the clearing by the soldiers’ bayoneted muskets. The man who had originally discovered them made no effort to interrogate them or to find out who they were. He immediately began to call out to another a short distance away whom Caldwell could tell from the soldier’s address was a sergeant. The men who captured them then began to walk them in that general direction.This was dire. Everything the Philadelphia men had accomplished was about to be brought to nothing by a wretched barking dog. Almost as if to taunt the men it discovered, the vile scrawny creature was still milling about nearby yapping and growling toothily at them while wagging its tail. Both British officers knew
Last Updated: 2022-11-25
Chapter: Chapter 110
“Well, what now?” James asked as he and Caldwell ducked back behind the pile of logs. “We can congratulate ourselves after a fashion for making it here under such horrid conditions, but that alone will serve no purpose. I’m forced to repeat my previous question: how do we determine just who or what is in there?”Caldwell looked as if he was about to reply with something less than definite when providence managed to intervene on their behalf yet again, though it was not at first clear exactly what was happening. Shouts and calls echoing up from further down the narrow road preempted Caldwell’s response. Both men ducked down and silently moved further to their right so as to observe the unfolding scene from the screen of heavy brush.A torch-bearing advance guard of marching soldiers, conceivably a detachment of the large unit which had come toward Saint-Pierre earlier, tramped up the slope. Following behind were even more men, with muskets at the ready, escorting what was clearly a gr
Last Updated: 2022-11-25
Chapter: Chapter 109
Caldwell shook his head. “We can’t have more than three hours of darkness left to us at this point... but I’ll be buggered if I simply turn about and run off with our task undone. I couldn’t so much as face the Captain if we did that.” He then lifted his head and looked intently off into the darkness to the East.James grasped his thinking almost immediately and he didn’t like it one bit. “Oh... oh no! Not again! Henry, are you daft? I’d swear our last trip through the rills and ridges out there made me bleed far more than that splinter in the arm ever did!” He held out the still bandaged forearm to which he referred.“There’s no help for it, I’m afraid,” Caldwell told him. “Anyway, I do believe there’s another rise just east of here that will more than suit our purpose. It should be an easier ascent than the first ridge we scaled, at least at initially, and we should be able to move up onto higher ground by concealing ourselves on its southern slope and moving under the trees.” He r
Last Updated: 2022-11-25
Chapter: Chapter 108
“Well, this is rather tedious – and distressing, I might add,” Caldwell told him. “Given the time we noted seeing the soldiers outside Le Carbet, which is just ahead, I’m all but certain they should have reached this particular point on the road at least a half hour ago if they were on the same schedule.”“A varied timetable?” James suggested.“I suppose something like that would only make sense,” Caldwell conceded, “unless they were delayed for some unknown reason.”James held his palms up. “Well, then what should we...”“SHHHH! Quiet! Lower yourself down and stay still! Something is coming!” Caldwell rasped, cutting him short.The second lieutenant quickly complied and did his best to listen to the approaching sounds which were just now becoming audible to him.As if in answer to their question, voices were heard echoing in the distance off to their right. Though they were still too far away to make out anything being said, it sounded like a series of shouts or calls being relayed
Last Updated: 2022-11-25
Chapter: Chapter 107
“You’ve both performed superbly, as evidenced by the information with which you’ve returned. However, the problem we now face with the two of you being more recognizable to local inhabitants requires a form of mitigation. After some deliberation, I’ve decided that you are in fact quite right about the language difficulty inherent in sending other men. For that reason one of you – that is you Henry – will have to return. I am not unmindful of the dangers this entails, so it would be advisable for you to vary your attire and outward appearance as much as you can manage.”The two officers listened obediently, but their discomfiture with the new arrangement was palpable. Allison expected nothing less, and he went on to address the concerns that he knew troubled them.“William, you are by a wide margin the most experienced and practiced in these matters, but given the additional precautions I have decided to enact, your talents will be needed in a different capacity.”Allison now turned
Last Updated: 2022-11-25
The Special People

The Special People

Isaac knew he had to end the fight as soon as he saw this.He aimed his knife at his attacker with the last of his energy.A piercing ache ran through the warrior's body as the blade sunk into his body.The warrior's hand was gripping the handle that protruded between his lower ribs when he looked down at his abdomen.They both fell to the ground together.Despite his pain, Isaac, who was aware of his destiny, did not fear.He began to laugh with what little air he had left, and as his life dwindled, he said, "I will return..."
Chapter: Chapter 110
Hopefully the thought that we are out of jeopardy isn’t phony, a fantasy from our purposefully deluded minds.-Isaac Weak. Inferior. Helpless. Useless.These are characteristics that should never be associated with an Alpha, yet I feel them all on a daily basis now.I have a job to do and the need to be a stable and reliable leader is essential after what has just happened. Countless new procedures need to be implemented for the safety of the packs. Each Alpha will need to take precautionary measures -ramping up training, security, and make plans with alias incase war comes.There isn’t time to stay on a sick bed with people keeping me from my work while all these pressing matters wait to be handled. Not to mention my duties as a mate and the fact she has her own position among the packs to undertake.Each day doesn’t hold enough hours to get my tasks completed even if I was healthy and able bodied, the challenges are even more daunting as I regain strength from the poison my brother
Last Updated: 2022-10-31
Chapter: Chapter 109
If there is a chance behind that cold wall he is capable of feeling rejection, I don’t really want him to feel it from me. I don’t want to be the one who gave up. I will be careful, but right now I want him to know I want to try.So, I reach out and grasp his hand in mine.He smiles sleepily. “Much better”“You know his lips look a little cold too”“Levi!” Isaac grumbles.“I thought I was the wing man?” Levi shrugs.Isaac doesn’t look that upset... I think I might even see a hint of a smile as I chuckle at the two of them. Soon Isaac leans his head back again and falls asleep.I’ll just hold his hand a little longer.-May“She is gonna be here any minute” I mumble against his lips as they tease mine.My mate responds by groaning in protest and pulling me closer causing me to giggle.It’s not like I wasn’t already crammed against him in the small play house that rests just inside the woods behind Robert’s parents’ home.I typically have higher standards for make-out locations. This
Last Updated: 2022-10-31
Chapter: Chapter 108
“Alright party people, lets get this show on the road!” I giggle nervously and nod before chancing a glance behind at Isaac . He meets my eyes looking tired but other wise emotionless. I eye him narrowly with a glare and let my frustration flood the link between us, unsure if he was even paying attention through that thick wall of his.Turning I adjust myself in my seat and pull out my phone to keep me busy on the drive.I had been working on my linking while my family was still here but with them gone and me not yet being a part of Isaac and Levi’s pack – if I ever become apart of it- I was unable to practice or use the link for the last few days. Only Isaac would be able to talk to me now and we both have been avoiding that.I imagine that the link or bond I have with Isaac works in a similar way to a pack link, and I could learn to keep him out if I try. I don’t get how I have started to be able to keep my thoughts to myself in wolf form but Freddy, Chris and Alpha Cold heart ca
Last Updated: 2022-10-31
Chapter: Chapter 107
I chose not to make eye contact with Isaac as he is wheeled out of the make shift hospital. I had just finished loading up a few things in the car to make this trip easier.It has almost been a week since he was poisoned but the recovery has been slow. Isaac still spends most of his time sleeping and it frustrates him to be so weak. The slightest activity seems to make him tired.It frustrates ME that he is a stubborn ass.My mate has spent his every waking moment pushing himself by dealing with pack business and trying to get out of bed. I took pity on him the first night he had ripped his IVs out and caused a commotion, now I know I shouldn’t have.He has been such a handful. Willfully disregarding Greta’s orders to the point that I was on board when she threatened to strap him down two days ago.Boy did that Idea go over well.Lucky for Isaac Levi took pity on him and talked us down.I roll my eyes remembering how ridiculous he was being yelling at us to stop babying him and hol
Last Updated: 2022-10-31
Chapter: Chapter 106
I squeeze my eyes shut, willing more power to be put into the spell, “Summer wood and deity ties, bring these lines to boundaries defined. Expand this protection with the flow of desired correction. Right to what has been outlined.”I hear Silas shout and Wilson growl. I start shouting the spell. “Summer wood and deity ties, bring these lines to boundaries defined. Expand this protection with the flow of desired correction. Right to what has been outlined.”“Stop Isaac !” Mike begs. “You can’t stop this spell.“Stay away from her,” Silas orders.“Please!” He screams as he begs.I feel the thunder shake the ground, and I open my eyes in enough time to see lightning strike the center of the anchor in the ward as it shatters. The earth turns black and spreads out from under me, killing the trees and grass within a mile of us.I pant as my hands clench the dead earth. Sweat has beaded on my forehead, and I try to catch my breath as the boys struggle behind me. I get to my feet very shaki
Last Updated: 2022-10-31
Chapter: Chapter 105
I give Mike my wrist, my blood still freely flowing. “Squeeze my blood onto each paper and say; Deliver these to Goddess Kaelish, protector of Linru. Bring what’s true in this discovered news.”He gives me a questioning look, and I didn’t miss that his neck is tense. “Why?”“Because I can’t.” I motion to my bonds.He gives me a cautious look, trying to determine if he can trust me. “Why?”“You literally have me chained to a bed, just trust me.” I say, glaring at him.Mike follows my instructions, nearly jumping out of his skin as the pages start smoking. “What are you doing Isaac ?”“Relax,” I say, the flames turning turquoise, signaling they’ve been received. When Kaelish accepts them, the flames dissipate, leaving the pages in their original state. I hand them back to him. “There, now it’s in Kaelish’s hands.”“How much magic do you actually know?” Mike asks, looking me over as if he’s seeing me for the first time.I shrug. “Almost everything. I can’t speak the original spells, b
Last Updated: 2022-10-31
The Righteous Way

The Righteous Way

The keeper then looked at James and asked, "Isn't that the thief from earlier?" "I once learned from a man skilled in shipbuilding that if you flip a boat upside down it makes a great roof," he said. "I’ll remember that, help yourself to a room and a meal." "He is; would it be okay for him to spend the night in my room? And eat with me?” "Why would you believe a thief?" “I would,” “You may do as you wish, but I’m holding you accountable if anything of mine goes missing in the night,” and “Agreed” are all responses. After that, a bartender brought him and James their food to a table.
Chapter: Chapter 105
Feeling his back pockets, Alex told him, “Well come with me, we drops down to Bank of Montreal. I needs a bit of air, and a smoke maybe.”The door to Jimi Jak's opened, sound blowing out to the street for a moment or two and then gone, muffled inside. Alex lit his cigarette while he and Staunch went down the steps, which were now soaked in beer, streaks of blood, and littered with smoked down cigarettes butts from a successful, savage night. The Bank of Montreal only across the road from the bar, they crossed over once cars whizzed past.Nobody was inside the bank's ATM lobby. Alex passed Staunch the rest of his smoke before heading up towards the doors.“Not sure which one'll work,” Alex said thumbing through a handful of stolen debit and credit cards. “Might be a few minutes.”Alex went in to the bank machine and Staunch stood alone, drunk, in the dead of night. Occasionally, a car passed, a sound of laughter from the bar flew on the breeze, and a short time Staunch actual
Last Updated: 2022-11-24
Chapter: Chapter 104
Inside, the wood stove crackled nice and hot. The evening outside, even in summertime, cooled enough to put a chill in the bones. Brian and tom sat at a medium-sized kitchen table; they'd just finished off a good feed of minced moose burgers and deep-fried home fries. Don cooked a lot of things, but the boys loved their late night lunches – usually the same every time, burgers and fries or moose sausage and fries. As they relaxed in their chairs, Don brought them each a glass of ginger-ale, and a good portion of liquor for himself. The boys drank their pop and Don got his kit: one cigarette rolled, and a joint, as well.“Gimme a smoke,” Brian said, hand out.“Yeah, right,” laughed Don. “I ain't that nice, boy.”Brian laughed and Don lit his smoke.“That was wicked grub, Don,” Tommy told him. “Thanks again. Was friggin' starved.”“Today's been a long one,” said Brian.Between puffs of smoke, Don asked, “What'd you two shits get up to all day?”The boys looked nervous at one another, sl
Last Updated: 2022-11-24
Chapter: Chapter 103
The majority of the poor girl's murder only came back to him by way of time. Once months went by, the nauseating days of his freedom stretching on, and on, he pieced together several images from the night he first made death; him, the craftsman, making death by hand. Her throat bulged under a tight grip of his clenching fists. She tried to grab him, poke at his eyes, but the force of his hands clamping into her skin and taking the breath out of her heaving lungs kept him safe from any real damage, save a couple scratches. He did not actually orgasm; all the same, his penis shot up erect and stiff like a great monolith against her and he pressed it to her, putting the entire weight of his body down on hers, crushing the clutching bits of life from her flailing, pathetic existence still trying to hold to this world.From the start, he made a fine and thorough killer, an efficient machine created for the sole purpose of killing. Her body would never be found; it still sits buried, rotted
Last Updated: 2022-11-24
Chapter: Chapter 102
He lived on a decent cul-de-sac in Grand Falls, down near the river. Out back of the house sat a spacious garage separate by a large concrete pad, itself leading up into the long driveway. In the garage he had a nice spot for all his woodworking equipment: table saw, bench, racks of drills, hammers, handsaws, wrenches, and plenty of storage space for fresh wood and the like. At the back of the garage stood a door, behind the door, a room, and in that room were secrets. Locked away with only him and the stale air of the garage's workshop, those secrets grew, multiplied like mould in the dark, and he had a place where his wife would not disturb him; she left him to his business, and without her knowledge his rotten secrets, only coming out when he wanted her there. The man even installed a state-of-the-art security system for the entire property, including the garage, which came with intercoms; often, he would simply call his wife on the intercom to let her know it was fine to bring him
Last Updated: 2022-11-24
Chapter: Chapter 101
Back over under the Canopy and its branchy cover, Tommy and Brian stopped in an inlet of trees and alder bush. They were scared. Still, the boys were beyond determined to be done with the whole situation. Only trouble was neither of them, with all their heart, wanted to relinquish their hold on the money, those pieces of jewelry, all of that. Even as all the trouble of the world might perilously be wavering only inches above their heads, like one of those cartoons were an anvil hangs on a thread about the coyote's head, all Brian or Tom managed to see were the endless possibilities the contents of that bag could provide them; the images of a future path different than their own dominated them, overthrew those young and impressionable minds.“We could just toss the duffel bag in the woods someplace,” Brian remarked; half sure of himself, half kidding himself.The look gave his friend spoke enough on its own.“This is fucked up.”“We can't just get rid of it – not now,” Tom told him.“Y
Last Updated: 2022-11-24
Chapter: Chapter 100
Then, Staunch saw the wide birch shooting up near the lake's edge. His heart pumped in short bursts, rapid, and then short, slow again; a combination of nervous fear and the traces of meth still beating around in his brain. Alex stepped ahead of Staunch, who straddled behind wanting to stay but needing to follow. The hole sat only feet away now, closer with each and every stumble. Any minute now they would be right upon it. Stopped for a breath, frozen even in the pulsing rays of daylight, Staunch collected his emotions, his swollen and frayed nerves like wounded and exposed electrical wires, and he caught up to Alex . The two men stepped in around the birch alongside one another, with its hollowed middle, and Alex knelt, no words, at the edge of a roughly bore hole in the muggy earth; a hole where once they deposited all their stolen goods, a hole now empty, void.“Why'd you push me in the fuckin' trees like that?”“I just told ya,” Brian said, “there were people comin' and I di
Last Updated: 2022-11-24
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