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I love myself too much to risk it. I studied how he moved about his environment. He did something peculiar that intrigued me. He injected something into the dead bodies. Several moments later, the dead humans suddenly awoke and stood up. Whatever was inside that injection, I knew it was terrible and scary.For a moment, I believed he had found where I was hiding, but I was wrong. The mad scientist immediately takes out his frustrations on the revived beings. He kills them all over again. It revived through the dead. They did not possess their human thinking. No, their actions were delayed, lacking reasoning and understanding. Mindless beings that appeared to be waiting for orders.Pulling a machete out of his lab coat, he cuts them into pieces, while laughing silly and enjoying this madness. I cannot imagine what this lunatic would do to me if they captured me. Should he get closer, I was ready to shoot him. I heard he can dodge bullets like the fairies.I am not afraid of this madman
He jumps from tree to tree with extreme caution but precision and balance.While performing acrobatic moves like jumping off tree branches and sliding down sections of logs, he does not fall or slip.The boy soon lands on a thick branch-covered area, and something catches his attention.He sees a pretty young girl as he kneels down to get a closer look.The girl is being targeted by a group of four boys who appear to be older.The boy watches what's going on while hiding behind the leaves that provide cover.The kids are concentrating on the girl without realizing they are being observed.The boy weaves his way through the leaves.He hears mostly insults directed at the girl in their conversations.She punches one of the boys in the face out of frustration and boredom.His nose starts to bleed.She is shoved by another boy in retaliation.The girl tumbles to the ground.She is kicked back down as she tries to get up.The girl is ready to weep.She clenches her fists, ready to defend herself, and he
She needs to work out because her legs appear to be strong but not bulky.Therefore, she does exercise to keep her body the way it is.According to what Master Morgan has told Wesley and the stories that are told throughout Orallion Village, Amazon women possess beauty that is greater than that of normal women.They work out, train hard, and are stronger and healthier than the majority of men and women.In terms of body statistics, some people can shame others.They are strong, independent women who lack the manliness of men.Each treats members of their tribe with the utmost respect because they live as a whole community rather than in groups like Orallion Village.Wesley wonders if Jesse will eventually have a similar appearance to her.She says, bowing to him, "My name is Catherine, Wesley."I was also happy to meet you. You are very pretty, Lady Catherine.With the utmost respect, I mean this.He adds, "Jesse is very pretty too."“I'm grateful, Wesley.I'm glad you agree.I don't recall the
"Did she tell you the name of your mother?""Yes, Cherry is her name, just like the delicious fruit."“CHERRY!Cherry was the Amazons' Queen, Wesley!My mother worked under her and is extremely knowledgeable about her!"We are descendants of those Amazon women!" she exclaims.Wow, I had no idea it was that way.You are correct now that you have mentioned it.That is awesome!I want to be as beautiful and strong as my mother when I grow up.She is amazing, and she enjoys taking care of me.Jesse says it with a smile.I hope to discover the truth about my parents one day.Master Morgan also claims that he has knowledge of both my parents' lives up to a certain point.He responds, "Hmmm...you said something... well, I don't remember right now, but I'm sure it will come back later."He had no idea what he wanted to inquire about Master Morgan.“Jesse, let's go!We must carry on."She is assisted in getting up from her seat by Wesley, who extends his hand.They finally made it to the top much later.T
He hits them hard for a boy his age because of his training.He is faster and has the advantage because he is smaller.Soon after, the group has been defeated by Jesse and Wesley.After striking the girl in the stomach with a roundhouse kick, Jesse strikes her in the face with a powerful blow.Celesta starts to cry as she falls to the ground."How could this be?Celesta cries, "I should be stronger than you because I am older than you."Jesse responds, "Because you never trained in fighting like I have with Wesley."Celesta is in tears and says, "Damn you girl."The boys are also hurt and holding their stomachs and faces in agony.They are defeated and no longer want to fight them."Don't dare play games with us again."Celesta is being grabbed by the hair by Jesse.Celesta sobs in agony.You have no idea how humiliated I was by the actions of those boys.As a woman, I am entitled to self-defense at any time.I will go looking for you and your group if you and your group ever mess with me aga
Jesse comprehends and decides to follow through.If there's one thing the master despises, it's seeing a woman who can fight but can still defend herself.They are engaged in combat by Master Morgan near the waterfall at the cliff's edge.If Jesse knows how to use this to her advantage, she will prevail if Wesley loses focus on her dress or how she looks.But if Wesley is smart, he won't be bothered by her clothes or anything else he might look at."You can toss your opponent off the edge where they will fall into the water below," Master Morgan states as the outcomes for winning.Defeating your sparring partner is the only other strategy for victory.Therefore, this fight is real;Submissions are not permitted!The master would like to know how much they have gained from their education.Additionally, they must fight barefoot.At their fighting positions, they stand.It starts to rain soon.Master Morgan advises them to ignore the rain because it will make the environment more challenging for
He sees that the stew has green and yellow squash, carrots, yucca, cabbage, potatoes, celery, and garlic when they are served to the table.Additionally, the soup's flavor is enhanced by the inclusion of a variety of beef chunks.Salt had already been added by her.This will enhance the flavor.On the side of their bowls, Ashley adds a few extra lemons that have been cut in half.Additionally, the stew will have a different flavor if the lemons are squeezed into it.This soup is so beloved by Jesse and Wesley that they savor every last drop.Who knew that women from Amazon could cook?That was not mentioned in any book.They had a conversation about life between themselves.Wesley is asked what he wants to be when he grows up by Ashley.He doesn't know, but he hopes to know one day.She asks her daughter the same thing.Jesse responds that she wants to be as beautiful as her mother and play tennis.She enjoys both the game and the outfits.She also wants to be a model one day.Ashley promises to ass
During the first war, The Evil Knights wanted revenge on the council for labeling them as weird, senile, crazy, mad scientists, who wanted nothing more than to hurt humanity and not help it. That one scientist took it upon himself officially to be recognized as “The Mad Scientist”.When the Good Knights went on their missions, sometimes they were captured. Upon being taken prisoners, they became guinea pigs to further the rogue scientists’ experiments. While some managed to escape, they would reveal information about the locations of these hidden facilities located throughout unmarked regions away from the Orallion Kingdom. The ones who were not able to escape were injected with various viruses and chemicals. Most had intense, severe side effects.This virus was able to mutate a normal human, making it look like a monster with intense strength. The Evil Knights also began recruiting Good Knights who were unaware of the situation. Those who revealed the information helped the Good Kni
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Chapter 46
I love myself too much to risk it. I studied how he moved about his environment. He did something peculiar that intrigued me. He injected something into the dead bodies. Several moments later, the dead humans suddenly awoke and stood up. Whatever was inside that injection, I knew it was terrible and scary.For a moment, I believed he had found where I was hiding, but I was wrong. The mad scientist immediately takes out his frustrations on the revived beings. He kills them all over again. It revived through the dead. They did not possess their human thinking. No, their actions were delayed, lacking reasoning and understanding. Mindless beings that appeared to be waiting for orders.Pulling a machete out of his lab coat, he cuts them into pieces, while laughing silly and enjoying this madness. I cannot imagine what this lunatic would do to me if they captured me. Should he get closer, I was ready to shoot him. I heard he can dodge bullets like the fairies.I am not afraid of this madman
Chapter 45
You are in a way confusing the person, hypnotizing them, and installing a secret message into their subconsciousness. Their mind instantly picks it up and send it to memory. It will make you forget about what happened. As for the magic part, I cannot explain it to you.Making my way out of the laboratory, I decided to go eat something. I am craving my father’s homemade food. Then again, I can cook for myself. I miss his style of cooking. Father, let us have lunch together with mum again, please? I miss you two so much. You two are so close to me, yet so far away.See you soon...Time: PastWow! I have seen my parents train together to get ready for the tournament. Uncle Zane was a troublemaker back then I saw. He was dealing with his own issues. The way my parents trained with such dedication reminded me of the times when I would see them work out with each other. Yes, they trained together even after I was born. They respected each other and thought they would hit each other hard. Fa
Chapter 44
After eating our meal, we always stay and chat for a bit.“Father, I had a dream about my mother again.”“That is wonderful, Jill. I often dream of your mother as well. Just not as much as you have. What did she tell you this time?” he asks.Hearing me out, father never rejects speaking to me about her. He understands what we all have gone through and supports me. Even if it is to talk about a simple dream. It means so much to me. Without my father, I would not have anyone to speak with besides the fairies. I do value these conversations so much. Mother taught me good communication is essential to our daily lives. Especially within the family.“Mum told me that she loves us and to not give up. Also, that one day we would all be together again.”“Yes, Jill. I strongly believe that too,” he responds.“Father, Mum looked so beautiful. I felt her hold me in her arms as she would before when I was younger. I miss her.”Father stays quiet for a bit.“Mum also said that she loves us and woul
Chapter 43
Jill hears radio chatter within her earpiece hidden inside of her ear. The team is still under attack. There is nothing she can do right now, and even if she could, it is too risky to leave. Gazing into each other’s eyes, the Evil Knight wearing a cloak stands ready to strike Jill.She does not flinch, breathes normally, as Jill does not panic. Her stance is solid; she is ready to take this person down at all costs. Rushing towards ready to attack, Jill instead waits for him to get closer. Jill blocks and intercepts his sword, strikes only to be blocked and intercepted by him as well.The two-exchange powerful sword strikes, which end in a stalemate. The sound of ricocheting metal echoes through their swords, creating sparks. Jill is the one who strikes harder. She does not lose her temper. The person notices she is not scared of him. Jill is facing him like a staunch opponent. He thinks too many things about her he misses a strike. Jill seizes the opportunity, cutting him across his
Chapter 42
Around this time, a group of scientists on the good side created a time machine. They had to retrieve the plans for it. Unfortunately, because of the city being overwhelmed with Evil Knights, it was a stealth mission to get back into the school.This is where I learned all the ins and outs of our school. Father updated my communicator wristwatch. I had access to floors and hidden areas I never knew existed within the school.He carefully charted these areas before I was born, he stated. Father began telling me things about him, life in the past, the Good Knights, and everything he found out. I was careful in paying attention to every detail of the past.On our infiltration mission, my sister and I came across the files for the time-traveling mechanism. We studied them before surrendering the documents. We uploaded them to our database for backup purposes. The fairies looked at the files as well. It surprised them that humans found the solution to make time travel possible.Princess Ka
Chapter 41
You are wondering about my future, yes? It is not as interesting as you may believe.In the future, it will be a war zone. Here is what happened…Remembering these scenes through my memories is something I am still getting over. Talking about it helps, as my fairy friends stated and guided me through counseling.A Distant Memory of the Future Orallion City, leaving school…I was fifteen years old starting out my first year of high school. I took some extra classes over the summertime to advance myself in credits. It is not my fault the classes are not challenging. Father always said I am way too smart for my age. I had a lovely day at school. I paid attention to my classes and finished my homework during the last period. I wanted to enjoy and relax that afternoon with my friends. Towards the end of the day, upon exiting school grounds, I felt something strange, like a warning, a chilling sensation. Something bad was about to happen.I did not know at the time, but many explosion no
Chapter 40
She is hurt father. I have talked to her already. Give her time, dearie,” Jill says. “I believe just like you. You two are my family. Though there were tough times, we always found a way to get through together.”“Thank you, Jill. I am glad I have a cheerleader rooting for us,” he says.“I know you and mother will get back together. Maybe not right now, but I see it happening. Mother needs to realize that she needs you and me,” she says.Everyone decides to walk where Jolly is going. Princess Katherine flies towards Jolly hovering over her side.“What do you want, Katherine?”“You better watch your tone young lady. I unlike Wesley will knock you out,” the princess says standing in front of her.“I am sorry. I am just so angry,” Jolly says.“You should be thankful you are still alive. If you disrespect me again, I will not hesitate to put you in your place,” the fairy princess says.“Apologies, Princess Katherine,” Jolly bows expressing forgiveness.“Look into my eyes, Jolly,” the prin
Chapter 39
He remains calm for several moments. Within seconds, Zane performs his Zatenkukyo fist punch, damaging the metal pole. Jill comes by stating she wants to try something. Placing her hand outward with her fingers pointing to the pole, Jill performs a one-inch punch towards the pole. The pole shakes, wanting to tilt over. Zane is impressed with her skills.Princess Katherine walks to the pole, lifting it up out of the ground without making much effort. Everyone gets away from her. They know what she plans to do. She spins around one time, while holding onto the pole, and releases it. Traveling at a fast speed, it disappears into the sky.“Princess, where is that going to land?” Maya asks.“At the castle that is far away from here. I have let them know that we are here,” the princess replies.Searching around the area, they find nothing. It is a ghost town. No one is even here besides them. It feels a bit eerie due to the feeling someone may pop out of the side to attack them. The princes
Chapter 38
Before she could finish her sentence, a laser gun is heard going off injuring Wesley on his shoulder. He falls to his knees, holding his shoulder. He turns to see incoming fire, but the fairy princess is already there to stop the lasers in mid-air. There is a woman standing in front of them. She wears a tight black suit with a helmet that covers her face.Wesley holds his hand to his heart, feeling discomfort.“That is the woman we saw at the top of the mountain earlier,” Jorge says.Jill stares towards the woman. Her deep stare almost pierces through the black helmet.“If you have any guts, how about fighting me head-on instead of trying to cheap shot and kill me,” Wesley says, getting up.“I am ordered to kill you, Wesley. The others are of no interest to me. If you wish to fight, so be it. I have beaten you before, and I will beat you again.”Her voice seems distorted due to the helmet she wears.“No way…you can’t be…” Wesley worries.“Father…I think that is,” Jill says.“Reveal yo